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Critical Success Factor of Blended Learning for English Training.

Critical Success Factor of Blended Learning for English Training.

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... Vários pesquisadores destacam a necessidade de fundamentar o BL na pedagogia (KERRES; WITT, 2003;GRAHAM, 2006, VAUGHAN, 2010CABERO, 2012;MARTÍNEZ, 2012;PUTRI;LUKE;SELA, 2019;MESTAN, 2019). Ademais, até agora o foco das instituições é o desenvolvimento do potencial da tecnologia digital e fornecimento de conteúdo, sendo fatores críticos para a adoção do BL dimensões pedagógicas, tais como o design do curso, o modelo instrucional e os métodos de ensino e aprendizagem. ...
... Vários pesquisadores destacam a necessidade de fundamentar o BL na pedagogia (KERRES; WITT, 2003;GRAHAM, 2006, VAUGHAN, 2010CABERO, 2012;MARTÍNEZ, 2012;PUTRI;LUKE;SELA, 2019;MESTAN, 2019). Ademais, até agora o foco das instituições é o desenvolvimento do potencial da tecnologia digital e fornecimento de conteúdo, sendo fatores críticos para a adoção do BL dimensões pedagógicas, tais como o design do curso, o modelo instrucional e os métodos de ensino e aprendizagem. ...
... Vários pesquisadores destacam a necessidade de fundamentar o BL na pedagogia (KERRES; WITT, 2003;GRAHAM, 2006, VAUGHAN, 2010CABERO, 2012;MARTÍNEZ, 2012;PUTRI;LUKE;SELA, 2019;MESTAN, 2019). Ademais, até agora o foco das instituições é o desenvolvimento do potencial da tecnologia digital e fornecimento de conteúdo, sendo fatores críticos para a adoção do BL dimensões pedagógicas, tais como o design do curso, o modelo instrucional e os métodos de ensino e aprendizagem. ...
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Este estudo explora o uso do conceito BL na literatura científica e revisa oito modelos pedagógicos BL. Um único modelo 'prescrito' não atende a todos os cenários de aprendizado sendo importante ter conhecimento das diversas possibilidades que os modelos já implementados podem nos oferecer. Os modelos apresentados ao longo do texto foram: Modelo BL 3-C de Kerres e Witt, Modelo BL de três fases da aprendizagem de Roberts, Modelo BL flexível e cíclico de andaimes de Wenger e Ferguson, Modelo BL comunidade de inquirição de Garrison e Vaughan, Modelo BL de comunicação estratégica de Peñalosa, Modelos BL de Staker e Horn, Modelo de BL MoSal-b de Vásquez, Active Blended Learning (ABL), Universidade de Northampton. Destaca-se que ainda precisamos avançar no aporte pedagógico para garantir a interação e intencionalidade das atividades pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas instituições. O BL é uma alternativa do tempo presente que cresce a cada dia, e nesse novo cenário de isolamento social torna-se uma alterativa efetiva para atender os novos modos de ensinar e aprender.
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Blended learning has gained increasing popularity in colleges and universities with mixed results. Precision teaching can effectively promote learning performance. The relation between perceived precision teaching (PPT) and the learning performance of college students in a blended learning environment is investigated in this paper. In the research survey is featuring a structural model, 256 college students who attended blended learning courses featuring precision teaching participated. The model results revealed that PPT is directly and positively related to self-efficacy and learning motivation. Self-efficacy and learning motivation are directly and positively related to cognitive, teaching, and social presence. Additionally, cognitive, teaching, and social presence are directly and positively related to learning performance. Therefore, PPT is remotely and indirectly related to learning performance. These findings provide a new perspective for the theoretical study on blended learning performance and provide a realistic reference for precision teaching practice in the blended learning environment.
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Blended or hybrid learning is a new trend in an educational process that combines face-to-face classes with online learning. It can be performed in two ways. The first one is when some students attend the class in person, while others join virtually. The second form of blended education is when some lectures are taught at school, while others are online. The reason why blended learning has become a popular method of education is that it fuses the best aspects of the in-person and online educational process. This provides students with an option to select the type of learning that suits them the most. The pandemic unmasked that Millennials or Generation Y (digital natives i.e., the generation becoming adults around the new millennium and widely familiar with the online space – using the internet, social media, or any technical devices related) has brought their own vision of the “dream work” and pushed the employees to a new era of labor business. This generation was followed by Generation Z, also known as the Homeland Generation (Carter, 2018), with their own expectations and visions of the role of education in their life asking the schools to interlink their studies to real professional life using digital devices. It is necessary to adapt to this generation and make students involved in the creation of the content of their education, while teachers remain in the positions of tutors or coaches. One of the best practices to design a suitable educational process for Generation Z, which we have experienced is a blended form of the teaching-learning process. Regarding the relationship of the current generation of students to technology, it is necessary to focus on innovative teaching methods and resources that we can use not only in the online world. However, at the same time, it is crucial to pay attention to the quality of the content, because it is not only important how, but also what students learn. According to the World Economic Forum (2020), the key skills to acquire for today’s job market are analytical and innovative thinking; active learning and learning strategies; comprehensive problem solving; critical thinking and analysis, creativity; originality and initiative; leadership and social influence; technology use, monitoring, and control; technology design and programming; resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility; argumentative skills, problem-solving, and imagination. It is obvious that universities must adapt to new trends, market demands, and students’ needs and expectations. One of the school’s tasks is to prepare young people for their future professional lives in an increasingly technological society. Teachers, therefore, need to have a wide range of new, modern, and innovative approaches to teaching. However, we must admit that innovations are literally dependent on the motivation of teachers and their efforts to teach traditional content differently. Innovative methods together with modern technologies offer a wide range of the current teaching-learning process. For Slovak universities, this implies the need to provide the premises with the new technical equipment needed to achieve this goal, as even after three years most departments and faculties are not technically equipped. Research regarding the impact of the distance form on the quality of education has already been carried out in Slovakia (Hučková, 2022), however, they were rather of a local nature, or focused on primary (e.g., Javorčíková et al., 2021) and secondary education (Methodological and pedagogical center; Center of educational analysis etc.) while focusing on social isolation of the students. The presented monograph introduces the results of the original research realized in four universities in Slovakia. The research sample consists of 160 students (undergraduates or graduates). The focus was put on implementing a hybrid form of the educational process as a trend in 21st-century school. The research was carried out using an online questionnaire, which focused on socio-affective area. The research showed that more than 70 % of respondents consider the hybrid form of education as a suitable one and a direction that 21st-century education will take.
O estudo apresenta os resultados da implementação de um modelo pedagógico de blended learning (MPB-L) na disciplina de comunicação efetiva, ofertado em 26 campi de uma universidade chilena. O desenho MPB-L é caracterizado por seus componentes teóricos e práticos, que responde primeiramente ao modelo educacional institucional cuja abordagem é baseada na competência, e em segundo lugar, às exigências atuais para o ensino superior no que permeia à integração da tecnologia no processo de ensino e aprendizagem e a necessidade de novas abordagens metodológicas. Desse modo, essas novas abordagens visam favorecer a ampliação da aula presencial que é potencializada pela utilização de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. As atividades do presencial ao on-line são baseadas na teoria da atividade e projetadas de acordo com a disciplina de ensino, oferecendo assim variadas oportunidades guiadas para desenvolver graus de práticas de autonomia crescente, sendo o aluno um protagonista ativo e o professor um líder mediador e desenhador das situações de aprendizagem. Os resultados do estudo quantitativo são obtidos com a aplicação de um questionário on-line a uma amostra de 1066 estudantes distribuídos em todos os campi da universidade. O estudo mostra um alto grau de aprendizado percebido pelos alunos sobre habilidades instrumentais, tecnológicas e interpessoais, bem como uma alta correlação com variáveis do trabalho acadêmico dos estudantes. Além disso, é percebida uma alta valoração do papel do professor em liderar o processo de integração de tecnologia na aprendizagem, uma vez que a tecnologia em si tem pouco valor educativo, podendo amplificar a intenção pedagógica de design instrucional e do professor. Conclui-se que há necessidade de os alunos ajustarem suas expectativas em relação ao seu papel e ao papel dos docentes, para que eles assumam um papel ativo de maior autonomia e colaboração nos processos de aprendizagem.