Table 2 - uploaded by Lamar Pierce
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Source publication
This paper investigates the impact of a corporate wellness program on worker productivity using a panel of objective health and productivity data from 111 workers in five laundry plants. Although almost 90% of companies use wellness programs, existing research has focused on cost savings from insurance and absenteeism. We find productivity improvem...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... of this broader definition of sickness, and because our sample is almost exclusively low-income workers who have higher rates of illness than the general population, this higher sickness rate is not surprising. Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for our main variables of interest, and Table 2 provides correlations for the final sample. Note that Table 1 is at the worker-day level, which matches our regressions; the statistics above on overall rates of sickness are at the worker level. ...
Context 2
... models all use the independent doctor assessments to define the Sick and Better variables; to be defined as Sick, all three doctors must judge a given employee to be sick based on data from the initial blood draw. Appendix Table A2 shows the same models using the doctors' collective scale to define the Sick and Better variables, and the results are highly similar. ...
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... To address these issues, the authors recommend creating supportive work environments with flexible schedules, skill development opportunities, and open communication [22]. Investing in developer well-being can improve performance and retention rates, benefiting organizations by fostering a resilient and productive workforce capable of meeting modern software development demands [23]. ...
The software development industry in Sri Lanka has experienced rapid growth in recent years. However, this growth has been accompanied by a concerning rise in software defects, highlighting the pressing need for improved software quality. Amidst evolving technological landscapes and shifting user demands, organizations face the challenge of delivering high-quality software within tight deadlines. Despite the adoption of Agile development methods for their flexibility, the presence of redundant procedures within projects presents significant obstacles for developers. This study investigates the impact of these redundant procedures on software projects from the perspective of developers in Sri Lanka. While previous research has underscored the adverse effects of work stress on mental health and job satisfaction, there exists a gap in understanding the specific challenges faced by developers in navigating these redundancies.
Drawing on empirical evidence and theoretical insights, this research examines developers' experiences, challenges, and strategies for managing redundant procedures. The results reveal that redundant procedures significantly reduce developer productivity and negatively affect job satisfaction and mental well-being. By exploring the nuances of different software development contexts and proposing effective mitigation techniques, this study aims to enhance developer satisfaction and overall project success within the Sri Lankan software industry.
... The decrease in physical activity indicated by 49.7% of participants emphasizes the importance of workplace programs that promote physical exercise. Evidence from workplace wellness programs suggests that including short exercise breaks or offering access to on-site fitness facilities can boost physical activity and improve overall well-being [23,24]. This strategy can be especially useful in high-stress settings like emergency rooms. ...
The impact of lifestyle changes on the physical and mental health of emergency medicine staff has been a topic of increasing concern due to its effect on healthcare quality. This study aimed to assess the impact of lifestyle changes on emergency medicine staff's physical and mental health and their association with well-being at a major tertiary hospital.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in December 2023 using an online questionnaire targeting Emergency Department (ED) staff in Prince Sultan Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The data were analyzed using SPSS software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY), with a Spearman correlation test and simple linear regression analysis used to determine the relationship between variables.
The study included 149 participants, primarily male (59.7%) and predominantly within the age group of 30-39 years (59.1%). The sample consisted of ED nurses, residents, consultants, and paramedics, with over half having more than five years of experience in emergency medicine. Lifestyle changes were evident among participants, with 60.4% reporting worsened sleep patterns, 49.7% engaging in less physical activity, and 56.4% reporting poorer eating habits after joining the ED. Well-being assessments revealed moderate well-being scores (mean = 11.7 ± 5.61), with substantial variability in emotional states. Factors such as night sleep quality, physical activity, and nutrition were significantly correlated with well-being, with night sleep quality showing the strongest positive correlation (rho = 0.349, p < 0.001). Night sleep quality, nutritional intake, and physical activity are significant predictors of well-being, with night sleep quality being the strongest predictor (R2 = 0.122, F = 20.39, p < 0.001).
The study underscores the need for targeted interventions to address lifestyle challenges faced by ED personnel, particularly focusing on improving sleep quality, promoting regular physical activity, and encouraging healthier nutritional habits.
... Mindezekből kifolyólag a munkahelyi egészségfejlesztési és jólléti programok nemcsak az egyén egészségi állapotának javulását segíthetik elő, hanem a szervezet termelékenységét is növelhetik (Szabó, & Juhász, 2019;Ozminkowski et al., 2016;Hendriksen et al., 2016;Gubler et al., 2017). Az egészségesebb munkavállalók fizikailag és mentálisan jobban teljesítenek rövidtávon, egészségtudatosabbá válnak, hatékonyabbak, termelékenyebbek, elégedettebbek és lojálisabbak lesznek (Szabó, & Juhász, 2019). ...
A tanulmány a munkavállalói jóllét komplex jelenségét és szervezeti mutatókra gyakorolt hatásait mutatja be a vonatkozó szakirodalom és kutatások áttekintése révén. Napjaink környezeti, gazdasági, technológiai, társadalmi és ebből fakadó munkaerőpiaci változásai a munkavállalói jóllét fókuszba helyezését hívják elő. Kutatások szerint a munkahelyek jelentős szerepet játszanak a munkavállalók jóllétének alakulásában. A munkaerő jelen és jövőbeli fenntarthatóságának meghatározó eleme a munkavállalói jóllét kérdése mind szervezeti, mind pedig gazdasági és társadalmi szinten. A munkavállalók fizikai, mentális és szociális körülményeinek alakulása pedig hatással van a szervezetek gazdasági teljesítményére és a társadalom általános fizikai, mentális egészségi állapotán keresztül a makrogazdaság versenyképességére is. Ezért lényeges megérteni, hogy milyen szervezeti kimenetei lehetnek a munkavállalói jóllét fejlesztésének vagy hiányának. A tanulmány ismerteti a releváns jólléttel kapcsolatos megközelítéseket az általános modelleken át a munkával kapcsolatos jóllét koncepciójáig. Jelen tanulmány elsősorban a szervezetek szempontjából tekinti át a különböző kutatási eredményeket, azzal a céllal, hogy a munkavállalói jóllét fejlesztésének szervezetre gyakorolt hatása milyen kimeneti mutatókban érhető tetten. A humánerőforrás-menedzsment és egészségfejlesztési gyakorlatok munkavállalói jóllétre és kimeneti tényezőkre gyakorolt hatásán keresztül a tanulmány a szervezeti és gazdasági szempontokat mutatja be, rávilágítva a munkavállalók bio-pszicho-szociális jóllétének jelentőségére.
... Lastly, only one study attempted to investigate the effects of HIT on work-related performance. Health-promotion programmes might allow employers economic savings (US$3.48 and US$5.82, respectively, for health care and absenteeism, per each dollar invested in health promotion interventions) [84], and in addition, healthy workers have been shown to be 4-10% more productive than non-healthy ones [85]. Consequently, future studies should implement measures to estimate the financial impact of exercise-related interventions on companies and raise the awareness of the employers about workers' health. ...
Workplace exercise interventions showed good results, but lack of time was often reported as a barrier to participation. To overcome this problem, several studies attempted to implement short high-intensity interval training (HIT) within the workplace.
The aim of this systematic review is to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of HIT interventions within the workplace setting.
Data sources
A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed and SPORTDiscus to identify articles related to HIT within the workplace.
Study eligibility criteria
Only interventions that consisted of HIT programmes within the workplace and tested at least one physiological, psychological, or work-related outcome were included.
Seven studies (317 participants) met the inclusion criteria. HIT interventions lasted 6–12 weeks, with a frequency of 2–4 sessions/week and a duration of 8–30 min per session. Feasibility was qualitatively investigated in four studies, with key positive aspects reported for HIT time-appeal, the sense of competence driven by individual intensity, and improved intention to exercise; five studies reported adherence rates > 80%. Small-to-large effect sizes were reported for improvements in cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. Small-to-medium effect sizes were reported for blood parameters and health-related quality of life.
HIT interventions in the workplace showed limited effectiveness in improving health-related outcomes, while promising results regarding feasibility were reported, mainly due to the time-efficiency and the positive post-exercise psychosocial responses. However, further high-quality studies involving more participants are still needed to make firm conclusions on HIT effectiveness and feasibility compared to other types of exercise in this context.
... On the other hand, Mishra and Modi (2013) argued the effect of positive and negative CSR with idiosyncratic risk with the conclusion that high CSR firms have low idiosyncratic risk but this relation is sustainable only in the long run when the firm has low leverage. Meanwhile, (Sheikh 2019; Verwijmeren and Derwall 2010) argued a negative relationship between CRS and leverage for those firms that spend money on their employee's welfare because spending money on employee welfare results in more employee productivity (Gubler et al. 2018), better firm performance (Ikram et al. 2019), and better fundamentals of the firm (Friedman and Heinle 2016) which consequently attract both equity investors and debt financers but firms are more comfortable in equity financing in the long run because equity investment did not affect long-run fundamentals of the firm (Hatta and Dwiyanto 2012). Meanwhile Bae et al. (2011) also identified a negative relationship between CSR and debt level and focused the employee aspect of CSR in its study. ...
Corporate social responsibility turned into a global sensation from the inception of the twenty-first century in the corporate world and grabbed immense engrossment from all stakeholders in their decision-making process. Capital structure and corporate governance practices are the well-mellowed facets of corporate finance literature. In this study, the moderating role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) between corporate governance and leverage of the US and Chinese listed firms has been established, with a further extension of analyzing the moderating role of CSR between corporate governance and leverage in high vs low leveraged firms and high CSR vs low CSR firms as the novelty of this study and has never been examined in both economies and globally. The data of 1989 Chinese-listed firms from 28 sectors of the economy and 6640 US-listed firms from 27 sectors of the economy has been taken from 2001 to 2019 and analyzed through fixed effect regression and system generalized method of moment (GMM). Results of the study reveal that CSR and corporate governance are negatively associated with the leverage of both Chinese and US firms. Moreover, the moderating role of CSR has established between corporate governance and leverage negative relationship. The moderating role of CSR in the relationship of leverage and corporate governance is established only in low-leveraged firms whereas it is insignificant in high-leveraged firms. System GMM confirms the signs and significance of the regression results; that is why regression results are robust and reliable, and there is no endogeneity problem in our model. The study also gives an insight for future research on high-and low-leveraged firms and firms with more CSR score than less CSR score with other dimensions such as firm performance and firm value variables.
... The productivity of employees is a fundamental principle for any organization to achieve its goals and visions. This is because employees are an essential component of the daily business activities of an organization (Gubler, Larkin & Pierce, 2018). They provide their skills and experience needed to transform the available resources in an organization into the required products and services sold to customers. ...
Purpose: The study examined the role of transformation leadership on staff productivity in the insurance industry. Materials and Methods: The research method used in this study involved the use of secondary data obtained from published studies, journals, articles and reports. This method was more preferred than conducting the actual field work since it saves time and reduces the cost of data collection. It is also easily accessible and convenient to use at any given time. Results: The findings of this study indicated that the empirical studies consisted of various research gaps including conceptual, contextual and geographical gaps. This is because some of the studies focused more on the influence and effects of transformational leadership on employee performance, innovation behaviour, organizational learning, organizational commitment rather than on employee productivity. On the other hand, the findings of other studies discussed on other leadership styles apart from transformational leadership while most of the studies were conducted outside Kenya. Recommendations: The findings of this study will be applicable to a wide range of industry players in the insurance sector. The management of insurance companies will benefit from this study since it clarifies the significance of transformational leadership and its function in enhancing employee productivity in the insurance sector. The policymakers in the insurance will also benefit from this study especially when implementing policies with regards to improving the productivity of employees and empowering managers and leaders. Further, this study will also be relevant to the researchers and academicians since it will be used to add up to their literature work and will also motivate them to carry out more research related to the current topic so as to address some of the research gaps identified in this study.
... Our study provides one potential explanation-the financial stress of employees. Therefore, our study may partially explain Parsons et al.'s findings.Third, this study adds to the stream of literature that determines the implications of financial pressure on employee productivity(Gubler, Larkin and Pierce 2017). The results of several surveys show that financial pressure negatively affects employee behavior and performance.4 ...
This study investigates the effect of employee financial stress on financial reporting outcomes. Anxiety related to stress results in emotional exhaustion and reduced job performance. The conservation of resources theory predicts that anxiety caused by financial stress decreases employees’ work quality because anxiety drains individuals’ physical, cognitive, and psychological resources. Motivated by the conservation of resources theory, we expect and find that employee financial stress negatively affects financial reporting outcomes. Consistent with this prediction, we determine that employee financial stress is positively associated with material internal control weaknesses and restatements. The results are statistically and economically significant, and the results continue to hold after using alternative measures of employee financial stress and financial reporting quality. We conduct additional analyses to address endogeneity issues, and the inferences remain the same.
Data Availability: Data are available from the public sources cited in the text.
JEL Classifications: M40; M41; M49
... In laundry plants, wellness and post-program health participation make significant effect on work productivity. POS in well-being of the employees has positive effect about 10% on work productivity (Gubler et al., 2018). The empirical study on 88 teams from 13 health care organizations in the United Kingdom proved that POS influenced collective and personal work productivity (Lyubovnikova et al., 2018). ...
For controlling the negative impact of Covid-19 outbreak, Indonesian government instructs the citizens to work from home. Unfortunately, the productivity of work from home has been questioned. This article is an attempt to elaborate work productivity and the effect of digital skill, digital collaboration, and perceived organizational support (POS) as the drivers. For supporting the arguments, this article has conducted a quantitative study which involved 824 working citizens as the respondents from all over Indonesia. The respondents are mostly the first timers in doing work from home, either in governmental institution or private organizations. The gathered data were structured by PLS SEM and analyzed by SmartPLS application version 3. The result reveals that digital skills play serve as a mediator in the linkage between work productivity and digital collaboration. Digital skills and POS affect directly on work productivity, but digital collaboration impacts indirectly. ABSTRAK Dalam rangka mengendalikan dampak negatif dari wabah Covid-19, pemerintah Indonesia menginstruksikan warganya untuk bekerja dari rumah. Sayangnya, produktivitas bekerja dari rumah masih disangsikan. Artikel ini berupaya untuk membahas produktivitas kerja dan pengaruh dari keterampilan digital, kolaborasi digital, dan perceived organizational support (POS) sebagai faktor-faktor penyebab. Untuk memperkuat argumentasi yang dikembangkan, artikel berisi studi kuantitatif yang melibatkan 824 pegawai dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia sebagai responden. Responden sebagian besar adalah pegawai yang pertama kali bekerja dari rumah di instansi pemerintah dan organisasi swasta. Data yang dikumpulkan distrukturisasi
... Our study provides one potential explanation-the financial stress of employees. Therefore, our study may partially explain Parsons et al.'s findings.Third, this study adds to the stream of literature that determines the implications of financial pressure on employee productivity(Gubler, Larkin and Pierce 2017). The results of several surveys show that financial pressure negatively affects employee behavior and performance.4 ...
... This is the first study to our knowledge that considers the relationship between service continuity and productivity. Within the wider service management literature, the impact of various interventions or characteristics on worker productivity has been well documented across differ- of corporate wellness programs on productivity in laundry plants (Gubler et al. 2018), and the impact of specialization versus variety on productivity in the banking industry (Staats and Gino 2012). ...
Many service processes are sequences of independent transactions between customers and servers. In such contexts it is well known that pooling server time and offering an arriving customer the next available server, independently of whether they had seen the customer before, is most efficient. However, when customer episodes depend on one-another, then this is not necessarily the case. Ensuring customers have a dedicated server may offer efficiency advantages. This thesis is an empirical investigation of the productivity advantages of dedicated servers in the context of primary care. In this context, server dedication equates with the notion of continuity of care, which is the extent to which a patient has her consultations with the same doctor. The thesis is composed of two in-depth empirical studies. The first study provides evidence of the productivity implications of relational continuity of care (RC), while the second study addresses the question how practice managers can increase continuity of care. Both studies use a detailed clinical dataset from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink that collects patient-consultation level electronic health records and is representative of the UK population. From its overall database of over 11 million patients spanning 674 practices, our data consists of the entire medical record of 5 million patients who have had contact with primary care between 2007 and 2018 across different providers of care (secondary care etc.). In the first study, I show that continuity of care has a significant productivity benefit. Specifically, due to the trust-based relationship, accumulated knowledge over time and stronger accountability for the patient, the average time to next visit for a patient is longer when patients see their regular provider than after they see another doctor. The data shows that the productivity benefit of care continuity is larger for older patients, patients with multiple chronic conditions, and patients with mental health conditions. I discuss operational and strategic implications of these findings for primary care practices in capitation environments and for third-party payers of their services. This first study suggests that prioritizing continuity of care is an effective strategy to reduce demand for consultations. The second study, entitled “The Operational Determinants of Relational Continuity of Care" builds on the first part and identifies the levers and strategies that primary care practice managers can implement to promote continuity within the constraint of a diminishing workforce. We find that a sustained increase in workload - caused by demand growth - and increasing fragmentation of the workforce - due to a shift to part-time and agency work - induces significant heterogeneity between practices in their ability to provide care continuity. Specifically, these two factors alone explain more than 50% of the decline in care continuity over the ten-year window of the study, with workforce fragmentation having the greater impact. We discuss the implications for workforce management in primary care practices that wish to promote continuity of care.