Cumulative curves of covered demand from different learning policies.

Cumulative curves of covered demand from different learning policies.

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Mobility service route design requires potential demand information to well accommodate travel demand within the service region. Transit planners and operators can access various data sources including household travel survey data and mobile device location logs. However, when implementing a mobility system with emerging technologies, estimating de...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... truth and prior data for this case study are provided in Figure 9 shows cumulative curves of covered demand in 15 scenarios with 3 flow variation levels. Every scenario is simulated 100 times. ...
Context 2
... such, we can conclude that performances of learning policies are mainly affected by network attributes other than level of flow variation. Figure 10 is the plot indicating gap between performance of 50-percentiles of the learning policies and the CR reference policy curves in Figure 9. There is no firm consistency observed in the order of performance, and incorporating learning in system design even deteriorates the performance in some scenarios. ...