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Understanding entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship as engines of outcomes beyond economic terms, this paper introduces the Special Issue "Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in social, sustainable, and economic development". Institutions set the basis to analyze the role societies and organizations play in supporting entrepreneurial and intrapre...


... apenas identificam uma necessidade ou um problema no mercado, mas também desenvolvem soluções inovadoras, planejam a execução dessas soluções e mobilizam recursos, incluindo capital, pessoas e tecnologia, para concretizar suas visões (Filion, 2021;Ramoglou, Gartner & Tsang, 2020). O empreendedorismo pode ocorrer em diversos contextos, incluindo a criação de novas empresas (startups) (e.g., Garg & Gupta, 2021), a inovação dentro de empresas já existentes (intraempreendedorismo) (e..g., Aparicio, Turro & Noguera, 2020), ou a criação de organizações sociais com foco em resolver problemas sociais ou ambientais (empreendedorismo social) (e.g., Bacq & Lumpkin, 2021). Além de ser um motor fundamental para a inovação e o crescimento econômico, o empreendedorismo também promove a criação de empregos e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e serviços que podem melhorar a qualidade de vida (e.g., Barba-Sánchez, Salinero, Jiménez Estévez & Ruiz-Palomino, 2024). ...
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Este estudo analisa a aplicação da análise de sensibilidade no empreendedorismo. O objetivo é explorar tendências e desafios dessa técnica no campo supracitado. Utilizando uma revisão bibliométrica com o recurso Biblioshiny, via Rstudio, foram identificados temas, autores e tendências de pesquisa com base em uma análise temática abrangente. Ao todo, foram analisados, inicialmente, 358 artigos. Os resultados destacam a ampla utilização da análise de sensibilidade para prever impactos, tomar decisões estratégicas e gerenciar riscos. Desafios incluem a identificação de parâmetros críticos e a gestão de flutuações de mercado. A análise ressalta a importância da técnica para impulsionar inovação, sustentabilidade e competitividade empresarial, fornecendo insights valiosos para empreendedores e pesquisadores.
... Specifically, we argue about the benefits in terms of knowledge that is created and transferred, as well as the company's skills for these initiatives. Then, we identify some important challenges faced by the organizations helping their employees perform innovation opens [13]. Typically, new venture formation requires the combination of several skills that are not possible to be concentrated in a single person. ...
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Corporate Innovation Hubs (CIHs) have emerged as vital mechanisms for fostering intrapreneurship and developing new ventures within large, established organizations. This paper explores the role and significance of CIHs in enabling corporate entrepreneurship by creating internal ecosystems that emulate the flexibility and dynamism of startups. By examining the evolution of intrapreneurship, the functions of CIHs, and the challenges and benefits of integrating these hubs within corporate structures, the study highlights best practices for successfully managing innovation hubs. Additionally, case studies, including Bayer's G4A program, provide real-world insights into how CIHs contribute to sustained innovation, competitive advantage, and economic growth. The findings underscore the importance of strategic alignment, organizational culture, and leadership in ensuring the success of CIHs in driving corporate innovation.
... Social entrepreneurship brings opportunities for community development through its social contributions but also faces challenges, especially in balancing social aspects and profit-seeking (Aparicio et al., 2020). Some social entrepreneurs may need to be made aware of the positive impact of social entrepreneurship, while early challenges include intense business competition and difficulties competing in the market (Akoh & Lekhanya, 2022). ...
... Amidst the shining opportunities, challenges emerge in tandem with the complexity of social entrepreneurship (Aparicio et al., 2020). One major challenge is community resistance to change, which can hinder program implementation (Bogdanova, 2020). ...
Social entrepreneurship is an innovative approach to addressing diverse social issues across various sectors. However, its recognition within religious organizations remains limited. Social entrepreneurship offers significant prospects for enhancing community well-being while tackling prevalent social challenges. Nevertheless, substantial hurdles emerge, particularly in engaging stakeholders who are pivotal in executing social entrepreneurship initiatives within religious organizations. This research was conducted within GMIM Lembean Kora-kora region, where a religious organization is situated in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The organization has involved its congregation in implementing social entrepreneurship programs, primarily in agriculture and culinary ventures. The study identifies opportunities and challenges in social entrepreneurship within religious organizations. Additionally, it explores the implementation of social entrepreneurship in the context of congregational development, with a specific emphasis on the role of stakeholders in driving these initiatives. The findings demonstrate that religious organizations can harness social entrepreneurship's potential and surmount its challenges. This research introduces a model of social entrepreneurship better suited for religious organizations, particularly in their profound understanding of community opportunities and challenges.
... Because they present an environment for creativity and more learning opportunities, they can be unique and appropriate structures for launching new projects with higher market risk. From another perspective, the role of intrapreneurship should be highlighted (Aparicio et al., 2020). This approach can be particularly recommended for large companies to stimulate the work environment and meet the sustainability challenges posed to the organization. ...
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Organizations assume a key role in the goal of achieving sustainable development and are influential elements on the path to sustainability. Allied with competitiveness, today, there is also a strategy based on sustainability, anchored in the concept of responsibility, minimizing the potential negative effects of our actions through innovative products, services, processes, and models. Measuring and monitoring these efforts is currently a challenge for organizations. This study adopts a mixed methods approach to address this challenge and identifies 13 tools and 16 dimensions that are central elements in the process of measuring and monitoring sustainable innovation. The findings indicate that the dimensions related to social and governance components are the most relevant in sustainable innovation, while inclusion and entrepreneurship are dimensions that are not highly valued by these tools.
... Entrepreneurship is a multifaceted and dynamic concept that entails actively seeking opportunities, displaying innovation, and embracing risks in order to create value across various economic and social contexts [1]. While entrepreneurship significantly enhances economic growth and promotes personal and societal development [2,3], it is also subject to persistent gender inequities. Women are notably underrepresented in entrepreneurial activities and face unique challenges that are often overlooked in the entrepreneurship literature [4,5]. ...
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This study investigates the obstacles encountered by female graduates in China’s higher education system when considering entrepreneurship by employing the Theory of Planned Behaviour as an analytical framework. Although entrepreneurship is widely acknowledged as crucial for economic and personal growth, gender inequalities remain, with women being severely underrepresented. The primary objective of this study is to gain insight into the underlying reasons behind the reluctance of female university students, specifically in China, to pursue entrepreneurial ventures. In this study, we conducted 30 semi-structured interviews with female university students from different majors to identify the key barriers that discourage them from starting their businesses. The factors discovered are instrumental and affective attitudes towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms (family, friends, teachers, and others), and perceived behavioural control (encompassing past experiences, second-hand information, and anticipated obstacles). The results showed that a conservative familial atmosphere, risk-averse cultural norms, and limited access to helpful resources and experiences in universities are major obstacles. This study enriches the present knowledge by providing a detailed explanation of the gender-specific obstacles in entrepreneurship in the Chinese context. It proposes that interventions at the educational and governmental levels are imperative to promote female entrepreneurship.
... Daerah perkotaan menawarkan berbagai pekerjaan dan peluang untuk memperoleh penghasilan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan daerah pedesaan. Selain itu, akses memperoleh barang (sumber daya) dan layanan di daerah perkotaan juga lebih mudah dibandingkan daerah pedesaan (Aparicio et al., 2020). Pekerja bersedia untuk bekerja keras karena loyalitas dan kepuasan pada perusahaan (Egenius et al., 2020). ...
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Physical absence due to distance limits quality family time for workers due to job migration. Social media now has become a means of communication to maintain ties, form family identity, and replace physical presence. This research aims to test and prove the existence of differences between stayer and mover (circular) workers in utilizing social media for quality family time. This research uses quantitative methods, explanatory in nature, with comparative analysis. The survey method was used to collect data by filling out a questionnaire via Google Form. The sample was selected using convenience sampling from workers in a number of offices in the Jabodetabek area. Data processing was carried out using SPSS version 29 on 127 questionnaires filled in by respondents. The Mann-Whitney Test was used to determine differences in the use of social media by stayer and mover (circular) workers. The research results show that there are differences between stayer and mover (circular) workers in utilizing social media for family quality time, as measured by perceptions, attitudes, behavior and level of social media use. Behavioral variables have a moderate correlation to perception variables, and strong correlations to attitude variables. The variable level of social media use has a very weak correlation with the variables of perception, attitude and behavior. This proves that compared to stayer workers, mover (circular) workers use social media more to create quality family time and overcome physical absence. It is recommended that further research add qualitative methods (becoming mixed methods) so as to enrich and strengthen the data about the different reasons for using social media through in-depth interviews. Expanding the opulation, different research areas, and samples involving different community groups can be carried out to determine differences in the use of social media by other community groups.
... The sustainable entrepreneur is an individual whose prior commitment to sustainability shapes their predisposition towards sustainable entrepreneurship (Aparicio, Turro, & Noguera, 2020). This distinctive figure is characterized by their objectives, which revolve around sustainability, environmental preservation, and social well-being (Feldman, 2017). ...
... In the past, researchers studying sustainable entrepreneurship primarily focused on entrepreneurial activities, environmental issues, and potential solutions (Lu, Song, & Pan, 2021). However, there has been a recent shift in perspective, emphasizing that sustainable entrepreneurship should encompass not only environmental considerations but also economic and social aspects (Aparicio et al., 2020;Trapp & Kanbach, 2021). In alignment with this viewpoint, Boto-Álvarez and García-Fernández (2020) highlighted that this broader conception aligns with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. ...
... Sustainable entrepreneurial intentions arise from the individual intention to become an entrepreneur by manifesting and/or applying attitudes toward sustainability (Nuringsih et al., 2019). In line with Aparicio et al. (2020), sustainable entrepreneurial intentions seek to solve needs through gaps in the market, considering social, economic, and environmental aspects. It is necessary to equip young people with this knowledge so that, when they decide to become entrepreneurs, this process is influenced by these sustainability values (Anjum, Farrukh, Heidler, & Díaz Tautiva, 2021). ...
... Universities play an important role in the production of quality knowledge and the development of new projects. Creating strong societies will be possible by growing and developing qualified knowledge [35]. In this context, it is evaluated that universities that adopt intrapreneurship will be more likely to generate quality outcomes [36]. ...
... It does this by means of encouraging inventiveness, improving the educational experience for students, promoting research, and fostering teamwork, while creating a superior environment. Aparicio et al. [35] are of the view that through the entrepreneurship and imaginative abilities that characterize their academic communities across the world, universities have a tendency to promote and foster financial development as well as competitiveness, which may favorably impact society in the context of the knowledge economy. Sieg et al. [70] have correlated the concept of academic entrepreneurship with eco-innovation by highlighting the fact that the primary obstacles and challenges to implementing technological advancement across academic institutions arise from the insufficiency of funding for carrying out research projects that are most often neglected and overlooked by the state as well as international donor organizations. ...
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It is widely accepted that intrapreneurial behavior is imperative for any type of organization to maintain sustainability in terms of growth and performance. In this context, it is also important to investigate the factors that play a role in promoting intrapreneurship within dynamic industries, such as the higher education industry. For this purpose, this study aimed to explore the antecedents of intrapreneurial intention in academic staff to provide theoretical as well as practical contributions for universities. We used a survey method to collect data with a sample consisting of 236 academic staff from universities in Northern Cyprus, and tested hypotheses through three different structural models by using structural equation modeling (SEM). Following a deductive approach to establish constructs in the models, we treated academic intrapreneurial intention as the dependent variable, and self-leadership, self-efficacy, and psychological capital as the independent variables. In addition, attitudes toward intrapreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were individually tested as mediating variables. The results of this study indicate that self-leadership, self-efficacy, and psychological capital have direct and indirect effects on academic intrapreneurial intention, and attitudes toward intrapreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control play a mediating role between these antecedents and academic intrapreneurial intention.
... Educators may need to challenge assumptions about social entrepreneurship and develop new approaches to teaching the subject. The skills and knowledge needed for social entrepreneurship educators are crucial in addressing their mismatch of skills (Aparicio et al., 2020). Here are some of the skills and knowledge that professionals need before teaching social entrepreneurship namely: (1) possess social entrepreneurial leadership, (2) optimistic, (3) creative and innovative, (4) empathy, (5) altruistic, (6) possess tacit business knowledge, and (7) Social entrepreneurship educators can use local resources, such as practicing social entrepreneurs from the local community to teach social entrepreneurship. ...
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This paper aims to explore the best teaching and learning strategies for promoting students' social entrepreneurial minds. At the initial stage, the scoping review draws from 198 secondary data from various works in the social entrepreneurship education context, including studies on education programs, curricular development, knowledge-acquiring mechanisms, and social entrepreneurial exploration processes. It also examines instructional methods and strategies that foster the development of potential social entrepreneur mindsets. Finally, 26 included papers present a Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach, Experiential Learning, Action Learning, Community-Based Project, and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) as effective social entrepreneurship teaching and learning approaches to promote social entrepreneurial mindsets. The review concludes that a combination of all of the aforementioned teaching and learning strategies is among the top teaching approaches for effective social entrepreneurship education. The paper proposes that dynamic social entrepreneurship curricula and learning models that emphasize hands-on experience and experience-based learning can be effective strategies for promoting students' social entrepreneurial minds.
... Fourth, the yellow cluster primarily relies on the entrepreneurship theory, which claims that people with entrepreneurial intentions will help the economy grow and reduce the unemployment rate (Baumol, 1968(Baumol, , 1993. Using entrepreneurship as a vehicle, one can translate institutional influence on outcomes beyond financial ones, such as sustainability and social change (Aparicio et al., 2020). ...
... According to the entrepreneurship theory put forth by Baumol (1968), each society is given the ability to play the role of an entrepreneur depending on the institutions -the game's rules -that are present in that society. The contribution of entrepreneurship to social change, economic growth, and sustainability (Aparicio et al., 2020). Global research trends on how financial literacy and education affect individual entrepreneurial creativity (Abad-Segura & González-Zamar, 2019). ...
... On the one hand, research demonstrates the significance of sustainable business, the concept of balancing economic, social, and environmental values (Aparicio et al., 2020;Di Fabio, 2017). A company's intangible asset that contributes significantly to sustained competitive performance is financial literacy (Ying et al., 2019). ...
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The study of financial literacy and sustainability has attracted much interest recently and is expanding quickly. This paper offers a trustworthly, consistent, and current financial literacy and sustainability analysis following bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review. Concerning 127 documents published between 2008 and October 2022, we specifically examined the co-occurrence of author keywords, co-citation analysis of cited references, and subsequent in-depth analysis. Results show that the following topics have received the most attention in analyzing financial literacy and sustainability research: (1) financial inclusion; (2) financial behaviour; (3) financial systems; and (4) decision-making. The trick-down growth and development theory, the consumption function theory, the resource-based view theory, and the theory of entrepreneurship are the theoretical pillars supporting this study’s structure. Next, we create an integrative framework as the foundation for additional research. As a result, this review provides a thorough overview of financial literacy and sustainability research.