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Comparison of numerical results of Fornberg-Whitham equation via OAFM is compared with HPTM when α = 1.0

Comparison of numerical results of Fornberg-Whitham equation via OAFM is compared with HPTM when α = 1.0

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In this article, approximate solutions of some PDE of fractional order are investi­gated with the help of a new semi-analytical method called the optimal auxiliary function method. The proposed method was tested upon the time-fractional Fisher equation, the time-fractional Fornberg-Whitham equation, and the time-fractional Inviscid Burger equation....

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... It has significant implications for many fields of science and engineering, fluid mechanics, mathematical physics, mathematical biology, hydrodynamics, and many others [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Since NLEEs are very difficult to unravel, so many powerful analytical and numerical methods are developed and established for solutions such as the sine-Gordon technique [8], the improved F-expansion approach [9], the enhanced ( ′ G G / )-expansion method [10,11], the binary Darboux transformation [12], the variational direct method [13], the extended version of exp (−ψ κ ( ))-expansion method [14], the Hirota direct methodology [15], the Lie symmetry approach [16,17], the extended Kudryashov method [18], the extended homoclinic test technique [19], the ′ G G G / , 1/ ( )expansion approach [20], the meshless method [21], the Mohand variational transform method [22], the Paul-Painlevé approach method [23], the exact solution method [24], the optimal auxiliary function method [25], the extended simple equation technique [26], the Bernoulli sub-ordinary differential equation approach [27], the (w g / )-expansion method [28], the improved F-expansion and unified methods [29], and the modified version of the new Kudryashov method [30]. ...
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In this article, we investigated the Landau–Ginzburg–Higgs (LGH) equation, focusing on the analysis of isolated soliton solutions and their stability. To compute the isolated soliton solutions, we used the advanced auxiliary equation (AAE) approach, which has proven to be a powerful and efficient method for extracting soliton solutions in various nonlinear partial differential equations (NLPDEs). We provided a detailed explanation, both graphically and physically, of the obtained soliton solutions in this article. Furthermore, we used the linear stability technique to conduct a stability analysis of the LGH equation. Additionally, we studied the bifurcation and stability of the equilibria and performed phase plane analysis of the model. We also provided a discussion on the comparisons between the AAE method and two other well-known approaches: the generalized Kudryashov method and the improved Bernoulli sub-equation function method. The application of the AAE approach in this study demonstrates its effectiveness and capability in analysing and extracting soliton solutions in NLPDEs.
... It has significant implications for many fields of science and engineering, fluid mechanics, mathematical physics, mathematical biology, hydrodynamics, and many others [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Since NLEEs are very difficult to unravel, so many powerful analytical and numerical methods are developed and established for solutions such as the sine-Gordon technique [8], the improved F-expansion approach [9], the enhanced ( ′ G G / )-expansion method [10,11], the binary Darboux transformation [12], the variational direct method [13], the extended version of exp (−ψ κ ( ))-expansion method [14], the Hirota direct methodology [15], the Lie symmetry approach [16,17], the extended Kudryashov method [18], the extended homoclinic test technique [19], the ′ G G G / , 1/ ( )expansion approach [20], the meshless method [21], the Mohand variational transform method [22], the Paul-Painlevé approach method [23], the exact solution method [24], the optimal auxiliary function method [25], the extended simple equation technique [26], the Bernoulli sub-ordinary differential equation approach [27], the (w g / )-expansion method [28], the improved F-expansion and unified methods [29], and the modified version of the new Kudryashov method [30]. ...
... This property states that if we have the equation AB=CD, then we can multiply A by D and B by C to obtain A⋅D=B⋅C. By utilizing this property, we can convert fractional equations into equations without fractions, making them easier to solve [43][44][45][46]. In this essay, the nonlinear fractional integral equation is studied. ...
This essay focuses on studying the nonlinear fractional integral equation. Various methods, including Akbari-Ganji's Method (AGM), Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), and Vibrational Iteration Method (VIM), are utilized to obtain its solution. We introduce an innovative approach to obtain rough approximations for fractional differential equations. These equations play a significant role in the field of fluid dynamics and find widespread application. In this article, we have used analytical methods to check the correctness of the answers. Maple mathematical software is used to solve all fractional equations. Ordinary equations and fractional differential equations have connections to entropy, wavelets, and other related concepts. To demonstrate the method, a few examples are employed, chosen for their accuracy and simplicity of implementation. The solutions are explained using convergent series. According to the calculations performed with analytical methods on the fractional integral equations of the nonlinear oscillator, Due to the swing movements of the oscillator, as the swing movement's increase, the velocity gradient becomes an upward trend.
... [1][2][3][4][5] Several researchers have addressed the numerical and approximate solutions of FIDEs. [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] As we realize, lots mathematical types of real phenomenon appear in different fields of sciences and engineering are non-linear systems. not with standing, most differential systems which is used to characterize physical phenomena are system of integer order. ...
In this paper, a developed technique of homotopy analysis method (HAM) is presented to solve nonlinear system of fractional order Volterra integro-differential equations. The fractional derivative is described in the Caputo form. The main thing we have done in this paper is that we have simplified the process of evaluating the fractional order integrations in the deformation equations than the standard HAM. The proposed technique is tested by some illustrative examples in order to demonstrate its accuracy, applicability and efficiency.
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In a current article, two novel analytical approaches are compared for analytical analysis of wave like equations with variable coefficients, which describe the evolution of stochastic phenomena. One is the New Approximate Analytical Method which based on Caputo–Riemann operator with simple decomposition procedure. This new method directly provides a fractional order series form solution which fastly converge to exact form solution for integer order. The second is Mohand Variational Iteration Transform Method which base on iteration procedure with Mohand Transform. The Mohand Variational Iteration Transform Method provides series form solution without using any decomposition, discretization, and He’s polynomial. The solution in series form converges directly to the exact solution for integer orders. The comparative analysis validates that Mohand Variational Iterative Method has less computational work and simple procedure without using any decomposition, discretization, and He’s polynomial procedure as compared to New Approximate Analytical Method.