Combined groundnut roaster and oil expeller machine  

Combined groundnut roaster and oil expeller machine  

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This paper presents the design of a combined groundnut roaster and oil expeller machine. The designs consist of two distinct units: the roasting and expelling units. The components design includes the hopper, machine capacity, casing, conveyor trays, vibrator motor, heating filament, shaft diameter, auger, belt length and velocity of electric motor...

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... Only if a significant portion of the total groundnut shelled is converted for consumption in a fair amount of time will optimal utilisation be attainable. Many groundnut shelling machines developed by researchers and authors have solved this problem; some are reliable, have high shelling efficiency but are expensive, while others are less expensive but less efficient in shelling and cleaning (Kittichai, 1984;Gore et al., 1990;El-Sayed, 1999;Singh, 1993;Okegbile et al., 2014;Ugwuoke et al., 2014;Ejiko et al., 2015;Alonge et al., 2017;Muhammed and Isiaka et al., 2019;Madi, 2017;Bhalavignesh et al., 2019). This is the problem that this project will investigate, with the goal of developing a dependable and economical groundnut shelling machine. ...
... with it shelling efficiency and mechanical damage as 98% and 5.3% respectively. The machine capacity is lower than that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [233.81 kg h -1 ], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ] and Okegbile et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ]. The shelling efficiency is higher than that of Okegbile et al. (2014) [78%], Gamal et al. (2009) [80%], Ejiko et al. (2015) [84%], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [95.25] however it is similar to that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [98.32%]. ...
... The machine capacity is lower than that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [233.81 kg h -1 ], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ] and Okegbile et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ]. The shelling efficiency is higher than that of Okegbile et al. (2014) [78%], Gamal et al. (2009) [80%], Ejiko et al. (2015) [84%], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [95.25] however it is similar to that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [98.32%]. The mechanical damage is lower than that of Ejiko et al. (2015) [14%], Okegbile et al. (2014) and Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [17.25%], ...
... Only if a significant portion of the total groundnut shelled is converted for consumption in a fair amount of time will optimal utilisation be attainable. Many groundnut shelling machines developed by researchers and authors have solved this problem; some are reliable, have high shelling efficiency but are expensive, while others are less expensive but less efficient in shelling and cleaning (Kittichai, 1984;Gore et al., 1990;El-Sayed, 1999;Singh, 1993;Okegbile et al., 2014;Ugwuoke et al., 2014;Ejiko et al., 2015;Alonge et al., 2017;Muhammed and Isiaka et al., 2019;Madi, 2017;Bhalavignesh et al., 2019). This is the problem that this project will investigate, with the goal of developing a dependable and economical groundnut shelling machine. ...
... with it shelling efficiency and mechanical damage as 98% and 5.3% respectively. The machine capacity is lower than that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [233.81 kg h -1 ], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ] and Okegbile et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ]. The shelling efficiency is higher than that of Okegbile et al. (2014) [78%], Gamal et al. (2009) [80%], Ejiko et al. (2015) [84%], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [95.25] however it is similar to that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [98.32%]. ...
... The machine capacity is lower than that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [233.81 kg h -1 ], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ] and Okegbile et al. (2014) [400 kg h -1 ]. The shelling efficiency is higher than that of Okegbile et al. (2014) [78%], Gamal et al. (2009) [80%], Ejiko et al. (2015) [84%], Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [95.25] however it is similar to that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [98.32%]. The mechanical damage is lower than that of Ejiko et al. (2015) [14%], Okegbile et al. (2014) and Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [17.25%], ...
... Only if a significant portion of the total groundnut shelled is converted for consumption in a fair amount of time will optimal utilisation be attainable. Many groundnut shelling machines developed by researchers and authors have solved this problem; some are reliable, have high shelling efficiency but are expensive, while others are less expensive but less efficient in shelling and cleaning (Kittichai, 1984;Gore et al., 1990;El-Sayed, 1999;Singh, 1993;Okegbile et al., 2014;Ugwuoke et al., 2014;Ejiko et al., 2015;Alonge et al., 2017;Muhammed and Isiaka et al., 2019;Madi, 2017;Bhalavignesh et al., 2019). This is the problem that this project will investigate, with the goal of developing a dependable and economical groundnut shelling machine. ...
... During first testing, they recorded a shelling capacity of 81.2% and mechanical damage of 20.03%. The shelling efficiency and mechanical damage obtained in this experiment is similar to the ones obtained by Okegbile et al. (2014) and Alonge et al. (2017). During their research, they decided to adjust the parameters such as feed rate, shelling speed, fan speed and used different moisture content. ...
... The machine capacity is lower than that of Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) The shelling efficiency on the former and latter were 86.6% and 88.82%, respectively, at 11.5% moisture content wet base (wb). This is in accordance with the value obtained by Ejiko et al. (2015) and higher than that of Okegbile et al. (2014) [78%], Gamal et al. (2009) [80%], but lower than that of the values obtained by Ugwuoke et al. (2014) [95.25] and Muhammed and Isiaka et al. (2019) [98.32%]. Gitau et al. (2003) reported that factors such as material of the blade, the design of the blade and the number of blades influence the shelling performance of a peanut shelling machine. ...
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The comparative study in the development of peanut shelling machines is presented. Peanut shelling constitutes a significant part of peanut processing. Researchers had developed different type of peanut shelling machines, addressing the problem of shelling groundnut. Some authors modified past machines to improve efficiency and get the best possible output. This study presents the trends of these shelling machines, performance evaluation, merits, and demerits. A look at the factors affecting the performance of the shelling operation is also considered. These factors include the groundnut size, moisture content, shelling speed, sieve, concave clearance. These factors were observed based on the operational parameters, including the shelling and cleaning efficiencies, mechanical damage, and throughput capacity. The operating speed of the machines ranged from 150-300 rpm; the range of the shelling efficiency, cleaning efficiency and terminal velocity were 78-98.32%, 50.63-91.67% and 7.7-12.9 m s-1 respectively, while the mechanical damage ranged between 5.3-17.4%; the variation in the performance evaluation parameters is caused by the moisture content, variety, concave clearance, shelling speed, shelling blades, type of concave sieve. It was revealed that as shelling speed increases, the mechanical damage and shelling efficiency increase whereas as the moisture content increases (5-15% wet base), the shelling efficiency decreases, and the mechanical damage and the terminal velocity increases respectively. These factors, in different ways, influence the revenue generated by farmers.
... 400kg/hr. [37], [32], [4] and [36] respectively. The shelling machine has a higher shelling capacity of 192.95 kg/hr compared to the shelling capacities of 110 and 115 kg/h for the two varieties of groundnut [29]. ...
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The numerous uses of groundnuts have made groundnut shelling a lucrative business for processors. In the past, early researchers developed compact machines, but had no cleaning compartments and has high mechanical damages. These problems need to be solved to an appreciable point for optimum utilization of harvested groundnut with an affordable and more compact machine. For optimum use of harvested groundnuts, a groundnut shelling machine was designed, fabricated and tested. The machine was fabricated with locally available materials and designed to shell and clean the groundnut. The main parts are the hopper, shelling chamber, shelling drum, electric motor, fan chamber, channel and frame. The shelling is done by a metallic shelling drum with rough surfaces rubbing the groundnut on another perforated surface. This perforation allows the shelled groundnut and the chaffs to escape to the inclined channel where the fan blows air to push out the chaffs at the upper end while groundnut flows through the lower end. The channel and hopper are inclined at angle 29o to the horizontal to aid unshelled and shelled groundnut flow. The motor of 1 horsepower was revolving at 170 rpm, provides the shelling drum with a speed of 68 rpm to shell the groundnut. The machine was tested three times to obtain the shelling efficiency, cleaning efficiency and material efficiency which were 97.94%, 56.2% and 90.13% respectively. The shelling capacity and mechanical damage of the machine were 192.86kg/hr. and 9.87% respectively. The cost of the machine is estimated as 330 USD. The machine is highly efficient and can be adopted by farmers and groundnut processing industries for groundnut shelling operation.
... Raemy and Lambelet [21] found out that roasting starts as an endothermic reaction but later turns into an exothermic reaction at a roasting temperature of about 175°C, that is, the products being roasted heat themselves up in the process. Some roasters are electrically powered but are mostly combined with an extractor [22]. is kind of combination makes the machines more complex and expensive for peanut vendors who are small-scale enterprises (SMEs). ...
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Heat treatment, especially roasting, is known to reduce harmful fungal species and mycotoxin formation to a great extent. Experiments were conducted for heat treatment and the effects of introducing different fin configurations. ANSYS Fluent 14.5 was used to simulate the three-dimensional (3D) roaster geometry. The effect of the addition of different fins at the bottom of the hot plate was then studied. It was observed that maximum surface temperatures of 133°C, 153.25°C, 310.63°C, and 265.07°C were obtained after 180 minutes (three hours) for the experimental (without fins), predicted (without fins), predicted (with rod fins), and predicted (with honeycomb fins), respectively. The addition of honeycomb and rod fins to the roster’s plate increased temperatures by 115.34% and 143.03% of the original roaster hot plate. Thus, a design with rod fins added to the hot plate could improve its thermal performance and hence reduce the harmful effects of possible fungal species and mycotoxin contamination.
... The chamber is affixed at the bottom and uses a mixer for thorough mixing of the nuts during the roasting process. Okegbile et al. (2014) stated the power needed to roast groundnut is given by Equation (1), and the quantity of heat required for the roasting is given by Equation (2). ...
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A groundnut roasting machine has been developed with a roasting chamber made of steel sheet of AISI 1015. The chamber will be heated up to 105°C for the roasting process to occur. This paper is focused on the thermo-structural analysis of the chamber to ascertain whether the material can withstand the stress generated in the process. Thermal structural analysis is the application of the finite element method (FEM) to calculate the temperature distribution within a solid structure, which is due to the thermal inputs (heat loads), outputs (heat loss), and thermal barriers (thermal contact resistance) in a design. SolidWorks 2019 thermal and static simulation tool was used for the investigation. The maximum von-mises stress obtained is 317 MPa which is within safe working stress of the material.
... Generally, groundnut contains 35 -55% moisture, without reducing the moisture content to about 10%, the product is quite susceptible to contamination by molds [3,4]. Many of the agricultural products are dried at the farm level to prevent decay and improve storage properties [5]. Roasting of groundnut is another way of drying groundnuts, but it is done at a higher temperature than simply drying them [6]. ...
... Whilst, all the values obtained under different operational c this study is lower compared to the mechanical damage of 11.8% reported by the [10] during a study on the combined groundnut roaster and oil expeller and 9.9% mechanical damage that was reported by Okegbile and Olatunde et al. [8] during evaluation of groundnut roasting and blanching machine and testing of a developed small scale peanut roaster respectively and this variation might be due to the difference in the configuration of the machine or other parameter that was not considered in their studies. Okegbile et al. [5] 8] during evaluation of groundnut roasting and blanching machine and testing of a developed small scale peanut roaster respectively and this variation might be due to the difference in the configuration of the machine not considered in Fig. 6(b). Contour plot of roasting efficiency as a function of screw speed and According to Fig. 7a and 7b, it was observed that the mechanical damage caused by the roasting machine increased with an increase in the machine speed from 6.6-19.0 ...
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Roasting of groundnut is essential to ensure quality improvement, easy handling, safe storage, further processing, and value addition of the product. Therefore, the aim of the study was modified and optimized a groundnut roasting machine. Standard design parameters were used for the design modification. The design of the experiment had 27 runs. Machine speed (6.60, 12.80 and 19 rpm), roasting temperature (120, 160 and 200℃), and feed rate (120, 180 and 240 kg/h) were used as independent parameters, and the response variables include the moisture content of the groundnut, roasting efficiency, mechanical damage, throughput and quality efficiency of the machine. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) of the Design Expert Version 11 was adopted for the optimization process by applying the central composite design method for the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and optimized responses within the limit of the independent factors tested. Roasting temperature (200℃), machine speed (19 rpm) and feed rate (240 kg/h) were found as the optimum operational conditions which will optimally result in the optimal machine performance of 8.76% moisture content (r2 = 0.94), 76.99% roasting efficiency (r2 = 0.90), 2.46% mechanical damage (r2 = 0.86), 62.32 kg/h machine throughput (r2 = 0.98), 74.3% quality performance efficiency (r2 = 0.86) with the high desirability of 88%. An increase in machine speed increased the Original Research Article Musa et al.; JSRR, 26(5): 71-83, 2020; Article no.JSRR.57813 72 moisture content of the groundnut, roasting efficiency, mechanical damage, throughput, and quality efficiency of the machine. The study showed the optimal machine parameters for a groundnut roasting machine.
... To minimise the effect of corrosion, the mild steel was painted. Mild steel has found application in various other locally fabricated machines in Nigeria such as refrigeration [15][16][17], water heater [18], hydraulic accumulator [19,20], groundnut shelling, roasting and oil expelling machines [21][22][23]. ...
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The traditional method of pulverizing and sieving cassava lump in garri production is very tedious, time consuming, unhygienic and consequently with low efficiency. The need to eliminate drudgery in the traditional method, will involves the mechanization of pulverizing and sieving process. This paper presents the fabrication and performance evaluation of a pedal driven pulverizing and sieving machine for dewatered grated cassava. The machine was designed to be driven like a bicycle, which sends rotary motion to the system. It was made to accept cassava lumps through the hopper to the pulveriser, which rotates at a speed greater than that of the lump, thereby breaking it into smaller particles. The performance of the machine increases with increase in the amount of cassava lump inserted into the machine. The efficiency of the machine shows that as the cassava lump inserted into the machine increases, the efficiency increases from 80% and 83% to 86% and 85% for the TMS 82/00058 and TMS 82/00661 varieties respectively.
... Heat loss in this machine was very high as it was not properly lagged and has heavy gears. Okegbile et al [12] designed a combined groundnut roaster and expeller units within a single machine.The machine will reduce heat loss as it is well lagged and have very few components. This paper present the fabrication and performance evaluation of the combined groundnut roaster and expeller machine. ...
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- This paper presents the fabrication and testing of a combined groundnut roaster and oil expeller machine. The machine which was fabricated using locally available materials is portable and efficient. The combination of the roasting and expelling units into one single unit led to an efficient and effective production of groundnut oil, because it reduces drudgery, saves time and improves the quality of the oil produced compared to when there are separate units of these operations. The performance evaluation shows that the roasting and expelling efficiencies were 66.9% and 66.7% respectively
... Due to these properties and its availability, machinability and good strength quality, it was convenient to use in the construction of angle frame bars, hollowed link shaft, load platform and cylinder anchor plate. Mild steel has found applications in various other locally available fabricated machines such as refrigeration789, water heater [10] and groundnut shelling, roasting and oil expelling machines111213. ...
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The hydraulic accumulator stores the required amount of energy in the form of pressurised fluid from a pump, and then expends this energy when it is fully charged within a short time in order to do work effectively. The improved hydraulic accumulator for a truck loading lift operates at an efficiency of 52.6%. The machine operates with a manual pump and the lift system comprises of set of linkages made of mild steel which transfers power from the hydraulic accumulator to the load lifting operation. The machine stands at a total height of 1.62m and its frames are made of angular mild steel bars.