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- Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals distinct tumor microenvironmental patterns in lung adenocarcinoma

Composition of the immune microenvironment of lung adenocarcinomas
A UMAPs based on the top 20 principal components of all immune single-cell transcriptomes split by tissue type, color-coded by cell cluster; and relative quantification of myeloid and lymphoid cell clusters per tissue type and, for tumor samples, per patient. B Average gene expression of selected marker genes for immune cell clusters, for cell cluster color code see (A). C Module scores of gene signatures related to inflammation and M1/M2 polarization of different macrophage clusters, white and black arrowheads indicate monocyte-derived macrophage clusters 1 and 2, respectively, for cell cluster color code see (A). D Correlation of the relative quantity of selected myeloid immune cell clusters, for patient color code see (G); Spearman’s correlation statistics, linear regression line. E Immunohistochemical staining of CXCL9 and CD123 as markers for monocyte-derived macrophage cluster 2 and plasmacytoid dendritic cells, respectively, quantification of CXCL9+ or CD123+ cells per 0.48 mm², mean ± s.d., n = 10 per patient, for patient color code see (G); Pearson’s correlation statistics and linear regression line using mean values per patient. F Module scores of gene signatures related to cytotoxicity and exhaustion of different CD8+ T cell clusters, white and black arrowheads indicate cell clusters enriched in normal or tumor tissue, respectively, for cell cluster color code see (A). G Correlation of the relative quantity of selected lymphoid and myeloid immune cell clusters, color-coded by patient; Spearman’s correlation statistics, linear regression line.
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