Figure 5 - uploaded by Miriam Christ
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Source publication
Der erste Davos Digital Forum (DDF) Academic Track
fand am 24. September 2020 online als digitale Konferenz
statt. Ziel des Academic Track ist es, frisches Denken
aus der Hochschule einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich
zu machen. Er bietet eine Plattform, auf welcher
Forscherinnen und Forscher (Studierende und Dozierende)
ihre Erkenntnisse zu digita...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... one compares the answers to the question regarding whether companies intend to engage in collaborative and cooperative activities with the question of how satisfied companies are with the utilisation of their resources, surprising results can be observed (see Figure 5). The majority of respondents who would not engage in sharing activities were of the opinion that they were satisfied with their resource utilisation. ...
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