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The aim of the paper is to describe availability and usage of parental leaves for women of reproductive age. We show the motivation for introducing the leaves and their history in Poland. Based on data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO; Polish: GUS), Social Insurance Institution (SII; Polish: ZUS) and Labour Force Survey (LFS; Polish: BAEL),...
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Women who prepare early will be better prepared both physically and psychologically to breastfeed exclusively. The purpose of this research was to determine whether the motivation variable as a mediator of the relation between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with readiness to exclusive breastfeeding. The study was observational, A total of 150...


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Prescribing medicine, providing contraception, delivering babies – although we may turn to physicians, rural Rajasthani women turn to Barefoot Doctors out of necessity. Such care is available courtesy of the Barefoot College, a pioneering NGO that transforms the skills of the illiterate poor into local infrastructure. Barefoot Doctors are innovative because of their origins as dais (traditional midwives); once abundant across South Asia, dais are mostly extinct due to government/NGO interventions emphasizing “modernity”, like the Accredited Social Health Activist program. Why, then, have dais survived as Barefoot Doctors when they are extinct elsewhere? Ecological niche differentiation refers to when competing species successfully coexist; one species adapts to fulfill another role. Using over fifty interviews with stakeholders, I explain the persistence of Barefoot Doctors as health resources using “professional niche differentiation”. Barefoot Doctors exemplify how health infrastructure can be sustainable in resource-poor settings when created according to local needs and ideologies.