Comparison of the frequency of publications found for each keyword on the three scien databases.

Comparison of the frequency of publications found for each keyword on the three scien databases.

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To address water-related issues of river pollution, floods, droughts, and ecological water allocations, there is a need for an integrated river basin management (IRBM) plan for the successful management of all the river basins in the country. Stakeholder engagement is one of the important elements for the effective implementation of IRBM. In this s...


... Scientists, experts, and the broader public are increasingly aware of the health of their local waterways and the ecosystems they support. Sustainable river management highlights the urgent need for methodologies that are both effective and accessible to diverse stakeholders (Lim et al. 2022;Tonkin et al. 2014;Pinto et al. 2014). ...
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In the past, river restoration mainly focused on flood protection and somewhat ignored the degradation of river ecosystems, e.g., the habitats of river organisms. In recent decades, however, there has been an increased effort to carefully assess the quality of aquatic habitats as well. The authors have collected data from mountain and sub-mountain streams, including the habitat preferences of fish, topographic surveys, hydrometric measurements, and hydraulic modelling. These data were used to model the quality of stream habitats using the System of Environmental Flow Analysis (SEFA). SEFA, however, may be perceived as impractical for routine usage since the data it requires are extensive and time-consuming to obtain. For simplification, a regression analysis was conducted using only part of SEFA’s input data to balance reliability and data requirements of the computations. The general contribution of the paper is a demonstration of working with small datasets, addressing the challenges of analyzing the quality of river habitat through techniques such as boosting and regularization in regression analyses. The study confirmed a satisfactory agreement between the SEFA model’s results and the proposed regression methods, especially when using the boosting machine learning algorithm for the regression analysis (with a correlation of 0.9). The regression method significantly reduced the input data necessary to evaluate the quality of a habitat compared to the SEFA model. This permits an assessment of the ecological state of streams not only in a scientific context, but also in standard engineering practice.
... Bilgilendirme çalışmaları, bölgesel toplantılar, çalıştaylar ve kamuoyu bilgilendirme kampanyaları gibi araçlarla gerçekleştirilebilir. Bu yaklaşımın uygulanmasında, hukuki ve kurumsal altyapının da destekleyici bir rol oynaması gereklidir. Özellikle havza yönetimine dair mevzuatın, paydaş katılımını teşvik eden hükümler içermesi ve katılım sürecini kolaylaştıracak mekanizmalar oluşturması önemlidir (13). Örneğin, yerel yönetimlerin ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının karar alma süreçlerine dahil edilmesi, katılımcı yönetim anlayışını güçlendirebilir. ...
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Özet-Sürdürülebilir havza yönetimi, su kaynaklarının korunması ve ekosistem hizmetlerinin sürekliliğinin sağlanması amacıyla çevresel, sosyal ve ekonomik faktörleri bütünsel bir şekilde ele almaktadır. Bu yönetim süreci, giderek artan nüfus, sanayileşme, iklim değişikliği ve çevresel bozulma gibi tehditler karşısında daha da önemli hale gelmektedir. Havza yönetimi, doğal kaynakların etkin ve verimli kullanımını amaçlarken, çevresel dengeyi sağlamak için çeşitli disiplinlerin bir arada çalışmasını gerektirir. Orman mühendisliği, su kaynakları yönetimi ve çevre mühendisliği gibi alanlar, havza yönetiminde kritik roller üstlenmektedir. Sürdürülebilir havza yönetiminde kullanılan yaklaşımlar arasında ekosistem tabanlı yönetim, katılımcı yönetim ve uyarlanabilir yönetim gibi yöntemler ön plana çıkmaktadır. Ekosistem tabanlı yönetim, doğal süreçleri ve ekosistem hizmetlerini koruma amacını güderken, katılımcı yönetim yerel halkın ve paydaşların karar alma süreçlerine dahil edilmesini sağlayarak sosyal sürdürülebilirliği destekler. Uyarlanabilir yönetim ise çevresel değişimlere karşı esnek ve dinamik bir yaklaşım sunarak havza ekosistemlerinin değişen koşullara hızla uyum sağlamasını mümkün kılar. Bu kapsamda, sürdürülebilir havza yönetimi sadece çevresel koruma sağlamamakta, aynı zamanda ekonomik ve sosyal kalkınmaya katkıda bulunarak uzun vadeli faydalar sunmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, sürdürülebilir havza yönetimi, doğal kaynakların korunması, biyolojik çeşitliliğin devamlılığı ve yerel halkın yaşam kalitesinin artırılması adına kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu sürecin başarılı bir şekilde uygulanabilmesi için disiplinler arası iş birliği, stratejik planlamalar ve yerel düzeyde katılım sağlanmalıdır.
... Integrated water resources management (IWRM) emphasizes stakeholder involvement and risk assessment as crucial for successful water management (Angarwal et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2022). Engaging local communities, governmental entities, indigenous peoples and civil society organizations in decision-making is important for effective and sustainable water management (Langsdale & Cardwell, 2022). ...
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Water and food security are worldwide objectives linked to healthy ecosystems that provide clean water and food. Human activities are progressively jeopardizing this equilibrium, affecting both resilience and sustainability. Ecosystem health and water resource management are linked, as ecosystems maintains water quantity and quality. However, urbanization, agriculture, industry and climate change are all inflicting considerable harm to ecosystems and altering hydrological processes. This review aims to explore the complex relationship between ecosystem health and water resource management and to highlight effective management practices and challenges. The review employs a comprehensive literature review, thematic analysis, and a thorough evaluation of case studies. Human activities such as urbanization, agriculture, industry, and climate change have a significant impact on ecosystems and hydrological processes. The review reveals how these activities endanger water quality and quantity, compromising resilience and sustainability. Case studies highlight the importance of protecting water resources and restoring degraded ecosystems to ensure water and food security. Effective strategies for mitigating the negative effects on ecosystems and water resources are identified, along with challenges in integrated water resource management. The paper emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, adaptive management, and ecosystem-based approaches to improving water and food security. It promotes climate-smart agriculture and fair access to resources as critical components of a resilient and safe future. Future prospects and existing efforts are highlighted to emphasize the importance of these techniques in dealing with ongoing and upcoming difficulties.
... Furthermore, political strategies often require significant interventions that alter the environments of local inhabitants [20]. Against this background, the integration of diverse stakeholders has become an essential part of sustainable water resource management [21][22][23][24][25]. ...
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This study investigated the sociological dimensions informing public perceptions of water scarcity during the El Niño drought period in Colombia. We conducted this study in Santa Marta, Colombia, and surveyed 405 urban and rural residents to understand their perceptions of water scarcity, management, and the impacts of the El Niño phenomenon. The survey used a Likert scale to measure responses and employed a multivariate analysis of variance to analyze the data while considering factors such as location (urban versus rural) and gender. The study results indicated that urban residents often experience an irregular water supply all year, whereas most rural respondents noted a more consistent availability of water. The perception of water scarcity also differed notably between urban and rural areas due to their different historical and cultural experiences (habitus). Urban respondents mostly recognized the presence of water, while rural perspectives were less conclusive, likely influenced by their direct access to natural water sources. Participants across various demographics consistently reported that poor management by local, regional, and national governments contributes to the water scarcity crisis, highlighting the importance of improving communication about climate events like El Niño and water management to increase community engagement in public policies. Our research suggests that better understanding the social foundations of such perceptions using Bourdieu's concepts of social fields, habitus, and capital forms can significantly enhance water management strategies.
... Furthermore, political strategies often require significant interventions that alter the environments of local inhabitants [20]. Under this background, the integration of diverse stakeholders has become an essential part of sustainable water resource management [21][22][23][24][25]. Approaching this phenomenon through Bourdieu's theory of social fields and habitus offers a clearer perspective on why water scarcity is perceived differently among various social groups. ...
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This study investigates the sociological dimensions informing public perceptions of water scarcity during the El Niño drought period in Colombia. We conducted this study in Santa Marta, Colombia, and surveyed 405 urban and rural residents to understand their perceptions of water scarcity, management, and the impacts of the El Niño phenomenon. The survey used a Likert scale to measure responses and employed a multivariate analysis of variance to analyze the data while considering factors such as location (urban versus rural) and gender. The study results indicated that urban residents often experience an irregular water supply all year, whereas most rural respondents noted a more consistent availability of water. The perception of water scarcity also differed notably between urban and rural areas due to their different historical and cultural experiences (habitus). Urban respondents mostly recognized the presence of water, while rural perspectives were less conclusive, likely influenced by their direct access to natural water sources. Participants across various demographics consistently reported that poor management by local, regional, and national governments contributes to the water scarcity crisis, highlighting the widespread call for urgent reforms in water management policies and practices. Our research suggests that better understanding the social foundations of such perceptions using Bourdieu's concepts of social fields, habitus, and capital forms can significantly enhance water management strategies.
... Mapping out actors, their values, motives, activities, knowledge, experiences over time, and networks between them to enhance ecosystem management is essential (Baird et al., 2014). Understanding stakeholder perspectives is vital to identifying and solving transboundary water governance issues and proposing sustainable governance processes (Howell et al., 2023;Lim et al., 2022). ...
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The inherent complexity of governing transboundary social–ecological systems like the Cubango‐Okavango River Basin (CORB) has given rise to various governance frameworks like integrated water resource management (IWRM) and adaptive governance. While these may work in theory and some specific contexts, current discordance between formal (state) and informal (non‐state) governance systems, especially at the local level, still exists, resulting in significant inequities regarding water resource allocation, use, and sustainability. This research, therefore, is crucial in understanding why the disconnects between state and non‐state actors might be present in current governance arrangements and how they influence decision‐making processes linked to equitable and sustainable water governance. Through a mixed‐method, qualitative approach, this paper aimed to examine how state and non‐state actors influence water governance in the CORB from a Namibian perspective and explore current challenges and opportunities in governance structures to understand strategic intervention points for enhancing more just and sustainable governance outcomes. Data was collected from 63 participants through semi‐structured, in‐depth interviews, and an actor‐mapping questionnaire to understand key actors involved in the Namibian portion of the CORB and to determine the critical networks and relationships between them for enhancing water governance in the basin. Embedded within a grounded theory approach, thematic analysis was used to analyze data using Atlas.ti; a descriptive analysis was used to graphically organize, summarize, and present field data using Microsoft Excel; and a narrative analysis documented the participants' personal stories of water governance. The study identified key water governance breakdown points between state and non‐state actors, including resource grabs and inadequate bottom‐up approaches. The study further found that the active participation of non‐state actors in the water governance of the CORB is imperative for maximizing contextualized synergies between state and non‐state actors in transboundary water governance.
... To this end workshops, roundtables and outreach efforts are often conducted (Pargament et al. 2010). Yet, as a recent review shows, there is very little research on how effective stakeholder engagement should be carried out (Lim et al. 2022). ...
... Stakeholder engagement is a central tenant in basin management (Jonch-Clausen and Fugl 2001;Lim et al. 2022). ...
... Participatory processes, widely viewed as central in the integrated basin management and integrated water management literature has been found to be often highly fragmented, and with limited results on decision making (Lim et al. 2022;Schroder and Watson 2024). In this research we advance a method, the IGA, whose intention is to identify the core issues that demand attention in basin management at the outset of the planning process. ...
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Effective stakeholder engagement is essential for basin management, requiring structured approaches to foster collaboration and consensus. This paper applies the Issue Generating Assessment (IGA) method, which identifies core issues for stakeholder discussion, to basin management. Focusing on the Israeli part of the Hadera Basin, we identify the core issues that should be discussed by stakeholders using the IGA method. To this end 39 participants across 14 sectors evaluating three generic basin management strategies were asked to qualitatively explain their evaluations. By analyzing these explanations utilizing the IGA method, four core issues emerged: (1) Managing uncertainty: addressing climate change and land use impacts on stream flow; (2) Mutual impacts management: handling interactions between the stream and its surroundings; (3) Integration of uses: balancing various stream utilization priorities; (4) Defining natural system functions: determining the role of natural systems. For each core issue, we proposed questions to guide stakeholder discussions. The IGA method is thus found to be useful, and has the potential to foster meaningful dialogue in structured stakeholder meetings, thereby focusing discussions and allowing understandings among stakeholders to be reached as a basis for basin management plans. Such early understandings may contribute to the development of strategies for sustainable basin management.
... Mapping the pressures in river basins that actually affect people and their environments, like recreational overuse or invasive species, could help to coordinate relevant research and management efforts better. The active participation of stakeholders in river basin management has been frequently mentioned to promote ecological and social sustainability, but effective engagement at this level is still lacking (Euler and Heldt, 2018;Lim et al., 2022). Jähnig et al. (2022) andvon Haaren andAlbert (2011) showed examples and highlighted specific factors to better integrate the ES concept in environmental planning and river basin management. ...
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Floodplains provide an extraordinary quantity and quality of ecosystem services (ES) but are among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. The uses and transformations of floodplains differ widely within and between regions. In recent decades, the diverse pressures and requirements for flood protection, drinking water resource protection, biodiversity, and adaptation to climate change have shown that multi-functional floodplain management is necessary. Such an integrative approach has been hampered by the various interests of different sectors of society, as represented by multiple stakeholders and legal principles. We present an innovative framework for integrated floodplain management building up on ES multi-functionality and stakeholder involvement, forming a scientifically based decision-support to prioritize adaptive management measures responding at the basin and local scales. To demonstrate its potential and limitations, we applied this cross-scaled approach in the world's most international and culturally diverse basin, the Danube River Basin in Europe. We conducted large-scale evaluations of anthropogenic pressures and ES capacities on the one hand and participatory modelling of the local socio-ecohydrological systems on the other hand. Based on our assessments of 14 ES and 8 pressures, we recommend conservation measures along the lower and middle Danube, restoration measures along the upper-middle Danube and Sava, and mitigation measures in wide parts of the Yantra, Tisza and upper Danube rivers. In three case study areas across the basin, stakeholder perceptions were generally in line with the large-scale evaluations on ES and pressures. The positive outcomes of jointly modelled local measures and large-scale synergistic ES relationships suggest that multi-functionality can be enhanced across scales. Trade-offs were mainly present with terrestrial provisioning ES at the basin scale and locally with recreational activities. Utilizing the commonalities between top-down prioritizations and bottom-up participatory approaches and learning from their discrepancies could make ecosystem-based management more effective and inclusive.
... El reto de la gestión de una cuenca hidrográfica es un proceso cada vez más complejo por la interdependencia que requiere tomar en cuenta la naturaleza de la misma y la participación de múltiples sectores interesados en su gobernanza (Magnuszewski et al., 2018;Sulistyaningsih et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2022). En ese sentido, el enfoque de gestión de cuencas que no incorpora la participación social puede considerarse como limitado y difícil de implementar. ...
... Las políticas gubernamentales sobre el manejo de cuencas hidrográficas también deben revisarse desde sus aspectos iniciales de la ciencia, incluidas las regulaciones e instituciones existentes, para que la contribución y la vinculación entre los sectores puedan ser visibles (Pambudi, 2019). La idea es incorporar una perspectiva en la política de gobernanza del agua cuyas decisiones apunten al desarrollo sostenible (Aben et al., 2018;Lim et al., 2022). Tal desarrollo debería aprovechar los beneficios económicos de la gestión de la cuenca, la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de los sistemas naturales, y el cumplimiento de los objetivos de mitigación del cambio climático (Liu et al., 2022). ...
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Las cuencas hidrográficas son ecosistemas esenciales para la vida de nuestro planeta. Los estudios revelan que los modelos de gestión integrada toman en cuenta la planificación de las políticas públicas y la interacción con los actores involucrados por medio de una conciliación entre el desarrollo económico y social y la conservación de los ecosistemas. Este trabajo analiza los estudios publicados en los últimos diez años sobre la gestión integrada de cuencas hidrográficas a nivel global desde diferentes enfoques, con un interés especial en la zona geográfica del Caribe insular. Aborda la diversidad de planteamientos sobre la gestión de las cuencas como proveedoras de servicios ecosistémicos que pudieran generar bienestar para sus usuarios y garantizar la protección del recurso hídrico. Se fundamenta en un diseño no experimental transeccional exploratorio de tipo analítico descriptivo que utiliza la búsqueda, revisión y análisis de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas en las bases de datos Scopus y Web Science. En su búsqueda se visualizan los principales enfoques de un modelo de gobernanza de las cuencas hidrográficas y los desafíos para abordarlas desde una visión ecosistémica con participación de los actores involucrados desde un contexto analítico que pueda explorar y generar nuevas agendas de investigación sobre el tema.
... To the author's knowledge, the recent CMIP6 models' accuracy in capturing changes and variations in rainfall at basin-scale studies in JRB has not been thoroughly examined. In addition, due to the governmentled endeavour to implement integrated river basin management (IRBM) across the chosen major rivers that are essential to the growth of the nation, interest in basin-scale studies has been increasing in Malaysia (Mokhtar et al., 2011;Babatunde et al., 2022). The technical aspect of the IRBM emphasised the need to project the possible scenarios for future climate that can help the main stakeholders prepare a future plan for mitigation and adaptation for the possible risks of flood, drought, and water availability. ...