Fig 2 - uploaded by Marco Antonio Alvarado-Vázquez
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abstract: The concentration of pollen grains in the atmosphere over the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, was analyzed throughout a year from March 2003–February 2004, focused on the genus Carya, Celtis, Cupressus, Fraxinus and Pinus owing to their interest as etiological pollinosis agents in diverse regions of the world.
A 7-day...
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... The airborne oak pollen in Mexico City indicated that flowering and pollen emission into the air fluctuated between February and March until May and June, which is consistent with the findings reported in some aerobiological studies in Mexico City (Bronillet-Tarragó 1992;Salazar-Coria 1995;Torres-Valdos 2006) and in Monterrey (Rocha- Estrada et al. 2008), where the flowering period of oaks occurs from late February to late May. ...
Pollen allergies have a remarkable clinical impact all over world. Quercus pollen is the main allergen in many parts of world. Due to the health impacts caused by exposure to oak pollen, the objectives of this study are to characterise the aerobiological behaviour of Quercus pollen and to determine its potential sources as well as their transport through the atmosphere of Mexico City and surrounding areas between January 2012 and June 2015. Airborne Quercus pollen monitoring was carried out simultaneously in five zones of Mexico City. The percentage of Quercus pollen of the total pollen collected from the air showed that the highest concentration was recorded in 2014, followed by 2012. The annual seasonal variation indicated that flowering and pollen emission into the atmosphere began between February and March. The maximum concentration of Quercus pollen was reached at Cuajimalpa. In 2012, the amount of pollen grains was distributed in March and April uniformly, whilst in 2014, the largest amount of pollen was concentrated in March. In 2012 and 2014 (years with the highest pollen concentrations), corresponding intraday variations were quite similar, with a low relative maximum in the morning and the highest concentrations in the evening. The largest values were recorded in 2014, and two processes can explain these. In the afternoon, pollen from secondary forest is carried by southwesterly converging winds, increasing the pollen concentration in Cuajimalpa. In the evening, there is an additional pollen contribution from primary forest via transport by NW winds.
... The airborne oak pollen in Mexico City indicated that flowering and pollen emission into the air fluctuated between February and March until May and June, which is consistent with the findings reported in some aerobiological studies in Mexico City (Bronillet-Tarragó 1992;Salazar-Coria 1995;Torres-Valdos 2006) and in Monterrey (Rocha- Estrada et al. 2008), where the flowering period of oaks occurs from late February to late May. ...
Pollen allergies have a remarkable clinical impact all over world. Quercus pollen is the main allergen in many parts of world. Due to the health impacts caused by exposure to oak pollen, the objectives of this study are to characterise the aerobiological behaviour of Quercus pollen and to determine its potential sources as well as their transport through the atmosphere of Mexico City and surrounding areas between January 2012 and June 2015. Airborne Quercus pollen monitoring was carried out simultaneously in five zones of Mexico City. The percentage of Quercus pollen of the total pollen collected from the air showed that the highest concentration was recorded in 2014, followed by 2012. The annual seasonal variation indicated that flowering and pollen emission into the atmosphere began between February and March. The maximum concentration of Quercus pollen was reached at Cuajimalpa. In 2012, the amount of pollen grains was distributed in March and April uniformly, whilst in 2014, the largest amount of pollen was concentrated in March. In 2012 and 2014 (years with the highest pollen concentrations), corresponding intraday variations were quite similar, with a low relative maximum in the morning and the highest concentrations in the evening. The largest values were recorded in 2014, and two processes can explain these. In the afternoon, pollen from secondary forest is carried by southwesterly converging winds, increasing the pollen concentration in Cuajimalpa. In the evening, there is an additional pollen contribution from primary forest via transport by NW winds.
... Therefore, the presence of these pollen types in the air was influenced by temperature prior to the flowering period (October-November), which created the conditions necessary to exit the resting metabolic state and initiate the specialisation and development of floral meristems (flowering) and production of pollen (Frenguelli et al. 1991;Cesaraccio et al. 2004;Yan et al. 2004;González-Parrado et al. 2006). Subsequently, increases in the photoperiod in late December and rising temperature produced an increase in the presence and abundance of pollen in the air that coincides with reports from aerobiological studies conducted in Monterrey (Rocha-Estrada et al. 2008) and Mexico City, which indicated that the flowering period of Fraxinus, Cupressaceae and Alnus occurred during the cold months of the dry season from December to March (Bronillet-Tarragó 1992;Salazar-Coria 1995;Torres-Valdos 2006). Intra-diurnal variation of airborne pollen is related to anther dehiscence, which is a mechanism in plants that includes targeted differentiation processes and cellular degeneration; in combination with an increase in temperature and decrease in RH during the day, this mechanism determines the opening of the anthers and exposure of the pollen grains to air currents after midday (Yang et al. 2009;Pacini 2008). ...
... In Mexico, aerobiological studies (Rosales-Lomeli 1985;Bronillet-Tarragó 1992;Rosas et al. 1998;Salazar-Coria 1995;Torres-Valdos 2006) have reported the presence of Poaceae throughout the year, with an increase during the rainy season (June-October). These results coincide with those reported in this study with respect to the uninterrupted presence of grass pollen during the year, which can be attributed to the variability of flowering times for the 76 genera of grasses of the Valley of Mexico (Rzedowski and Rzedowski, 2005); however, our results are inconsistent with the studies of Rosales-Lomeli (1985) and Rocha-Estrada et al. (2008), who found that the rainy season coincided with the period of increased pollen for the Coyoacán Delegation. In the present study, the highest concentrations occurred primarily in December (dry season), and by correlating the pollen quantity with meteorological factors, an increase in temperature and wind magnitude and decrease in precipitation and RH were found to coincide with the increased occurrence of these pollen in the atmosphere, which is consistent with most of the data on Poaceae as reported by Bronillet-Tarragó (1992), Salazar-Coria (1995) and Torres-Valdos (2006). ...
The worldwide human population suffering from allergies continues to increase. Pollen grains are a major source of airborne allergens and significant cause of these diseases. Therefore, continuous monitoring of pollen grains released and transported in the air locally or regionally is required to determine the prevalence of various pollen types and identify intra-day and intra-annual seasonal variations over time. In this study, we developed the first pollen calendar for Mexico City, which includes a large variety of taxa, many of which show a long Main Pollen Season which may last throughout the year. The analysis and comparison of daily, monthly and annual values showed that the occurrence and abundance of the main types of aero-allergenic pollen in the atmosphere were species of Fraxinus, Cupressaceae and Alnus, which occur during the periods from December through March, whereas airborne pollens of several species of Poaceae and Urticaceae occurred throughout the year. The variation in pollen concentration showed that the greatest intra-diurnal variations occurred during the second half of the day. Regarding the relationship of pollen with bioclimatic factors, the increase in temperature favoured the presence of pollen in the air, whereas the increase in pluvial precipitation and relative humidity was associated with a decrease in airborne pollen. Large tracts of the Valley of Mexico have atmospheric conditions that are conducive to the accumulation of airborne particles, including pollen. Anomalous winds from the southeast dominated the surface wind variability during the first months of 2010. These patterns induced extreme values in wind convergence at the lower levels of the atmosphere, which resulted in high concentrations of pollen at our sampling site. We suggest that these conditions are related to the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomenon (2009-2010).
... Este hallazgo es parecido a lo reportado por Rocha en la ciudad de Monterrey, México. 16 El hallazgo de concentraciones moderadas de pólenes durante todo el año en nuestro estudio es muy parecido al del estudio de Olive-Arrioja, en Chapultepec, Ciudad de México, 17 en el que reportó la mayor concentración de polen en la última semana de enero. En la ciudad de Toluca se encontró la mayor concentración de Cupressaceae en el mes de enero y paulatinamente decreció en los meses de marzo y abril. ...
Due to the high incidence of allergic diseases in Mexico, caused by exposure to pollens, there have been several studies of plants and atmospheric pollens in various regions in the last decades. In the city of Toluca there have been two previous pollen samplings using gravimetric methodology, for which it is necessary to obtain new samplings with a standardized volumetric technique, in order to have updated and confident results of a region with considerable environmental changes in the last years.
To determine the different types of pollens, seasonal variations and behavior in the four seasons of the year.
A descriptive study, related to the identification of pollens by the suction and trapping of particles with the volumetric sampler type Hirst (Burkard) performed in the city of Toluca, Mexico, from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005.
Twenty-nine different airborne pollen types were identified, which amounted a total of 13,542 pollen grains. During winter we found the largest number of pollens. The months with the highest and lowest amount of pollens were January and August, respectively. Pollens from trees predominated, mainly from the Cupressaceae (44%) and Pinaceae (13.8%) families, which were present in the atmosphere throughout the year.
We identified a larger amount of pollens from trees in winter, mainly from the Cupressaceae family, and it is closely related to the number of trees planted of this species in the city.
... Dada la importancia del tema en el aspecto de salud y los escasos estudios que existen para el país y, particularmente, para la región (Higuera-Díaz, 1975;Bronilllet-Tagarró, 1996;Martínez-Ordaz et al., 1998;López et al., 2003;Rocha-Estrada et al., 2008); con el presente estudio se aporta información sobre la flora aeropalinológica presente en el AMM, detectando cambios cuantitativos y cualitativos en la composición del espectro polínico en las 2 localidades de estudio; se determina la influencia que ejercen las condiciones climáticas predominantes del área sobre la abundancia y permanencia de los granos de polen en el aire. Todos los datos recabados serán de utilidad para predecir con mayor exactitud el tipo de polinosis y así el médico alergólogo podrá saber cuáles son los tipos y concentraciones de alérgenos que se encuentran en el aire que respiramos, y de esta manera prevenir a las personas que padecen alergias causadas por antígenos atmosféricos de origen vegetal. ...
En el presente estudio se reconoció la diversidad polínica en el aire del área metropolitana de Monterrey (AMM), durante octubre 2004 a marzo del 2005. Se utilizaron 2 captadores volumétricos de polen (7 day recording volumetric spore trap, Burkard Manufacturing Co., Rickmansworth, Hersts., UK), situados en Ciudad Universitaria y La Florida. Se contabilizó un total de 7 687 granos correspondientes a 43 taxa para Ciudad Universitaria, mientras que para La Florida se registraron 12 354 granos correspondientes a 57 taxa. Los 10 taxa que presentaron la mayor concentración polínica durante el periodo de estudio fueron Cupressaceae/Taxodiaceae, Fraxinus sp., Quercus sp., Poaceae, Parietaria sp., Ambrosia sp., Populus sp., Salix sp., Pinus sp. y Celtis sp.
... demostraron mayor polinización en el área metropolitana de Monterrey. 25 Para lograr una oportuna identificación de estos factores de riesgo, es importante realizar una adecuada historia clínica enfocada en la búsqueda de los mismos con el fin de prevenir complicaciones que podrían incluso hasta llegar a ser mortales. ...
Patients who receive allergen immunotherapy (IT) have a potential risk of systemic reactions, however such reactions are rare when IT administered properly. The frequency of systemic reactions (SR) due to conventional IT is less than 1%.
To determine the frequency of secondary SR to allergen IT, and to identify the possible factors involved in developing them.
A retrospective descriptive study that included 2.319 patients who received 14.600 allergen immunotherapy injections during the period from May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2002.
Twelve patients had a SR (age 7 - 40 years), all of which occurred within the first 30 minutes after the IT. These were more frequent during the dose - increase phase (58%). The frequency of (RS) in relation to the number of injections was 1:1216, and regarding to the number of patients, 1:193. The clinical manifestations included bronchospasm 83%, urticaria 67%, gastrointestinal symptoms and hypotension 8.3%. The 58% had anaphylaxis and pulmonary or dermatological symptoms only in 33% and 8.3% respectively. The possible factors involved in the onset of SR were: sensitivity identified by large skin reactions in skin test (PC) 83%, uncontrolled asthma 50%, application of allergens IT during high pollination season 42%, inadequate immunotherapy scheme monitoring 17%.
The frequency of SR in this group of patients was low as that reported in other publications.
... The Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae families are widespread worldwide and make a stenopalynologic group featuring rather similar pollen grains [1]. Pollen grains of both families are present in the atmosphere of many cities in Africa [2], America [3], Asia [4] and Europe [5]. Many members of these families have been involved in inducing pollinosis [6], playing the orbicules located in the pollen exine an important role as possible important vectors of allergens [7]. ...
The aim of the present chapter was to describe the Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae pollen dynamics in the atmosphere of two cities of the Middle-West of Spain (Salamanca and Valladolid). Samples were collected by the volumetric method with the aid of two Burkard spore-traps located in the centre of both urban cities during years 2005 and 2006. This pollen type was mainly detected in the atmosphere between late Spring and late Summer, with a Main Pollen Season registered between late May and early October and maximum concentrations detected in August. The intra-diurnal pattern, calculated by means of three different methods, was very similar for both towns reaching a higher hourly concentration percentage in the second half of the day. The correlations obtained between daily pollen counts and different meteorological parameters showed that the airborne presence of this pollen type is positively associated with temperature and negatively with rainfall during MPS. According to known threshold (10-15 pollen/m3), Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae pollen concentrations exceeded this threshold during 1 day in 2005 and during 12 days in 2006.
A previous survey on allergens used by Mexican allergists in their skin prick test (SPT) panel showed wide variation. Humidity varies in different zones of Mexico. This might lead to differences in natural exposure and allergic sensitisation throughout the country. We aim to describe the SPT sensitivity patterns in the different climatic zones in Mexico and to show the usefulness of a structured SPT chart-review including multiple clinics in obtaining these allergen sensitisation patterns.
A retrospective, structured chart-review of SPT results was undertaken in allergy clinics throughout Mexico. Ratios of SPT positivity were calculated for individual allergens, per climatic zone and nation-wide. Per allergen group the most important allergens were identified. Statistically significant differences between zones and the nation-wide data were tested with Pearson's Chi-squares test.
4169 skin test charts were recollected. The most important allergens causing sensitisation were very similar in different zones, despite climate variation. The allergen with highest ratio of SPT positivity was Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (51%), with trees (Ash-27%, Alder-22%, Oak19%), and Bermuda grass (26%) as second and third. In the hot zones (humid and dry) Aspergillus was statistically significant more frequently than in more temperate zones. Cockroaches thrive in big cities and humid zones and Mesquite and Poplar in dry zones. Weeds are less important.
Mexico has its own SPT sensitisation pattern, which is different from America and Europe. A structured chart-review of SPT results is able to show this and might be a tool for allergists in other countries.