Figure 7 - uploaded by Faez Sayahi
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Cracking severity versus the measured average crack area, according to the new model and based on the data reported by (Ghourchian et al., 2018) from (Sayahi et al., 2019) Maritz (2012) investigated the plastic shrinkage cracking of VC by focusing on evaporation and bleeding. He also used a mold manufactured according to (ASTM C 1579, 2013). The quantified crack areas are plotted in Fig. 8 versus the calculated C s . The difference in the values of the measured crack areas, in Fig. 6 to Fig. 8, is caused by the variation of the restrain degree, since different molds were used in the above mentioned studies. Thus, it should be remarked that the new model is only applicable on a group of equally retrained specimens.
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... the cracking tendency. (2018) studied the influence of different Portland and blended cements on the cracking of plastic vibrated concrete (VC), during which they used an (ASTM C 1579-13, 2013) mold. By applying the model on the reported data by (Ghourchian et al., 2018), a linear correlation between the crack area and C s was detected, see Fig. 7. Thus, it was concluded that the model is applicable for both SCC and VC. Maritz (2012) investigated the plastic shrinkage cracking of VC by focusing on evaporation and bleeding. He also used a mold manufactured according to (ASTM C 1579(ASTM C , 2013). The quantified crack areas are plotted in Fig. 8 versus the calculated C s ...
Context 2
... by comparing the value of C s in SCC (Fig. 6) to that of VC ( Fig. 7 and Fig. 8), it can be seen that C s depends also on the concrete type. SCC has relatively lower bleeding capacity compared to VC, based on which the observed dependency of C s may be explained. Accordingly, the new model gives higher values of C s for SCC in comparison to VC, which confirms that mixtures of high cement content are ...
Context 3
... the cracking tendency. (2018) studied the influence of different Portland and blended cements on the cracking of plastic vibrated concrete (VC), during which they used an (ASTM C 1579-13, 2013) mold. By applying the model on the reported data by (Ghourchian et al., 2018), a linear correlation between the crack area and C s was detected, see Fig. 7. Thus, it was concluded that the model is applicable for both SCC and VC. Maritz (2012) investigated the plastic shrinkage cracking of VC by focusing on evaporation and bleeding. He also used a mold manufactured according to (ASTM C 1579(ASTM C , 2013). The quantified crack areas are plotted in Fig. 8 versus the calculated C s ...
Context 4
... by comparing the value of C s in SCC (Fig. 6) to that of VC ( Fig. 7 and Fig. 8), it can be seen that C s depends also on the concrete type. SCC has relatively lower bleeding capacity compared to VC, based on which the observed dependency of C s may be explained. Accordingly, the new model gives higher values of C s for SCC in comparison to VC, which confirms that mixtures of high cement content are ...
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