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Current and future limits on the ALP-photon coupling (a) and ALP-electron coupling (b). The blue bands show the 1 and 2 sensitivities from the Monte Carlo runs and the blue solid line the median. The black solid line in figure (b) represents the XENON1T limit at 90% C.L. [31] and the dark grey box highlights roughly the best-fit parameter space from Ref. [32].
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... as a black star, with mass = 7.1 keV and mixing angle sin 2 (2) = 7 × 10 −11 . We find that with an exposure time of = 2.5 ks, eROSITA will be sensitive to the 3.5 keV line and can even constrain the mixing angles up to nearly two orders of magnitude below the best-fit at = 7.1 keV. The sensitivity of eROSITA to the photon coupling is shown in Fig. 2a, where the best-fit for the 3.5 keV line is indicated by the black star. Even though recent work found no evidence for an unassociated X-ray line [8], in which the current X-ray limits are shown as the grey shaded area (see [8,[23][24][25][26][27][28][29]), eROSITA will be able to probe a region of the parameter space not yet excluded ...
Context 2
... we test if eROSITA will be able to probe the parameter space relevant for the observed XENON1T excess, which has been observed to be most prominent at ALP mass of = 2-3 keV and electron coupling ∼ 10 −13 . An anomaly-free ALP model is adopted, for which the expected sensitivity is presented in Fig. 2b. The excluded region based on X-ray observations are in grey, and indeed, we probe a parameter space not yet constrained [8,[23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. The expected sensitivity of Athena taken from Ref. [30] show comparable sensitivity, as shown as the red dashed dotted line. The black solid line shows the XENON1T limit at 90% CL ...
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