Figure 8 - uploaded by Samuel Egwunatum
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Costs and values of qualities

Costs and values of qualities

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Purpose Lack of strict compliance to the principles of total quality management (TQM) by construction organizations has brought about poor quality of the finished building projects. This has been blamed for the incessant structural failure reported in Nigeria. This study appraised TQM implementation in the Nigerian construction industry, with a vie...

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Context 1
... quality by clients in a construction project goes with the burden of cost (Anil and Satish, 2017). Shankar (2004), Mahmood et al. (2006) and Hoonakker (2011) have been able to show such cost and quality relationship in construction project context with the aim of reporting the quality or properties that are right for a specific purpose and profit domains in respect of client value and contractor's wealth maximization objective, as shown in Figures 3-8. The survival of contracting organizations in a hostile economic environment, toward client's complete satisfaction in terms of quality according to Bajaj et al. (2018) and foundationally Hillebrandt (2000), requires meeting the client's need in every respect, which includes quality at a cost the client is ready to pay and availability of quality when required. ...


... Ultimately, insufficient training and growth in TQM procedures might hinder its efficient execution [78]. Managers and staff may possess insufficient skills or knowledge to implement TQM principles, thus hindering the effectiveness of quality enhancement plans [79]. These problems underscore the need to address both technical and cultural dimensions in the adoption of TQM, ensuring that businesses are sufficiently equipped to surmount these obstacles and effectively incorporate TQM into existing management frameworks. ...
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The construction sector is increasingly shifting towards sustainable and efficient methodologies, with the industrialized building system (IBS) playing a pivotal role in this transformation. Despite this, the adoption of total quality management (TQM) in IBS projects faces significant challenges, including a lack of comprehensive understanding of TQM standards and resistance to change within the industry. This study addresses these gaps by developing a comprehensive framework for implementing TQM in sustainable IBS construction projects. The objective is to enhance project quality and sustainability by addressing critical issues such as limited stakeholder awareness and opposition to TQM adoption. Using qualitative methodology rooted in phenomenology, this study explores the lived experiences of key stakeholders involved in IBS projects, including project managers, construction professionals, and government officials. Data were collected through in-depth interviews to capture their perspectives on TQM integration in the IBS context. The findings highlight the crucial role of TQM in fostering continuous improvement, enhancing stakeholder collaboration, and ensuring adherence to quality standards throughout the project lifecycle. The proposed framework incorporates essential TQM principles such as process optimization, employee engagement, and customer focus, providing a structured approach to overcoming the barriers to effective implementation. Furthermore, the framework promotes sustainability by reducing waste and improving energy efficiency in IBS projects. This study offers valuable insights for construction professionals, policymakers, and industry stakeholders, presenting practical solutions to improve the quality and sustainability of IBS construction. Leadership, cultural transformation, and continuous improvement are identified as key factors for successful TQM integration, ultimately leading to more efficient and sustainable building processes in the construction industry.
... Continues improvement is one of the CSFs for implementation of TQM in Malaysia [22]. One of the important factors for implementing TQM is the continues improvement of everything in the organization which means they should have new core competencies or sharing innovative ideas [23]. This process of continues improvement includes the improvement in the environmental aspect. ...
... It was found that the one of the CSFs for implementing TQM within any construction company is the continues supervision for all works in the construction site and making sure that all works have been done according to the requirements of the quality and with this strategy they can avoid the redoing of the work which can lead also to reducing waste and using only the required amount of water [23]. construction companies should make their workers learn how to do the self-inspection for the work that they done and then the supervisor or the inspection team should check the work whether if it is done according to the requirements or needs to be redone again [20]. ...
... The management need to encourage employee to implement TQM either by recognition or incentives to ensure employee motivation. Bad communication between the top management and the team that supervises the construction site which will lead to potential mistakes and the unsatisfactory of the client or the owner and the same apply for sharing the information in time [23]. Ignoring the inspection process at every stage to make sure that the work has been done with the required quality is one of the factors that affect the implementation of quality management [13]. ...
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In today’s construction industry, being environmentally conscious and maintaining high quality are more important than ever. This study looks at how integrating environmental awareness with Total Quality Management (TQM) can improve construction projects. By reviewing various literature, effective strategies can be identified for making construction more eco-friendly while still meeting high-quality standards. The findings show that combining environmental sustainability practices with TQM can lead to better project results, such as less environmental damage, higher efficiency, and more satisfied stakeholders. It has been concluded that a combined approach of environmental awareness and TQM is crucial for sustainable construction and long-term industry success. This research was done using narrative review method. The related keywords have been used to narrow down the results to twenty-nine literature which was carefully reviewed and discussed.
... Bantu siswa untuk melihat bagaimana keterampilan yang mereka pelajari dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan mereka, termasuk studi, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, dan waktu luang. Berikan contoh dari profesional di berbagai bidang yang berhasil mengelola waktu mereka dengan baik dan berbagi tips praktis tentang bagaimana mereka mencapai kesuksesan (Egwunatum et al., 2022). ...
... Understanding the significance of TQM's impact on construction project performance in Eti-Osa cannot be overstated, given the construction sector's significant role in Nigeria's economic growth (Tunji-Olayeni et al., 2018;Giang and Sui Pheng, 2011;Oxford Business Group, 2023). Studying the application of TQM in Nigeria might offer important perspectives for industry stakeholders and regulators alike, leading to evidence-based policies that benefit the entire sector (Egwunatum et al., 2021;Ayandele and Akpan, 2019). Insights gained from Eti-Osa could inform interventions across Nigeria, as it mirrors the broader construction challenges faced in the country. ...
... An examination of prior research (Abdullahi et al., 2019;Egwunatum et al., 2021;Ahaotu, 2019;Jimoh et al., 2016) emphasises the importance of quality management and shows a substantial gap in study addressing the influence of TQM principles on project performance. ...
... While TQM principles are widely recognized in construction globally and locally, there exists a noticeable deficit in empirical studies specifically assessing how these practices influence construction projects in Eti-Osa. Most prior research (Olaleye et al., 2019;Jimoh et al., 2019;Okuntade, 2015;Egwunatum et al., 2021;Arditi and Gunaydin, 1997;Agha, 2007) and those by (Yusuf, Gunasekaran, and Dan, 2007;Pheng and Teo, 2004;Rahman and Bullock, 2005) has primarily focused on broader national or global contexts, overlooking the unique characteristics and challenges of specific localities like Eti-Osa local government area. ...
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The study examines the impact of Total Quality Management (TQM) on construction project performance in the Eti-Osa Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria. It evaluates six practices from the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) framework: Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Workforce Focus, Operation Focus, and Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management. The results show that all six MBNQA practices positively impacted project performance, indicating that TQM significantly influences project outcomes. The study offers practical recommendations for construction firms and practitioners to better understand the link between TQM and project performance.
... By using these quality management practices, an organization will cooperate with suppliers to thrive with cooperative interdependence [20] . The concept of important quality management practices in supplier management practices has been proposed and supported by Egwunatum, S. I., Anumudu, A. C., Eze, E. C., & Awodele, I. A. [21] . As a result, the fifth hypothesis for this study is as follows: ...
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In view the stiff competitiveness of Malaysia hotel industry, this research to assess the difference on hotel’s innovation performance based on hotel’s demographic(RO1) and to evaluate the relationship between QMSP and innovation performance in Malaysia hotel industry(RO2). Seven common quality management system practices (QMSP) were identified from literature review, which are leadership, customer focus, employee management, supplier management, process management, quality control and continuous improvement. The study is quantitative based, questionnaire was sent to 135 hotels in Malaysia, and 43 responded. Data collected was analyzed via ANOVA test(for RO1) and Pearson Correlation analysis(for RO2). Research finding revealed that there is significant difference on innovation performance based on hotel’s size in term of number of workers. Additionally, all the QMSP are significantly correlated with innovation performance. This research denotes a practical implication to Malaysia hotel industry by identified the important and significant QMSP for innovation performance. Furthermore, the results could replicate the methodology used in this research in other service industries and process innovation.
... However, the academic literature focusing on the implementation of sustainable development goals in construction projects is still limited (Gade and Madsen 2020). The majority of construction Companies in Nigeria are confronted with the challenge of implementing a high-quality building plan that will meet the demands of the owner at a low and effective cost while ensuring that they continue in business without incurring debt (Egwunatum et al. 2021). ...
... Top management needs to play the role of organizing every strategy and activity around the needs and expectations of the customers. It is responsible for developing a culture with a high rate of employee engagement (Egwunatum et al. 2021). Researchers have found some of TQM's benefits, which demonstrate strong evidence that TQM can improve organizational effectiveness, adaptability, and competitiveness and build an optimistic mindset while creating a culture of continuous improvement (Sader et al. 2019). ...
... When a company adopts sufficient project cost controls, risk is reduced and the full benefits of project completion are realized (Ebekozien, 2020). Egwunatum, Anumudu, Eze, & Awodele (2021) sert that controlling expenses entails sticking to a budget that is based on cost projections. The work scope and the cost of each accomplished task make up these estimates' two main parts. ...
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The success of any construction project largely depends on the ability to manage project costs effectively. However, cost control in the Nigerian construction industry is characterized by numerous issues such as inadequate planning, poor communication, lack of accountability, and corruption. This conceptual review aims to examine the current state of project cost control in the Nigerian construction industry, identify the key factors affecting cost control, and provide insights into possible solutions to these challenges. The Nigerian construction industry has been plagued with cost overruns, delays, and poor project performance, which have led to a significant waste of resources and financial loss. The findings of this review will be useful to stake-holders in the construction industry, including project managers, policymak-ers, and researchers, and will help to improve the cost management practices in the Nigerian construction industry. The study reveals that ineffective cost control strategies, poor project planning, and inadequate monitoring and control systems are major issues affecting project cost control in Nigeria. The review also highlights the need for a shift towards more proactive and integrated cost control approaches, as well as the adoption of emerging technologies in project cost control. Ultimately, this study provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by project managers in controlling project costs in the Nigerian construction industry and offers recommendations for improving project cost control practices.
... Results of prioritization stated that lack of top management commitment and participation is the most critical inhibitor, followed by lack of continuous training and then lack of participation and reluctance of employees. In another piece of research, Egwunatum et al. (2022) investigated the implementation of the TQM in the Nigerian construction industry with the aim of reducing the structural failure rate of construction projects. Data analysis was conducted through the frequency analysis method, mean values and Pareto analysis. ...
Purpose In today’s age of globalization, every industry puts well-determined efforts toward surviving in the market. Industries are well aware of the fact that offering quality products and improving customer satisfaction is the strategic decision toward successful outcomes. During the recent years, food companies have undergone remarkable growth and development worldwide. In the Middle East, with a wide variety of demand and range of cultures, Iran is leading the food industries and possessed a top position of paramount importance. The present research aims to identify and prioritize barriers to implementing total quality management (TQM) in the Solico Food and Beverage Production Group (SFBPG) as a case study. Design/methodology/approach Firstly, an initial list of barriers is prepared based on a literature review. The identified barriers are then classified into four groups namely behavioral, technical-structural, human and cultural and strategic barriers based on the viewpoint of an expert team at a well-known food company. Secondly, the barriers are prioritized by adopting a special approach to multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) called the Group Best-Worst Method (GBWM). Findings The obtained results reveal that the most substantial barriers prohibiting the successful implementation of TQM are lack of top management commitment and participation (0.334), high organizational burnout rate (0.128), instability and frequent changes of senior managers (0.123). Originality/value In general, this research has ranked the barriers from the most important one to the least significant instance. Additionally, this can enable managers and practitioners in the food industry to make worthy decisions and suggest multiple solutions to cope with obstacles to the successful implementation of TQM.
... It has had a substantial impact on enhancing the quality of products or services and has become a generally embraced method. Egwunatum et al (2022) performed research that defines TQM as the comprehensive management of several activities and processes aimed at guaranteeing the delivery of superior goods and services. Researchers have used several definitions of Total Quality Management (TQM), all focused on the pursuit of exceptional quality, cultivating favourable mindsets and mechanisms to enhance staff productivity, and optimising customer happiness via heightened efficiency and effectiveness. ...
... The identified challenges align with existing literature, emphasizing the importance of knowledge, expertise, and adherence to standards in effective risk management (Egwunatum et al., 2022). The data collectively underscores the importance of addressing knowledge gaps, enhancing expertise levels, and promoting adherence to operational standards as essential strategies for overcoming challenges in implementing efficient risk management techniques in construction projects. ...
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The construction industry in every nation is essential to the growth of the economy and its development. The industry is characterized by complex projects, unpredictable variables, and is dependent on many different stakeholders, which subject projects in this sector to a variety of risks that can have a significant impact on project delivery. Risks in construction projects in Nigeria can lead to cost overruns, schedules not being met, and low quality of the project. The concept of risk management involves the management of identified risks which reduces the likelihood of their occurrence and the consequences of adverse risks. A project may be delivered or deemed successful, but not meet the project performance objectives. The Nigerian construction industry has undergone incredible growth and progress; however, there have been numerous challenges that have prevented project performance, such as a lack of expertise, knowledge gaps, and a drought of experienced personnel. The study examines the various risk management practices and their impact on construction project performance. Project performance implies that the project objectives are met in terms of cost, schedule, and quality. A survey research method was adopted using a questionnaire as the primary instrument for data collection on a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire was designed to collect data relating to risk management's impact on project performance. The questionnaires were also designed to collect data on risk identification as a risk management practice and its impact on project performance. A total of 85 questionnaires were administered and analyzed. The results from the study indicate a strong relationship between risk management practices and project performance.