Figure 2 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
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Comparison of fuel consumption (FC) estimates derived by combining FRP and burned-area data. (a) Fuel consumption derived using SEVIRI FRP data. (b) Correlation between fuel consumption estimates based on the SEVIRI and MODIS FRP data. (c) Fuel consumption derived using MODIS FRP data. (d) MODIS-based fuel consumption estimates as a percentage of the SEVIRI-based estimates. For comparison both SEVIRI-and MODIS-based estimates are shown for the same period (2010–2014) and the MODIS FRE data are uncorrected (see Sect. 4.2). Note that on average MODIS-derived FC is about twice as large as SEVIRI-derived FC. Grid cells with dominant land cover " forest " or " bare or sparsely vegetated " were excluded from our analysis and are masked grey, while water and grid cells with less than 50 MODIS FRP detections are shown in white in all figures.
Source publication
Landscape fires occur on a large scale in (sub)tropical savannas and
grasslands, affecting ecosystem dynamics, regional air quality and
concentrations of atmospheric trace gasses. Fuel consumption per unit of area
burned is an important but poorly constrained parameter in fire emission
modelling. We combined satellite-derived burned area with fire...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... provide new insights into the specific qualities and lim- itations of polar-orbiting and geostationary-based FRP data, we compared the mean fuel consumption (kg m −2 ) estimates based on our approach using SEVIRI FRP data ( Fig. 2a) with our approach using MODIS FRP data (Fig. 2c). Al- though later on the MODIS-based FRE estimates are cali- brated against field measurements, here we use the uncor- rected FRE estimates to provide insights into the effect of sensor characteristics and our methods on absolute FRE es- timates. We used linear regression fitted through ...
Context 2
... provide new insights into the specific qualities and lim- itations of polar-orbiting and geostationary-based FRP data, we compared the mean fuel consumption (kg m −2 ) estimates based on our approach using SEVIRI FRP data ( Fig. 2a) with our approach using MODIS FRP data (Fig. 2c). Al- though later on the MODIS-based FRE estimates are cali- brated against field measurements, here we use the uncor- rected FRE estimates to provide insights into the effect of sensor characteristics and our methods on absolute FRE es- timates. We used linear regression fitted through the origin (Fig. 2b) in order to compare the ...
Context 3
... with our approach using MODIS FRP data (Fig. 2c). Al- though later on the MODIS-based FRE estimates are cali- brated against field measurements, here we use the uncor- rected FRE estimates to provide insights into the effect of sensor characteristics and our methods on absolute FRE es- timates. We used linear regression fitted through the origin (Fig. 2b) in order to compare the results. Total estimated FRE, and thus fuel consumption, based on the MODIS in- struments was roughly two times larger than SEVIRI-derived fuel consumption. On top of these absolute differences, the spatial patterns were not uniform ( Fig. 2b and d), for which we identified two main causes: first, the ...
Context 4
... absolute FRE es- timates. We used linear regression fitted through the origin (Fig. 2b) in order to compare the results. Total estimated FRE, and thus fuel consumption, based on the MODIS in- struments was roughly two times larger than SEVIRI-derived fuel consumption. On top of these absolute differences, the spatial patterns were not uniform ( Fig. 2b and d), for which we identified two main causes: first, the MODIS-based fuel consumption was consistently higher in south-eastern Africa (e.g. Mozambique and Madagascar), likely because of the decreasing sensitivity of the SEVIRI instrument at the greater off-nadir angle over this region (e.g. Freeborn et al., 2014b), and second, the relative ...
Context 5
... the relative fraction of FRE emitted during peri- ods that FRP values were below the SEVIRI detection thresh- old, a function of the absolute FRP values and the shape of the fire diurnal cycle. Fires with high FRP (related to high fire spread rates and/or fuel consumption) are often equally well observed by both instruments (i.e. red colouring in Fig. 2d), while areas with low fuel consumption are often character- ized by a larger differences between the MODIS and SE- VIRI estimates (i.e. green colouring in Fig. 2d). To prevent these differences from affecting our estimated correlation too much, we only included frequently burning grid cells (burned area ≥ 15 % yr −1 ) and those that ...
Context 6
... of the fire diurnal cycle. Fires with high FRP (related to high fire spread rates and/or fuel consumption) are often equally well observed by both instruments (i.e. red colouring in Fig. 2d), while areas with low fuel consumption are often character- ized by a larger differences between the MODIS and SE- VIRI estimates (i.e. green colouring in Fig. 2d). To prevent these differences from affecting our estimated correlation too much, we only included frequently burning grid cells (burned area ≥ 15 % yr −1 ) and those that have a surface area of the SEVIRI FRP-PIXEL product grid cells below 12 km 2 (min- imum value is 9 km 2 at nadir) during the linear regression shown in Fig. 2b. This ...
Context 7
... colouring in Fig. 2d). To prevent these differences from affecting our estimated correlation too much, we only included frequently burning grid cells (burned area ≥ 15 % yr −1 ) and those that have a surface area of the SEVIRI FRP-PIXEL product grid cells below 12 km 2 (min- imum value is 9 km 2 at nadir) during the linear regression shown in Fig. 2b. This resulted in reasonable correlation (r 2 = 0.42; n = 6569). Partial cloud cover and missing data were also affecting the analysis, and we found that 54 % of the annual burned area occurred during periods of reduced data availability (below 80 % during the 15-day time win- dow). When excluding these events, the absolute difference ...
Context 8
... and missing data were also affecting the analysis, and we found that 54 % of the annual burned area occurred during periods of reduced data availability (below 80 % during the 15-day time win- dow). When excluding these events, the absolute difference between MODIS-and SEVIRI-based fuel consumption be- came somewhat smaller (i.e. the slope in Fig. 2b became 0.59), demonstrating that periods of reduced observations were partly responsible for the underestimation in SEVIRI- derived fuel consumption. However, by excluding this 54 % of the data, the correlation between MODIS-and SEVIRI- based fuel consumption was reduced (r 2 = 0.28) due to the heterogeneous nature of fuel ...
Context 9
... understanding of the im- plications of these differences, we compared the fuel con- sumption estimates based on both platforms using the FRE- to-DM-burned conversion factor found during laboratory ex- periments ( Wooster et al., 2005). At first sight, very similar spatial patterns were found using polar-orbiting or geosta-tionary data (compare Fig. 2a and c), providing confidence in the spatial distribution of the fuel consumption estimates. However, many differences were also present (Fig. 2d). We found that a large part of the differences could be attributed to the different sensors characteristics and methods used here. The shape of the fire diurnal cycle, for example, affects both ...
Context 10
... to-DM-burned conversion factor found during laboratory ex- periments ( Wooster et al., 2005). At first sight, very similar spatial patterns were found using polar-orbiting or geosta-tionary data (compare Fig. 2a and c), providing confidence in the spatial distribution of the fuel consumption estimates. However, many differences were also present (Fig. 2d). We found that a large part of the differences could be attributed to the different sensors characteristics and methods used here. The shape of the fire diurnal cycle, for example, affects both MODIS-based fuel consumption estimates due to the lim- ited number of daily overpasses but also the SEVIRI-derived fuel consumption estimates ...
Context 11
... et al., 2009, 2014b, Roberts and Wooster, 2008). In our analysis a small part of the structural difference could also be explained by the fact that we did not correct for cloud cover and/or missing data in the SEVIRI-based FC estimates. Not surprisingly, the best com- parison between both methods was found in areas of high fuel consumption rates (Fig. 2d), for example areas where fires can spread over large areas to form large fire fronts ( Archibald et al., 2013), and areas of high fuel consumption; these fires with high FRP are likely to be well observed by both ...
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... Several factors could contribute to producing such bias in emission inventories based on either satellite-detected burned areas (e.g., van der Werf et al., 2017) or fire radiative power (FRP, e.g., Ichoku and Ellison, 2014). The burned-area-based emission inventories comprise uncertainties in satellite 85 detection of burned areas and fuel load (Randerson et al., 2012;Andela et al., 2016), while FRP-based emission datasets are largely affected by the translation of FRP into rates of biomass combustion (Kaiser et al., 2012). In addition, both emission datasets rely on uncertain emission factors converting burned biomass to trace gas or aerosol emissions (Stockwell et al., 2015). ...
Global models are widely used to simulate biomass burning aerosols (BBA). Exhaustive evaluations on model representation of aerosol distributions and properties are fundamental to assess health and climate impacts of BBA. Here we conducted a comprehensive comparison of Aerosol Comparisons between Observation project (AeroCom) model simulations with satellite observations. A total of 59 runs by 18 models from three AeroCom Phase III experiments (i.e., Biomass Burning Emissions, CTRL16, and CTRL19) and 14 satellite products of aerosols were used in the study. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nm was investigated during the fire season over three key fire regions reflecting different fire dynamics (i.e., deforestation-dominated Amazon, Southern Hemisphere Africa where savannas are the key source of emissions, and boreal forest burning on boreal North America). The 14 satellite products were first evaluated against AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) observations, with large uncertainties found. But these uncertainties had small impacts on the model evaluation that was dominated by modeling bias. Through a comparison with Polarization and Directionality of the Earth’s Reflectances (POLDER-GRASP) observations, we found that the modeled AOD values were biased by -93–152 %, with most models showing significant underestimations even for the state-of-art aerosol modeling techniques (i.e., CTRL19). By scaling up BBA emissions, the negative biases in modeled AOD were significantly mitigated, although it yielded only negligible improvements in the correlation between models and observations, and the spatial and temporal variations of AOD biases did not change much. For models in CTRL16 and CTRL19, the large diversity in modeled AOD was in almost equal measures caused by diversity in emissions, lifetime, and mass extinction coefficient (MEC). We found that in the AEROCOM ensemble, BBA lifetime correlated significantly with particle deposition (as expected) and in turn correlated strongly with precipitation. Additional analysis based on Cloud-Aerosol LIdar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) aerosol profiles suggested that the altitude of the aerosol layer in the current models was generally too low, which also contributed to the bias in modeled lifetime. Modeled MECs exhibited significant correlations with the Ångström Exponent (AE, an indicator of particle size). Comparisons with the POLDER-GRASP observed AE suggested that the models tended to overestimate AE (underestimated particle size), indicating a possible underestimation of MECs in models. The hygroscopic growth in most models generally agreed with observations and might not explain the overall underestimation of modeled AOD. Our results imply that current global models comprise biases in important aerosol processes for BBA (e.g., emissions, removal, and optical properties) that remain to be addressed in future research.
... GFED was developed primarily for global studies of climate and fire interactions, reflected by GFED's large spatial resolution [16]. According to regional studies, GFED is reliable for estimating emissions from large fires in specific locations, but has difficulties representing small fires and fires in certain regions [20,21]. Emissions estimates included in GFEDv4s are more reliable than estimates created by previous versions of GFED due to the numerous updates, but the remaining uncertainties are significant and challenging to quantify. ...
Wildland fires produce smoke plumes that impact air quality and human health. To understand the effects of wildland fire smoke on humans, the amount and composition of the smoke plume must be quantified. Using a fire emissions inventory is one way to determine the emissions rate and composition of smoke plumes from individual fires. There are multiple fire emissions inventories, and each uses a different method to estimate emissions. This paper presents a comparison of four emissions inventories and their products: Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN version 1.5), Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED version 4s), Missoula Fire Labs Emissions Inventory (MFLEI (250 m) and MFLEI (10 km) products), and Wildland Fire Emissions Inventory System (WFEIS (MODIS) and WFEIS (MTBS) products). The outputs from these inventories are compared directly. Because there are no validation datasets for fire emissions, the outlying points from the Bayesian models developed for each inventory were compared with visible images and fire radiative power (FRP) data from satellite remote sensing. This comparison provides a framework to check fire emissions inventory data against additional data by providing a set of days to investigate closely. Results indicate that FINN and GFED likely underestimate emissions, while the MFLEI products likely overestimate emissions. No fire emissions inventory matched the temporal distribution of emissions from an external FRP dataset. A discussion of the differences impacting the emissions estimates from the four fire emissions inventories is provided, including a qualitative comparison of the methods and inputs used by each inventory and the associated strengths and limitations.
... Aunque el área quemada a nivel mundial disminuyó entre 1998 y 2015, los incendios que ocurren en regiones tropicales se han convertido en un problema importante dado el alto impacto que tienen en la estructura y función de estos ecosistemas tan amenazados por múltiples factores de estrés. Si bien la mencionada reducción en el área quemada se asocia principalmente con las sabanas y pastizales tropicales (Andela, et al., 2016), el área mundial quemada se ha desplazado a regiones con más cobertura boscosa, lo que indica un mayor uso del fuego para la tala y quema de bosques y para el manejo agrícola en los trópicos (Andela, et al., 2016). La interacción del cambio climático con la topografía natural y las condiciones del viento, así como con otras actividades antropogénicas, pueden resultar en incendios graves y prolongados que afectan grandes áreas forestales y reducen el almacenamiento de carbono forestal (Brando, et al., 2019), una degradación inducida por los incendios que en el trópico puede representar cerca del 69 % de la pérdida total de carbono (Baccini, et al., 2015). ...
... Aunque el área quemada a nivel mundial disminuyó entre 1998 y 2015, los incendios que ocurren en regiones tropicales se han convertido en un problema importante dado el alto impacto que tienen en la estructura y función de estos ecosistemas tan amenazados por múltiples factores de estrés. Si bien la mencionada reducción en el área quemada se asocia principalmente con las sabanas y pastizales tropicales (Andela, et al., 2016), el área mundial quemada se ha desplazado a regiones con más cobertura boscosa, lo que indica un mayor uso del fuego para la tala y quema de bosques y para el manejo agrícola en los trópicos (Andela, et al., 2016). La interacción del cambio climático con la topografía natural y las condiciones del viento, así como con otras actividades antropogénicas, pueden resultar en incendios graves y prolongados que afectan grandes áreas forestales y reducen el almacenamiento de carbono forestal (Brando, et al., 2019), una degradación inducida por los incendios que en el trópico puede representar cerca del 69 % de la pérdida total de carbono (Baccini, et al., 2015). ...
Colombia ha venido avanzando en el monitoreo anual de los incendios forestales y el área quemada y su relación con las variaciones en un mismo año y de un año a otro de las condiciones climáticas que los propician, así como de las causas antrópicas que los generan. A nivel mundial se habla de cambios en el régimen de incendios, no obstante, en Colombia todavía no se ha determinado si la tendencia en el tiempo es de aumento en la extensión, tamaño y frecuencia de los incendios. En este estudio se presenta un análisis comparativo de las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI en términos de los patrones espaciales y temporales de las áreas quemadas, con el objetivo de analizar cambios en algunos parámetros del régimen de incendios en el país (extensión total, tamaño, configuración espacial de los parches quemados y frecuencia). Se utilizó la información del producto de área quemada mensual Fire_cci v5.1 derivado del sensor MODIS a una resolución de 250 m para mapear mensualmente todos los parches detectados como quemados o las cicatrices de quemas desde enero del 2001 hasta marzo del 2020. El área quemada presentó una gran variabilidad anual y en el curso del año, siendo febrero y enero los meses más afectados por incendios. El área total quemada en un mes ha tendido a disminuir en la segunda década del siglo XXI, pero el tamaño promedio de los parches quemados ha aumentado de 188,75 ha en promedio en la primera década a 196,2 ha en la segunda década, durante la cual también se han detectado un mayor número de fragmentos. En términos de frecuencia, se encontró una gran variabilidad con zonas, especialmente las bajas, donde ha aumentado la frecuencia en la segunda década comparada con la primera. Se confirmó un cambio en algunas propiedades del régimen de incendios en Colombia, ya que, aunque el área total afectada disminuyó y los incendios menores se redujeron, el patrón encontrado indica una clara tendencia a más incendios de mayor tamaño y frecuencia.
... Despite this limitation, the single-channel method algorithm has become the de facto standard for the quantitative characterizations of active fires and has been implemented for both geostationary and polar-orbiting missions and is now available for the geostationary Meteosat Spinning Enhanced Visible Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) sensor [18], Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) -E (East) and GOES-W (West) [19,20] and Himawari-8 [21] as well as the polar orbiting sensors Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) ( [22,23], MODIS [24] and Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) [25,26]. The relationship between FRP and fuel consumption is used to drive the fire emissions component of the Copernicus Global Atmosphere Monitoring Services (CAMS) [27] and has been used to estimate fuel consumption per unit area burned [28][29][30]. This latter approach can be implemented through integration of (ideally continuous) FRP observations to yield the total fire radiative energy (FRE) over a fire event, which is then converted to fuel consumption (FC) through application of scaling factors, and finally divided by the burned area associated with the event. ...
... To derive fuel consumption (FC), we used temporal integration to estimate total fire radiative energy for a particular fire event following the conversion of FRE to fuel consumption described in [16], enhancing the conversion factor from FRE to FC as proposed by [28]. This enhancement is applied as FC derived from satellite FRP tends to underestimate true FC [28,29]. ...
... To derive fuel consumption (FC), we used temporal integration to estimate total fire radiative energy for a particular fire event following the conversion of FRE to fuel consumption described in [16], enhancing the conversion factor from FRE to FC as proposed by [28]. This enhancement is applied as FC derived from satellite FRP tends to underestimate true FC [28,29]. Temporal integration is derived from Meteosat FRP retrievals, based on an approach first presented by Boschetti and Roy for MODIS [30], and implemented for Meteosat by Roberts [29]. ...
Fire behavior is well described by a fire’s direction, rate of spread, and its energy release rate. Fire intensity as defined by Byram (1959) is the most commonly used term describing fire behavior in the wildfire community. It is, however, difficult to observe from space. Here, we assess fire spread and fire radiative power using infrared sensors with different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions. The sensors used offer either high spatial resolution (Sentinel-2) for fire detection, but a low temporal resolution, moderate spatial resolution and daily observations (VIIRS), and high temporal resolution with low spatial resolution and fire radiative power retrievals (Meteosat SEVIRI). We extracted fire fronts from Sentinel-2 (using the shortwave infrared bands) and use the available fire products for S-NPP VIIRS and Meteosat SEVIRI. Rate of spread was analyzed by measuring the displacement of fire fronts between the mid-morning Sentinel-2 overpasses and the early afternoon VIIRS over-passes. We retrieved FRP from 15-min Meteosat SEVIRI observations and estimated total fire ra-diative energy release over the observed fire fronts. This was then converted to total fuel con-sumption, and, by making use of Sentinel- 2-derived burned area, to fuel consumption per unit area. Using rate of spread and fuel consumption per unit area, Byram’s fireline intensity could be derived. We tested this approach on a small number of fires in a frequently burning West African savanna landscape. Comparison to field experiments in the area showed similar numbers between field observations and remote-sensing-derived estimates. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first di-rect estimate of Byram’s fireline intensity from spaceborne remote sensing data. Shortcomings of the presented approach, foundations of an error budget, and potential further development, also con-sidering upcoming sensor systems, are discussed.