Completeness comparison

Completeness comparison

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It is a challenge to assemble an enormous amount of metagenome data in metagenomics. Usually, metagenome cluster sequence before assembly accelerates the whole process. In SpaRC, sequences are defined as nodes and clustered by a parallel label propagation algorithm (LPA). To address the randomness of label selection from the parallel LPA during clu...

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... data show that although three of the ten most significant clusters in the LPA have higher purity than the PLDLS, the overall purity of the clusters in the PLDLS is higher. The specific results are shown in Fig. 8. Table 3 shows the completeness of the four algorithms on the three datasets. The results show that the median and average completeness metrics of PLDLS on the three datasets are significantly higher than the other algorithms by about 25-60%. ...

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