FIG 2 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Comparison of hb h P e i from cross-correlation measurements in observations and simulations. The solid red and blue lines are the MTNG and Magneticum simulations, respectively. For the Magneticum simulations we choose "Box2b," which has the highest mass resolution. However, "Box2b" lacks data at z ¼ 0. The data point at z ¼ 0 is from "Box0" and is marked with a star symbol. The points with error bars are previous cross-correlation measurements from observational data [7,12-16].
Source publication
The statistics of thermal gas pressure are a new and promising probe of cosmology and astrophysics. The large-scale cross-correlation between galaxies and the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect gives the bias-weighted mean electron pressure, ⟨ b h P e ⟩ . In this paper, we show that ⟨ b h P e ⟩ is sensitive to the amplitude of fluctuations in matter...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... Fig. 2 we compare the hb h P e i measurements from the above literature with those from simulations (Sec. III). The results will be discussed in Sec. ...
Context 2
... Fig. 2, we compare the mean bias-weighted pressure, hb h P e i, obtained from the MTNG and Magneticum simulations using Eq. (26) with observations. In this section, we consider the low (z < 2) and high (z > 2) redshift regimes of these results. We then present results from the TNG300 simulations to assess the convergence of hb h P e i with ...
Context 3
... low redshift, the differences between the two simulations are smaller than the current error bars of the observations (Fig. 2). This suggests that the difference in their galaxy formation models has little effect on hb h P e i below z ¼ ...
Context 4
... A ≃ 0.93 up to z max ≃ 0.75. The last two data points then pull A closer to unity for z max ≃ 1. Although it is still of modest statistical significance, this result is similar to the S 8 tension, or the "lensing is low" problem [84] from the lensing observations. One caveat to our analysis here is that we have assumed that all data points in Fig. 2 are independent, which is probably incorrect. Computing the covariance of data points obtained by different authors is difficult and beyond the scope of this paper, but it would be useful to perform this analysis properly as the measurements become more ...
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