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Conceptual framework for cumulative social effects of projects

Conceptual framework for cumulative social effects of projects

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Cumulative effects assessments are often expected to include an analysis of cumulative social effects to people, their communities, and livelihoods caused by resource development projects and land use activities. Understanding cumulative social effects is important for decisions about prospective resource development projects, but there has been li...


... Otra perspectivaes definir los impactos como cambios en la vida de las personas, estimulados por una determinada acción, cuyos resultados logrados a nivel comunitario o social perduran en el tiempo (Islam, 2021). En contraste con el término "impacto", algunos investigadores proponen hablar del "desempeño social", el cual abarca las repercusiones vinculadas a diversas necesidades sociales, no solo de los empleados de la propia empresa, sino también de los consumidores de sus productos, otros grupos sociales y su influencia en el entorno (Arnold et al, 2022;Svynchuk, 2017). En consecuencia, a la luz de las definiciones existentes, se hace evidente que la conceptualización del impacto social es un tema controvertido, lo cual dificulta su cuantificación precisa. ...
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El impacto social se define como el conjunto de cambios positivos en la vida de las personas asociados a problemas sociales, que son el efecto real de las intervenciones llevadas a cabo por la empresa. A pesar de la dificultad en su medición, las empresas híbridas lo consideran como un aspecto fundamental en la búsqueda por generar beneficios tanto sociales como económicos. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión académica y clasificación de métodos cuantitativos relevantes para medir el impacto social generado por las empresas híbridas hacia su entorno. Se llevó a cabo a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science, complementada con un análisis de contenido web pertinente. Como resultado, se identificaron y clasificaron los 18 métodos más significativos de la actualidad. Se concluye que el impacto social es construido cognitivamente por cada actor individual, y a través de una negociación entre las partes interesadas, se llega a un acuerdo del significado dentro de su entorno. Por tanto, cada empresa puede conceptualizar la medición del impacto social de manera única, reflejando las particularidades y objetivos específicos de su actividad.
... In other words, with the substantial funds available for sustainable and impact investments, investors need a solid tool to effectively assess the potential for the social impact of a selected venture. More effective measurement methodology helps understand the value a venture contributes to its stakeholders and supports the development of sustainable projects (Pirolo & Presutti, 2010;Nguyen et al., 2015;Arnold et al., 2022). The requirement is even more critical taking into account the challenges of selective disclosure, complexity of ESG dimensions, the issue of vulnerability, and limited scaling up of sustainability projects. ...
... The social impact assessment offers a forward-looking orientation and attempts to anticipate, manage, or mitigate the effects of actions (Asselin & Parkins, 2009;Arnold et al., 2022) implemented by companies, third-sector organizations, or within different projects. Social impact assessment is also an essential element of sustainability transition, as it allows for measuring the effects of undertaken actions and implemented changes. ...
... Aynı zamanda fosil yakıtlardan üretilecek enerjiye göre doğaya salınan CO2 miktarını düşürmektedir [7]. Hidroelektrik santralleri inşa edildikleri bölgelerde yeni çalışma olanakları sağlayarak bölgenin kalkınmasına fayda sağlamaktadır [8]. HES yapıları bulundukları bölgenin ekonomisine canlılık getirerek dışa bağımlılığı azaltmaktadır. ...
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Hidroelektrik santraller, sürdürülebilir enerji talebine olumlu katkı sağlamaktadır. Birçok ülke enerji ihtiyacının bir kısmını hidroelektrik santrallerinden sağlamaktadır. Bu santrallerde türbin ve jeneratör yapısının yanında yardımcı sistemler de bulunur. Bunlardan biri de soğutma suyu sistemleridir. İşletme devamlılığının sağlanması adına jeneratörlerin yatakları ve jeneratör sargıları soğutmaya ihtiyaç duyar. Bu nedenle hidroelektrik santrallerinde verimli bir soğutma suyu sistemi gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, hidroelektrik santraller için soğutma sisteminin önemi, soğutma sisteminin gerekliliği ve soğutma sisteminde yaşanan aksaklıklar karşısında sistemin davranışı nasıl olmaktadır gibi sorunlar araştırılmıştır. Aynı zamanda Rize ili İyidere Nehri üzerindeki Cevizlik Hidroelektrik Santrali (HES) soğutma suyu sistemine ait incelemeyi içermektedir. Sanko Enerji şirketine ait 93 MW'lık yeraltı enerji santrali, iki dikey Francis tipi türbin ile inşa edilmiştir. Cevizlik HES santrali, İyidere Nehri üzerinde bulunduğundan ve İyidere Nehrinin yüksek sediment taşıması nedeniyle tercih edilmiş olup bu çalışmanın benzer tesisler için süreç yönetimi açısından faydalı olacağına inanılmaktadır. Bu HES'in soğutma suyu sisteminin çalışmasını benzetmek için MATLAB/Simulink de sayısal bir model oluşturulmuştur. Üretim devamlılığının sağlanması için soğutma suyu sisteminin gerekliliği ve önemi vurgulanmış olup soğutma suyu olmadığı durumlarda sıcaklık artışlarının santral çalışmasının önüne geçebileceği gösterilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hidroelektrik santraller, Hidroelektrik santrallerde kullanılan soğutma suyu sistemleri, Cevizlik HES soğutma suyu incelemesi Abstract: Hydroelectric power plants make a positive contribution to the sustainable energy demand. Many countries meet some of their energy needs from hydroelectric power plants. In these power plants, there are auxiliary systems besides the turbine generator structure. One of them is cooling water systems. In order to ensure the continuity of the operation, the bearings and generator windings of the generators need cooling. Therefore, an efficient cooling water system is required in hydroelectric power plants. In this study, questions such as the importance of the cooling system for hydroelectric power plants, the cooling system's necessity and the system's behavior in the face of the problems in the cooling system were investigated. It also includes an examination of the cooling water system of the Cevizlik Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) on the İyidere River in Rize province. The 93 MW underground power plant belonging to Sanko Energy company was built with two vertical Francis type turbines. Cevizlik HEPP was chosen because it is located on the İyidere River and due to the high sediment transport of the İyidere River, and it is believed that this study will be beneficial in terms of process management for similar facilities. A numerical model was created in MATLAB/Simulink to simulate the operation of the cooling water system of this HEPP. The necessity and importance of the cooling water system to ensure the continuity of production has been emphasized and shown that temperature increases can prevent the operation of the plant in the absence of cooling water.
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Cumulative effects assessments are often expected to include an analysis of environmental and social effects despite a relative lack of clarity around how include a broad spectrum of social and cultural impacts. In Canda, these expectations are evolving in part in response to the need to consider the impacts of development on Indigenous communities, and the emergence of Indigenous-led Led Impact Assessment. Led by a team from the Tŝilhqot’in National Government and the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Environmental Assessment Research, this project explored how to improve processes for assessing cumulative effects drawing from an Indigenous-led approach. We identify six guiding principles, and discuss how they are integrated in the Tŝilhqot’in Nation’s evolving Impact Assessment and Cumulative Effects Assessment processes.
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Indigenous-led cumulative effects assessment and management (CEM) has emerged in recent years as a proactive and strategic approach for addressing the cumulative impacts of industrial development and other activities. CEM identifies and monitors high-priority values and stressors and develops management strategies to restore and improve the condition of those values. As Indigenous-led CEM evolves, it faces a major challenge in linking cumulative effects assessment and monitoring information to effective management actions. One promising approach to address this challenge is the use of tiered management triggers, which are a series of progressive markers associated with specified degrees of change in the condition of a value, designed to reflect increasing levels of concern about the value. These types of limits or thresholds inform decision-makers that they need to act, or act more intensively, to restore values to an acceptable state. In this paper, we present a novel method for setting tiered management triggers that was developed in an Indigenous-led CEM program. We co-developed this six-step method with the Metlakatla First Nation (located on the northwest coast of British Columbia, Canada) and applied it in a series of community workshops to select triggers for three values in the Metlakatla CEM Program: butter clams, housing, and food, social, and ceremonial activity. The method draws from participatory frameworks including structured decision-making and collaborative planning. The workshop results show that management triggers can successfully be established through a values-focused process of social choice, involving community engagement and informed by relevant scientific research and other knowledge.