Figure 3 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Comparing theoretical DT precision to SDC precision for a single cell. (A) DT precision shows a maximum as a function of shape parameter f for any value of the profile lengthscale. (B) Ratio j of DT to SDC precision shows a crossover ( j ¼ 1) as a function of profile lengthscale l=a for 1D, 2D, and 3D geometries. Here j ¼ 50 is the central cell of N ¼ 100 target cells. For each value of ^ l the value of f which maximizes precision in the DT model (f à ) as seen in A is used.
Source publication
Morphogen profiles allow cells to determine their position within a developing organism, but not all morphogen profiles form by the same mechanism. Here, we derive fundamental limits to the precision of morphogen concentration sensing for two canonical mechanisms: the diffusion of morphogen through extracellular space and the direct transport of mo...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... method can at best reduce the variance by a factor of 2 as the noise from degradation is eliminated but the noise from arrival remains. This would cause negligible change to our results presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4 given the order of magnitude difference in precision seen between our two models. ...
Context 2
... transport process influences the precision only via m j , not t . For a given N, j, and ^ l, we find that the precision is maximized at a particular f à >0 ( Figure 3A). The reason is that an exponential profile (f ) 1) has constant steepness but small amplitude, whereas a power-law profile (f ( 1) has low steepness but large amplitude due to its long tail; the optimum is in between. ...
Context 3
... now observe how the precision of the DT and SDC models compare in a representative system. Figure 3B shows j ¼ P 2 DT =P 2 SDC as a function of profile length ^ l for a cell in the center (j ¼ N=2) of a line of N ¼ 100 target cells, where for each ^ l we use the f à that maximizes P 2 DT as seen in Figure 3A. Since b and T have been equated between the two models, j is independent of both. ...
Context 4
... now observe how the precision of the DT and SDC models compare in a representative system. Figure 3B shows j ¼ P 2 DT =P 2 SDC as a function of profile length ^ l for a cell in the center (j ¼ N=2) of a line of N ¼ 100 target cells, where for each ^ l we use the f à that maximizes P 2 DT as seen in Figure 3A. Since b and T have been equated between the two models, j is independent of both. ...
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Spatial distributions of morphogens provide positional information in developing systems, but how the distributions are established and maintained remains an open problem. Transport by diffusion has been the traditional mechanism, but recent experimental work has shown that cells can also communicate by filopodia-like structures called cytonemes that make direct cell-to-cell contacts. Here we investigate the roles each may play individually in a complex tissue and how they can jointly establish a reliable spatial distribution of a morphogen. To this end, we formulate models that capture fundamental aspects of various cytoneme-based transport mechanisms. In simple cases, exact solutions are attainable, and in more complex cases, we discuss results of numerical simulations.
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