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Curriculum Structure of PBA UIN Syarif HidayatullahJakarta

Curriculum Structure of PBA UIN Syarif HidayatullahJakarta

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This study aimed to analyze the pattern of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework-based curriculum development carried out by 5 best Arabic Language Department (PBA) of undergraduate programs –accredited A- in Indonesia. The method used was qualitative research covering document analysis, interviews, and observations that were applied, and fo...

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... Aipita, Ane, & Putra 2018);(Maba, 2016);(Muhammad & Ariani, 2020), this will also help students to be qualified with their profession, in line with(Ginaya,etc. 2018) in their research stated that the implementation of the KKNI helped Some graduates have shown their capability to successful professionals This means the waiting time for the graduates to get the first job is shorter, which can be a pride for both the graduates and the study program.Based on the results of development through needs analysis, 74.4% of respondents think that there is a need to adjust the RPS and 78.9% of the need for the development of teaching materials, in the development of tools that have been implemented in the form of (RPS) Semester Learning Plans adapted to The skills, methods and level of ability to apply scientific fields, and Internalization and (RTM) student assignment design in introductory geography courses through the steps of developing the ADDIE model that has met the criteria of validity. ...
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p> The development of learning tools is one of the efforts to improve the quality of education as an effort to provide complete and systematic learning tools. One of them is the development of learning tools including (RPS) Semester Learning Plans and (RTM) Student Assignment Designs according to the KKNI in introductory geography courses. The development of learning tools in this study used the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery, and Evaluations) model, with data collection instruments through questionnaires and validation sheets with descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the needs analysis showed that 74.4% needed an RPS adjustment and 78.9% needed the development of teaching materials in a social study program (PIPS), while the evaluation of the development validity (RPS) of Semester Learning obtained an average score of 3.59 while for the average instrument assessment (RTM) the Student Assignment Plan was obtained. the mean score is 3.75 with a mean value of 3.67 with valid criteria. These results indicate that the development of learning tools is following the KKNI and is ready to be implemented in learning activities. </p
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Indonesia's rapidly growing construction industry is a key economic driver, presenting both challenges and opportunities for graduates of the Building Engineering Education Program. Higher education plays a crucial role in developing competent human resources with the relevant knowledge, skills, and expertise to meet industry needs. This study maps the qualifications of technicians and analysts based on the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) in the construction sector and analyzes the alignment of competency units with Building Engineering Education State University of Jakarta course outcomes. The analysis of SKKNI data from 2024 found that out of 71 job levels in the building subclassification, 14 are for technicians or analysts at KKNI levels 4 to 6, but only 10 have detailed SKKNI documents. In the construction management classification, there are 39 job levels, with 16 for technicians/analysts, all with detailed SKKNI documents. The analysis indicates that 11 job levels are relevant to Building Engineering Education course outcomes, while two are not. Specifically, several job levels in both subclassifications are rated from Relevant to Very Relevant. To address curriculum gaps, recommendations include strengthening the existing curriculum and adding new courses. This study aims to provide a foundation for curriculum revitalization, ensuring Building Engineering Education graduates are competitive in the labor market and meet the evolving needs of the construction industry.
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