Fig 6 - uploaded by Richard P. J. H. Struijk
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Corridor with egg-laying places and tree-stump wall in order to increase densities of reptiles and guidance towards the herpetoduct. Photo: R. Struijk. Blick auf den Korridor mit Eiablageplätzen und einer Abgrenzung mit Baumstümpfen, um die Reptiliendichte zu erhöhen und als Orientierungshilfe Richtung Herpetodukt.
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A loss of habitat connectivity is often caused by roads. In order to mitigate isolation effects crossing structures such as culverts are frequently used. Because herpetofauna in particular is vulnerable to the negative aspects of habitat fragmentation, functioning crossing structures are of utmost importance. However, little is known about their us...
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Context 1
... sunny and suitable habitat for reptiles has developed. In order to increase the guidance from the heathland areas towards the herpetoduct, these are linked by means of the tree-stump wall. This measures from ca. 25 m on the east side to 50 m on the west side. Egg-laying places (open sandy soils) for L. agilis have been created in the corridors ( fig. ...
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... During the last ten years a significant number of publications appeared on the management veengebieden voor reptielen, waaronder de adder. Een reeks van aanbevolen literatuur omvat: Lenders et al. (2002), Strijbosch (2002), Lenders (2004), Stumpel (2004), Van Uchelen (2006), Van Delft (2009) (Struijk, 2011;Struijk et al., 2014). ...
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Litteratura Serpentium 35(1): 29-54.
Vipera berus in the Netherlands.