Figure 7 - uploaded by Fabien Baligand
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1: Composition « Dossier Médical Personnalisé »

1: Composition « Dossier Médical Personnalisé »

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L’avènement des architectures orientées service tend à promouvoir un style d’architecture logicielleoù des services, exposant des fonctionnalités accessibles à l’aide de protocoles hautement standardisés,sont composés avec un couplage lâche. Dans un tel contexte où les services sont aisément amenés à êtreremplacés ou utilisés par un grand nombre d’...

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... Much of this research was devoted to the composition of SWs Many solutions for the automatic composition have been proposed in the literature. These solutions can be classified into two basic categories: service composition based interfaces and composition of services oriented conversation [2]. The first assumes that services are described as a list of operations independent of one another, it is subdivided into two categories: chaining services [5], [17], [20], and selection of services run by conversations [20], [21] depending on whether the task is specified with or without combination of conversations. ...
The Web services technology is now widely used in support of interoperability between distributed and heterogeneous applications. With the evolution of Semantic Web services (SWs) within organizations and their uses in a large-scale, composition of services in a distributed setting has become a real challenge. A mechanism for automatic composition of SWs according to their functionality is necessary, since the features are the most important thing that partners seek. In this paper, we describe a distributed approach to automatic composition of SWs, which supports the complexity of both SWs and the task at hand. The approach is based on the notion of alignment of OWL-S, in order to achieve semantic interoperability in a heterogeneous and distributed architecture, to ensure correct operation of Web services provided, and meet the needs and users’ preferences. The objective is to optimize the time of the completion of the automatic composition of SWs, and to overcome the problem of communication within and between SWs and network saturation.
... Un service est composé de trois parties principales, tel que illustré dans la Figure « Un service est une unité logicielle autonome et indépendante de toute plateforme, qui peut être décrite, publiée, découverte, orchestrée et programmée en utilisant des protocoles standards dans le but de créer des réseaux d'applications collaboratives distribuées à très grande échelle. » [Baligand, 2008] Ce qui distingue l'architecture SOA des autres architectures, c'est le couplage lâche et la granularité des services. Ces propriétés permettent de faciliter la reconfiguration des processus quand les fonctions métier évoluent ou changent. ...
Depuis plusieurs années, la mondialisation du marché, l'augmentation des exigences des clients, et la recherche permanente d'une baisse des coûts induisent un accroissement fort de la complexité du monde industriel. Ainsi, la collaboration inter-organisationnelle devient essentielle pour maintenir et renforcer la compétitivité des entreprises. Dans cette optique, le système d'information peut, selon sa flexibilité et sa robustesse, freiner ou faciliter cette collaboration. Cette problématique est le point de départ du projet MISE (Mediation Information System Engineering) qui propose une solution pour la conception et la réalisation d'un système d'information collaboratif. Cette solution se base sur une démarche d'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles, couplée à une approche Business Process Management (BPM) et reposant sur les Architectures Orientées Services (SOA). Cette démarche se déroule en deux étapes : (i) la génération d'une cartographie de processus répondant à une situation collaborative (niveau métier), et (ii) sa transformation en un système exécutable (niveau technique). Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit s'inscrivent dans cette démarche. Ils s'intéressent en particulier au passage du niveau métier vers le niveau technique en se focalisant sur les aspects non-fonctionnels. Nous présentons une approche permettant (i) d'annoter les activités métier à l'aide d'exigences non-fonctionnelles lors de la modélisation des processus collaboratifs, (ii) de rationaliser la gestion des services et leurs propriétés non-fonctionnelles au moyen de la Gouvernance SOA, et enfin (iii) de faire une réconciliation non-fonctionnelle entre les activités et les services. Nous avons validé les concepts de notre approche au travers de deux prototypes : Petals BPM-NFR pour la modélisation et l'annotation non-fonctionnelle des processus métier, et EasierGov-NFR pour la gouvernance des services et leurs propriétés non-fonctionnelles ainsi que la réconciliation non-fonctionnelle. Un cas d'étude illustre notre approche pour prouver son applicabilité. Ces travaux s'inscrivent au sein du projet européen FP7 CHOReOS.
... In this section, a case study is used to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. For this case, we have selected the TRAP/BPEL framework [4] [13]. In our paper, we focus on an architectural approach not because the TRAP/BPEL framework is uninteresting or less promising, but we argue that the architectural level shows how the adaptation system components of this framework are separated and generality deals with the challenges posed. ...
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The need to adapt a business process in applications has been a topic of interest in the recent years. Several approaches offer solutions to it. But, a limitation of most existing ones is the tight coupling of the adaptation logic with the execution one inside the engine implementation. In addition, they use the adaptation of business process only in the implementation phase (at runtime). To address these problems, we propose an architecture to develop a business process adaptation system. This architecture introduces modularity with an approach based on design patterns. We use some patterns to separate the adaptation logic and the functional one, and to address the adaptation at both the design phase and the implementation one. We show the feasibility of the proposed approach through the TRAP/BPEL framework.
... Ces valeurs seront utilisées dans l'étape suivante par les services de mesure du paramètre de QdS SLA parameter. 1. MetricMeasurement(Metric metric) 2. getMetricDetailsRule:="hasName("+ metric + ", ?metricName) ^ hasValueFrom("+metric+",?measurementDirective)^ hasMeasurementFrequency("+ metric +",?frequency) → query:select(?metricName, ? ...
This work adresses the service level agreements (SLA) life cycle in service- oriented architectures. This life cycle starts with a specification and a modeling phase of the required quality levels. The second phase of this life cycle consists in negotiating these levels. This phase is accomplished by signing a service level agreement by the client and the provider. The last phase consists in monitoring the obligations defined in the SLA until the termination of its validity period. Concerning the first phase, we noticed that the existing SLA models are incomplete especially if the required service levels have to be indirectly computed according to other elementary quality metrics. To overcome this problem, we defined a new SLA model named SLAOnt. This model is characterized by its semantic richness and completeness. Regarding the second phase, we noticed that the existing SLA negotiation approaches consist in choosing a subset of clauses and values among choices predefined by the provider. However, the client may not understand these choices if he is not an expert of the IT domain. In this case, he has not the possibility of expressing his needs with his own knowledge and language. For this reason, we propose a novel negotiation approach based on a semantic matching of quality of service objectives between clients and providers. This approach is based on semantic inferences in all its stages to detect indirect correspondences that are not detectable by the classic negotiation and matching techniques. Our approach provides higher precision when compared to the existing ones. This phase ends with a generation of a complete service level agreement in case of compatibility. Concerning the monitoring phase, we noticed a lack of an automatic and a generic approach to facilitate the task of supervision, analysis and detection of the SLA violations. To address these shortcomings, we relied on the same semantic capacities as the negotiation phase to establish a complete monitoring approach of the signed service level agreements between service providers and consumers. Indeed, our QoS monitoring approach is based on inferential reasoning allowing us to detect violations and even undetectable d egradations without using semantics.
... Mots-clés : services Web, services Web sémantiques, moteur inférentiel, moteur Datalog-like, découverte et composition de services, propriétés fonctionnelles et non fonctionnelles, bioinformatique, skyline, top-k. 4.9 synthèse desévaluations des plateformes [Bal08]. Dans ce tableau, les cases vides représentent des fonctionnalités n'ayant pasété prises en compte par le système. ...
... L'intrusivité désigne le degré d'intrusion les mécanismes de gestion de la QdS dans la plateforme mettant en exécution la composition. C'est eFlow qui offre une plus grande ouverture,à cet 4.4 Conclusion Figure 4.9 -synthèse desévaluations des plateformes [Bal08]. Dans ce tableau, les cases vides représentent des fonctionnalités n'ayant pasété prises en compte par le système. ...
Les architectures orientées-services ont vu le jour comme une architecture logicielle offrant un ensemble de de standards basés essentiellement sur le langage XML et offrant l'accès a distance à des composants logiciels encapsulant des traitements. Ainsi, cette architecture offre une approche d'intégration permettant la communication de systèmes d’informations sur des réseaux distribués en se basant sur un ensemble de protocoles de description et d'échange de données. Rapidement, le nombre de services Web disponibles sur la toile a augmenté et a suscité l'intérêt de plusieurs communautés scientifiques qui souhaiteraient automatiser leur processus. Pour faciliter la recherche et la composition de SW, plusieurs approches émanant de la communauté Web sémantique proposent de décrire les propriétés fonctionnelles et/ou non fonctionnelles en se basant sur des ontologies du domaine. Un bon nombre de propositions ont introduit des langages pour la description sémantique de services a vu le jour (OWL-S, WSMO, SA-WSDL). Cependant, ces descriptions adoptent différent vocabulaires pour décrire les services. La problématique de ma thèses’est inscrit dans le cadre de la médiation sémantique de services Web visant à la fois la réconciliation des vocabulaires de description et le \textit{matchmaking} approximatif au moment de la recherche et lacomposition de services par un utilisateur final. Ainsi, nous avons proposé un alignement des vocabulaires introduits par les différentes propositions.Ensuite, nous avons proposé une approche de découverte basée sur une technique de matchmaking approximatif permettant de satisfaire une requête utilisateur $Q$ exprimant un ensemble de contraintesfonctionnelles et non fonctionnelles. Le matchmaking est une opération cruciale dans la découverte et la sélection de services Web. L'objectif du matchmaking est de découvrir et de sélectionner le service Web le plus approprié parmi les différents candidats disponibles en considérant les contraintes de l'utilisateur. Notre approche se base sur des techniques de relaxation basées sur le raisonnement déductif permettant d'augmenter la taille de l'espace de recherche (\textit{search space}) d'une requête utilisateur. En absence d'un matching exact entre la requête utilisateur et les services disponibles, plusieurs types de matching approximatifs peuvent être déduits (plugin, subsomption). L'étude expérimentale de la thèse s'est focalisé sur l'implémentation de workflows scientifiques dans le domaine de la bio-informatique. Cette étude a permis demontrer l’impact des techniques de raisonnement sur la taille de l’espace de recherche (search space) des servicesdécouverts et la cardinalité des plans des services composés.
Semantic Web services (SWs) has become the most dominant paradigm of the service-oriented computing and one of the hot issues in the area of distributed computing technology to perform business services composition more efficiently and effectively for a number of years now. The distributed composition of SWs according to their functionality increases the capability of an application to fulfill the user’s requirements. In this paper, we describe an efficient approach for improving the performance and effectiveness of automatic and cooperative composition of SWs in P2P systems. It implements a distributed solution based on scalable epidemic algorithm to discover and compose SWs in P2P systems. The main idea of our approach is to develop hybrid matching technique that operates on OWL-S process models in order to ensure high recall, further reduce the number of messages exchanged and reduce the execution time for discovering and composing SWs in the P2P network. Moreover, our matching technique is able to detect complex matching between these SWs based on their parameters and the user request. We propose a similarity measure that will be used to compose new discovered and heterogeneous collaborative Web services of large-scale distributed systems in a P2P network for satisfying user requirements, and to rank the results according to a similarity score expressing the affinities between each of them and a user-submitted query. The experimental results show that our approach is efficient and able to reduce considerably the execution time and message overhead, while preserving high levels of the distributed discovery and composition of SWs on large-size P2P networks.
Semantic Web services (SWs) and P2P computing have emerged as new paradigms for solving complex problems by enabling large-scale aggregation and sharing of distributed computational resources. In this paper, we present a scalable approach based on epidemic discovery algorithm to discover new distributed and heterogeneous collaborative applications of large-scale distributed systems in a P2P network, and to rank the results according to a similarity score expressing the affinities between each of them and a user-submitted query. In order to reduce the execution time and improve the applicability of the epidemic discovery algorithm for discovering SWs, we propose the matching of ontology OWL-S process model in the heart of this algorithm which reduces the search space while keeping an acceptable matching quality level. Moreover, our matching approach is able to detect complex mappings between OWL-S process models based on their parameters. Experiments showed that the matching technique reduces considerably the execution time, maintaining at the same time a good quality of the distributed discovery of SWs in a P2P network.
Conference Paper
The Web services technology is now widely used in support of interoperability between distributed and heterogeneous applications. With the evolution of Semantic Web services (SWs) within organizations and their uses in a large-scale, composition of services in a distributed setting has become a real challenge. A mechanism for automatic composition of SWs according to their functionality is necessary, since the features are the most important thing that partners seek. In this paper, we describe a distributed approach to automatic composition of SWs, which supports the complexity of both SWs and the task at hand. The approach is based on the notion of alignment of OWL-S, in order to achieve semantic interoperability in a heterogeneous, and distributed architecture, to ensure correct operation of Web services provided, and meet the needs and users' preferences. The objective is to optimize the time of the completion of the automatic composition of SWs, and to overcome the problem of communication within and between SWs and network saturation.
Conference Paper
Web services are the new generation of distributed software components. They are important for deploying automated interactions between distributed and heterogeneous applications of large-scale distributed systems. But with the evolution of the number of services available on the Web, in organizations and their large-scale use, a discovery mechanism of such a Web service in a distributed and heterogeneous environment has become a real challenge. In this paper, we describe a scalable P2P approach for automatic discovery of Semantic Web services (SWs), which supports the complexity of both SWs and task. Our architecture is based on P2P technology that has proven its effectiveness and robustness as distributed system. The particularity of our approach is to place the alignment of OWL-S in the heart of this architecture.