Figure 1 - uploaded by John Barton
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Constituent parts of an arrow

Constituent parts of an arrow

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A novel miniaturised system for measurement of the in-flight characteristics of an arrow is introduced in this paper. The system allows the user to measure in-flight parameters such as the arrow's speed, kinetic energy and momentum, arrow drag and vibrations of the arrow shaft. The system consists of electronics, namely a three axis accelerometer,...

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Context 1
... Arrows: An arrow consists of basic parts which are shown in Fig. 1; an arrowtip (also referred to as a point), insert, shaft, fletching (or vanes depending upon the material used) and a nock. The main parameters of the arrow that influence arrow behavior during flight are the overall weight, the weight of the arrowtip, the arrow spine (both the static spine and the dynamic spine) and the fletching ...

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... All the parts of arrow play an important role in providing the arrow speed as well as the flight stability. The main parameter influencing the arrow behaviour during flight are: 1) weight of arrow tip; 2) arrow spine and 3) fletching type (Barton et al., 2011). ...
... Arrow shaft also play an important role in giving a stable arrow flight. The common shaft materials are carbon, aluminium, fiberglass and wood (Barton et al., 2011). The characteristics of an arrow shaft that affect the flight behaviour is the weight and stiffness. ...
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This project is about the development and analysis of arrow for archery. 3 types of arrow head been designed: bullet shaped head, 3D shaped head and cone shaped head. The arrow performance measurement parameters were studied such as the FOC values, static stiffness values and the drag forces. SolidWorks 2012 was used to designs the three types of arrow head and the drag force is simulated by using SolidWork Flow Simulation. The material used for the arrow head fabrication is stainless steel 304. The arrow shafts used are carbon shaft of 5.46mm outer diameter and 7mm fiberglass and carbon fiber shaft. 3 different shaft properties are used to determine the effect of static stiffness, arrow heads weight and shaft diameter on the drag force generated at the arrow. The experimented result for Beman 570-14 arrows are slightly higher compared to simulation results obtained from Solid Works. The possible cause is the characteristic of the arrow during flight where arrows starts to bend in C manner then straight again then bend again in reverse C manner and so on when it been shot. These deformation causes energy losses to the surrounding due to air friction, natural damping effect and shear friction. From the result obtained, it is shown that fiberglass shaft arrow has the highest drag force regardless of the arrow head types used compared to the other two types of shaft. Although Beman 570-14 shaft has smaller frontal area compared to a 7mm outer diameter carbon fiber shaft, the drag force obtained from the experiment shows that both bullet shaped head and 3D shaped head for carbon fiber shaft has lower drag force compared with the same arrow head shape.
... The corresponding acceleration, , / , is about 1000 times earth gravity. It is interesting that on-board accelerometers that are built into the arrow tip [11] can be made to tolerate such an acceleration. The acceleration phase lasts only about ≈ / ≈13 ms. ...
Archery lends itself to scientific analysis. In this paper we discuss physics laws that relate to the mechanics of bow and arrow, to the shooting process and to the flight of the arrow. In parallel, we describe experiments that address these laws. The detailed results of these measurements, performed with a specific bow and arrow, provide insight into many aspects of archery and illustrate the importance of quantitative information in the scientific process. Most of the proposed experiments use only modest tools and can be carried out by archers with their own equipment.
... The Velocitip [4] miniaturised arrow ballistic measurement system was presented in [5]. This was realized as an electronic data acquisition system built into the arrow tip capturing acceleration data in all 3 axes for the entire flight duration. ...
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Measuring an arrow's ballistic performance such as arrow velocity on impact, total time of flight and arrow shaft oscillation is challenging because of the dynamic nature of arrow flight. This challenge becomes increasingly difficult as the distance of the shot increases. It is also of great interest to bowhunters to understand the ballistic performance of arrows that include hunting broadheads. A miniaturized, sensory data acquisition system, located in the arrow tip and engineered to withstand the high accelerations experienced at launch and impact, enables the precise measurement of arrow ballistics in flight. By continuously recording arrow drag in flight, the system enables measurement of the ballistic performance of an arrow as it travels downrange. The authors have also built an adapter that is connected to the housing of the sensing system to allow for comparative ballistic tests to be performed on hunting broadheads. Here, we present results obtained using the sensing system to perform initial testing on two commercially available broadheads at shot distances of approximately 45 m.
A chronograph is a device that measures the time between two events. This article discusses the design, fabrication, and calibration of a ballistic chronograph designed to measure the time taken by a projectile to travel a fixed distance between two checkpoints, A and B, along a straight line. The infrared transmitter-receiver pairs at A and B and an Arduino ® micro-controller circuit confirm that the projectile has crossed these checkpoints. The duration of this event is precisely recorded in the microcontroller’s memory. The system was designed to measure speeds up to 3500 m/s for a projectile 50 mm in length. The time uncertainty of the chronograph was found to be 0.71 μs. Distance between the checkpoints was measured with a CNC-mounted probe with an uncertainty of 0.10 mm. The overall cost of this local chronograph is 4-33 times lower than the commercially available chronographs. The novelty of the device lies in its calibration, which was performed using another Arduino ® circuit programmed to control the blinking of the IR LEDs. Two IR pulses of specified widths separated by a specified time interval were sent by electronically controlling the IR sources and detected and measured by the IR sensors. This optoelectronic method of calibration eliminated the need for field calibration, simplifying the process.