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The studied geographical area is situated in a intramontane region situated on the Jiu River called the Jiu Valley, where the main economic activity is mining. The importance of studying this area is related to the effect of coal mining on the climate. Coal extraction in the area led to a change of atmospheric temperature due to the emissions of ga...
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... The main activity of the Jiu Valley since the interwar period is mining, and if in the past the area experienced a good development due to mining, now this area is considered disadvantaged due to the closure of mining. [2] Mining activities produce a series of pollutants that affect all components of the environment. Soil, one of the most important components of the environment is also the most affected by this industry, because the quantities of sterile material resulting from the preparation of coal are deposited on the soil surface in dumps, thus making changes in relief and occupying large areas of which may not be used for other purposes. ...
As a result of the exploitation of coal in the mines from the Jiu Valley, significant quantities of tailings result from the mining works, but also from the coal preparation processes. They are stored in piles of different sizes, placed on the ground horizontally or between mountains, piles called tailings dumps. For the construction of tailings dumps the first requirement was the removal of the vegetal layer from the soil surface, a requirement that was often not observed so that the environment was affected. This paper aims to show how the environment around the Vulcan coal mine was affected in 2020..
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This paper studies the Roșia Jiu quarry area in Romania. This research highlights the working method of hydraulic excavators and the values of particles released into the atmosphere by them. Improving technological equipment not only helps build a better world, but also restores and preserves the environment. The measurements were made during 2020, using DSM501A sensors, which were located at four points in the quarry, namely in the north, southeast and west of the quarry.