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Software product line engineering (SPLE) enables soft-ware mass customization and allows development costs to be cut, lead delivery times to be reduced and throughput to be optimized. The concept of variability is central in SPLE methodologies and for success when adopting a software product line approach. Even though much research has been done on...
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... This classification process serves as a fundamental pillar for the systematic mapping, enabling effective visualization of these dimensions and efficient extraction of the underlying information. A detailed explanation of the systematic mapping methodology can be found in references [3][4][5] while an overview of the process is depicted in Figure 1. facets on different axes of a map, systematic mapping can successfully integrate and summarize various aspects within a research field. ...
... This classification process serves as a fundamental pillar for the systematic mapping, enabling effective visualization of these dimensions and efficient extraction of the underlying information. A detailed explanation of the systematic mapping methodology can be found in references [3,4,5] while an overview of the process is depicted in Figure 1. The subprocesses presented in Figure 1 are described in more detail in the subsections below. ...
In this paper, a different approach to the traditional literature review—literature systematic mapping—is adopted to summarize the progress in the recent research on railway catenary system condition monitoring in terms of aspects such as sensor categories, monitoring targets, and so forth. Importantly, the deep interconnections among these aspects are also investigated through systematic mapping. In addition, the authorship and publication trends are also examined. Compared to a traditional literature review, the literature mapping approach focuses less on the technical details of the research but reflects the research trends, and focuses in a specific field by visualizing them with the help of different plots and figures, which makes it more visually direct and comprehensible than the traditional literature review approach.
... Contribution type : Similarly, for each of the included papers, we identified the contribution type of the reported study. In particular, we adopted the following five types of contributions from Mujtaba [11]: process, method, model, tool, and metric. The five contribution types are described in Table 3. ...
... More specifically, initial research on BDD was about using BDD to facilitate software documentation [159]. However, over the years, apart from paying attention to how BDD facilitates other software development endeavours, BDD researchers have also focused on other topics ( Figure 10 and Table A. 11). With respect to the application context, in 2011, BDD was first studied in the context of enterprise systems [133], but similar studies have been conducted to cover other specific contexts such as health [126,53,101,34,35,127,160], education [128,12,129,161], and others (Figure 10 and Table A.11). ...
... To mitigate biases during data extraction and mapping, two strategies were used. First, to categorise a paper into a specific research type, contribution type, or research evaluation method, we used established classification schemes of Wieringa et al. [10], Mujtaba et al. [11], and Chen and Babar [13] respectively. ...
Context: Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) uses scenarios written in semi-structured natural language to express software requirements in a way that can be understood by all stakeholders. The resulting natural language specifications can also be executed to reveal correct and problematic parts of a software. Although BDD was introduced about two decades ago, there is a lack of secondary studies in peer-reviewed scientific literature. Objective: To understand the current state of BDD research by conducting a systematic mapping study that covers studies published from 2006 to 2021. Method: By following the guidelines for conducting systematic mapping studies in software engineering, we sought to answer research questions on types of venues in which BDD papers have been published, research, contributions, studied topics and their evolution, and evaluation methods used in published BDD research. Results: The study identified 166 papers which were mapped. Key results include the following: the dominance of conference papers; scarcity of research with insights from the industry; shortage of philosophical papers on BDD; acute shortage of metrics for measuring various aspects of BDD specifications and the processes for producing BDD specifications; the dominance of studies on using BDD for facilitating various software development endeavours, improving the BDD process and associated artefacts, and applying BDD in different contexts; scarcity of studies on using BDD alongside other software techniques and technologies; increase in diversity of studied BDD topics; and notable use of case studies and experiments to study different BDD aspects. Conclusion: The paper improves our understanding of the state of the art of BDD, and highlights important areas of focus for future BDD research.
... A systematic mapping (SM) is a secondary study to create a classification scheme and structure an interesting field in software engineering [8]. An SM is considered a prior step for determining suitable areas for a more in-depth study [9]. A SM conceives the follow stages [10]: Definition of research questions; Search execution; Work selection and quality evaluation; Data extraction; Analysis and classification; and Mapping evaluation. ...
Model-driven development (MDD) and user interface development (UID) are two interesting research areas in software engineering. While MDD is a paradigm which fosters the models as the main artifact in the software development life cycle, UID deals with methods and techniques for developing high-quality, highly productive user interfaces in terms of usability and reusability. Although research into the use of MDD for UID might well be of interest to the international research community, no such work has yet been published. The aim of this paper is to assess the state of the art in MDD for UID. It mainly focuses on identifying the features of MDD approaches that support UID; how these proposals impact the quality of the software; and what methodological aspects are considered by these proposals. We carried out a systematic mapping study. As a result, 110 papers were analyzed in terms of the criteria obtained from the research questions. This study allows our research questions to be answered. We would like to highlight firstly the predominance of research in purely academic scenarios; secondly, the lack of empirical proof to demonstrate the impact of the approaches; thirdly, the non-existence of methodologies to guide the MDUID process; fourthly, the wide number of tools adopted to support MDUID; and fifthly, the preference for using the task model in the approaches analyzed. This study enables us to determine the state of the art in the topic as well as to identify various problems worthy of future research.KeywordsSystematic mappingUser interfacesMDUIDModelsModel-driven development
... In this step, the objective was to identify the primary documents from the pool of all documents generated by the search process. As defined in [16] and [24], the applied inclusion criteria principles were as follows. If the abstract explicitly mentioned 'systematic mapping study' or a similar term, the paper was included into the primary documents. ...
The systematic mapping study (SMS) is a relatively new method of generating new information from existing studies. First defined as a methodology in 2007, it offers a method to filter existing information to produce novel insight into the observed research domain, and pinpoint new directions of research. In this study, the systematic mapping study method was utilized to determine how SMS as a method has spread and was utilized during the first decade since its conceptualization. In general, it was found that the SMS method is still at its early phase in utilization, and is mainly used in software engineering and healthcare studies, but also in several other scientific domains. SMS research and the scientific outputs rely on transparent protocols when conducting the actual search and identification process, and so far, the applied protocol and research procedure correlates strongly with the application domain; different domains have their own protocols. The SMS method can be recommended, for example, when the aim is to gain knowledge on how a specific topic is studied and where there are research gaps. There are still areas that are debated or where successful implementation is difficult, the biggest problems being the amount of work it requires and possible lack of quality analysis of the articles.
... The SM results enable the proposals and results of research into a certain field to be organized by thematically analyzing and identifying the main outlets of publication. An SM is considered a prior and necessary step for determining suitable areas for a more indepth study [24] and conceives the follow stages [25]: ...
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is the most prominent and accepted methodology based on the Model Driven Development (MDD) principles. MDA includes three abstraction levels: Computer Independent Models (CIM), Platform Independent models (PIM) and Platform specific models (PSM). MDA encourages the automatic transformation of models as a means to increase the speed of the software development process and to prevent human errors. There are plenty of solutions to transform PIMs to PSMs, however the CIM to PIM transformation does not receive a similar attention. In that sense, this paper aims to describe a systematic mapping to analyze the main characteristics of the approaches that deal with the CIM to PIM transformation as well as to discuss research directions stemming out from our analysis. The results of this mapping study could be a valuable information source for the scientific community in order to know the real advances in this topic and to avoid unnecessary effort dealing with problems that have already been addressed. For example, this study yielded the models at the CIM level that have already been transformed into models at the PIM level. Hence, with this information, the researchers could focus their attention on finding solutions to transform those models at CIM level that have not been transformed into models at PIM level. Likewise, this mapping study provides information regarding the technological support of this type of transformation. This information could be useful for those software projects interested to adopt MDA.
... Step 3: Screen of Papers for Inclusion and Exclusion (Relevant Papers). Inclusion and exclusion criteria helps to include or exclude the studies according to relevant studies those relating with research area and question [52,54]. After applying inclusion and exclusion criterion at the end, we have finalized 52 papers out of 6832 papers in this research (See in Fig. 2). ...
In global software development, requirements re-usability is a common practice which ultimately helps to maintain project quality and reduce both development time and cost. However, when a large-scale project is distributed, there are some critical factors needed to be maintained and managed for reusing requirements and it is considered a challenging job to interrelate the requirements between two identical projects. In this study, we have pointed out 48 challenges faced and 43 mitigation techniques used when implementing requirements re-usability in global software development projects among distributed teams. The challenges distributed teams frequently encounter can be divided into three considering issues as Communication, Coordination and Control of distributed teams in global software development. The results from this study can be used to plan development strategies while reusing requirements in distributed manners.
... The search string used to identify the relevant literature for our mapping study is de¯ned through the population of papers we target and the intervention they concern (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007;Mujtaba et al., 2008). The population comprises the service-oriented domain and software requirements engineering for cloud services. ...
The domain of Cloud and Service-oriented requirements engineering (SORE) focuses on modelling, specifying, and analysing requirements to enable software development in a service-oriented manner. Even though Cloud and SORE has received increasing attention over the past decade, there is no clear view of the current state of knowledge. Our goal is to gain insights into the current status of Cloud and SORE research published to date. To this end, we conducted a systematic mapping study to develop a map to classify relevant literature published between 2007 and 2018. Out of the 326 studies that were examined, we selected 24 studies as primary studies. The resulting map provides an overview of the existing work on Cloud and SORE and makes it possible to identify gaps and plan and position future research. Our findings suggest that Cloud and SORE as a research context needs specific attention. More evaluation and validation research is needed to better understand the implementation and impact of the various solutions (e.g. frameworks, tools) that are proposed in the Cloud and SORE context.
... Varios autores describen que para un estudio de mapeo se requiere establecer un esquema de clasificación [16,26]. Aquí, el uso de palabras clave es una manera de reducir el tiempo necesario para desarrollar el esquema de clasificación y asegurar que el esquema tenga en cuenta los estudios existentes [23], vea la Fig. 2. ...
... En la búsqueda de una respuesta a la interrogante Q1: ¿Como el campo de los sistemas multi-agente se encuentra estructurado y la madurez de las contribuciones?, se ha procedido al análisis de los 42 documentos que pasaron los filtros de selección, encontrando los tipos de contribución mostrados en la tabla 5. Continuamos con el proceso de categorización de los estudios pertinentes para lo que se procede a establecer una clasificación en función de parámetros. [13,26,34] proponen esquemas de clasificación por tipo de investigación. Para el presente trabajo se considerará los tipos de investigación siguientes: Experimento, Caso de estudio, Observación, Encuesta, informe de experiencia e investigación. ...
Multi-agent systems have gained a lot of interest in articles, conferences and magazines. However, it is still a recent issue which is not understood or the scope of it is unknown. The objective of this work is to investigate in more detail the articles and to build a preliminary classification system to structure the field of Multi-agent systems. As a result, an overview of this area of research can be obtained through the response to the research questions posed. Resumen. Los sistemas multi-agente han ganado un interés muy grande en artículos, conferencias y revistas. Sin embargo sigue siendo un tema reciente el cual no se comprende ni se conoce los alcances del mismo. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar con más detalle los artículos y construir un sistema de clasificación preliminar para estructurar el campo de los sistemas Multi-agente. Como resultado, se espera proporcionar una visión general de esta área de investigación a través de responder a las preguntas de investigación planteadas. Creemos que el presente trabajo será una herramienta que encontrará ámbitos todavía aun no investigados.
... The research papers on applying CI techniques to IoT have been published from 2010 and we decided to explore the publications from 2010 to 2017. Based on the proposed research question and study topic, the initial step in formulating the search string, i.e., keyword search [8], we have considered the terms "Internet of Things", "Neural Networks", Genetic Algorithm, SoftComputing and Swarm Intelligence as the keywords with the abbreviations, namely, IoT, NN, GA, SC and SI, respectively. We have used logical operators like OR and AND to link the aforementioned keywords with their abbreviations. ...
... It is used to find out research gaps to contribute in the research area. The following steps are proposed in the systematic mapping study [5,6]. ...
... In the systematic mapping study, the research question is the main key factor rather than in a systematic review [8]. The research question has to manipulate in such way that reflects the main and secondary goal of the systematic mapping of the study [5,6]. This is essential to identify the quantity and related works and result according to the research questions [8]. ...
... The search strings are used to find the primary studies from digital sources or databases. The purpose of this search strategy is to identify and formulate search terms, define search process and resources to be searched [5,6]. ...
Nowadays, a startup is being very popular and entrepreneurs are increasing day by day. Though we are watching many successful startups e.g. Dropbox, Amazon, Viber and so on, the list of unsuccessful startups is very long. Who is being successful they must have their own strategy, which they apply in their startup and get success. In lean startup strategy, the customers give feedbacks about the startup and the owner understands the demand of customers by collecting feedback from customers and provides service according to the feedback. On the other hand, all the feedbacks from the customers are not important for a startup project. So it is needed to separate or prioritize feedbacks which are needed to execute the startup project. But there are not sufficient techniques for prioritizing the feedbacks collected from customers. By conducting a systematic mapping study and a case study (interview and observation is used), we propose a technique which will be used to prioritize customer feedback in lean startup. This technique will be helpful for the startup projects to become successful.