Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... our framework includes five key stages: (1) community need identification; (2) engaged ideation; (3) collaborative art-making; (4) shared celebration; and (5) amplify impact. We visually depict this process in figure 1 and summarize how each of our partner organizations enact each of these five stages in table 1. In the following sections, we describe each of these stages in greater detail and explore how each step is critical to the transformative power of communitybased, collaborative art. ...
Context 2
... our framework includes five key stages: (1) community need identification; (2) engaged ideation; (3) collaborative art-making; (4) shared celebration; and (5) amplify impact. We visually depict this process in figure 1 and summarize how each of our partner organizations enact each of these five stages in table 1. In the following sections, we describe each of these stages in greater detail and explore how each step is critical to the transformative power of communitybased, collaborative art. ...


... In a paper published in 2019, Bublitz et al. state: "we identify a purposeful benefit of aesthetics and art: it is a solution to a problem, specifically, the vehicle through which community engagement and transformation may occur" (Bublitz et al., 2019). In the case of the S+T+ARTS, the arts are intended as a tool to foster certain topics; however, there is an additional element to consider, namely technology. ...
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Artistic research holds significant potential by addressing contemporary challenges at societal, environmental, and technological levels. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the impact of artistic research by assessing a framework funded since 2016 by the European Commission called Science, Technology and Arts (=S+T+ARTS). The discussion assesses the impact of the S+T+ ARTS framework by focusing on its ability to bridge science, technology, and artistic practice, reaching significant impacts at different levels. Through a comprehensive evaluation methodology, the study examines various dimensions of impact, including social, economic, technological, political, and environmental aspects. Findings suggest a pronounced social impact, evidenced by enhanced networking, interdisciplinary collaboration, and engagement with vulnerable groups. While economic impacts are less tangible, the framework underscores the need for innovative indicators to capture the economic value of artistic research accurately. Overall, the study advocates for (i) continued support and exploration of artistic research frameworks to address contemporary societal challenges effectively and (ii) the development of ad-hoc methodologies to map the assessment of such initiatives.
... Seni turun-temurun adalah bentuk seni yang diwariskan dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya dalam suatu komunitas atau keluarga yang masih dipertahankan hingga saat ini. Seni tradisional memiliki nilai-nilai pembelajaran karakter luhur yang patut dijaga karena menjadi simbol identitas dan kebanggaan bagi suatu kelompok komunal tertentu (Bublitz, 2019). Hasil produksi berupa produk kerajinan bambu tersebut menjadi suatu hasil kebudayaan yang menjadi simbol identitas inovasi dan kebanggaan kreasi artistik masyarakat, khususnya Dusun Sanan, Kalurahan Bawuran, Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta. ...
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Tujuan penelitian dari program diseminasi inovasi seni untuk kelompok kerajinan bambu di Kalurahan Bawuran, Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta adalah menciptakan desain baru dan pemasaran produk bambu di era digital untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat melalui pendidikan seni dan pelatihan teknis. Produk bambu di Kalurahan Bawuran merupakan warisan keterampilan yang diwariskan secara turun-temurun dari nenek moyang. Bahan baku bambu diperoleh dari wilayah setempat, tetapi seringkali kualitas bambu kurang baik, desain monoton dan pemasaran produk yang masih menjadi masalah bagi para perajin. Perajin belum memiliki sistem produksi yang efisien untuk menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas dan kapasitas pemasaran optimal. Urgensi penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas desain terbarukan dengan teknologi mesin yang lebih baik, sehingga hasil produk meubel bambu mampu menembus pasar global. Jumlah pengrajin yang dilibatkan sebanyak 30 orang terpilih dibekali dengan manjamen usaha, kewirausahaan, dan pemasaran digital. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan metode estetika dengan pendekatan practice based research yang dilakukan dengan tahapan literature research, study empiric, visual research, and practice. Estetika kreasi baru kerajinan bambu memiliki dampak pada pelestarian kreasi artistik lokal berkelanjutan yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan di era global. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 3 set produk fungsional dan 1 gazebo desain baru berdampak pada peningkatan ekonomi dengan metode manajemen usaha (kewirausahaan dan pemasaran modern) yang diharapkan mampu menjadi sarana edukasi berwawasan lingkungan dan regenerasi pengrajin kreatif sebagai entitas yang harus terus dijaga, dilestarikan, serta dikembangkan sesuai tuntutan zaman.
... Personal style and identity not only contribute to the uniqueness of impressive drawings but also foster deeper engagement with the audience [104]. Artists communicate their authentic selves through their impressive drawings, inviting viewers into their world and enabling a more intimate and impactful experience [105]. ...
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Drawing is widely recognised as a fundamental skill in higher education, particularly in art and design fields, where it plays a pivotal role in creative expression and technical development. However, assessing impressive drawings presents challenges due to the subjective nature of creativity and the evolving standards of art education. This study aims to develop a conceptual model that offers a structured approach for educators and students to evaluate impressive drawings effectively. Using qualitative research methods and inductive content analysis of literature from 2019 to 2024, the study identifies key components of impressive drawing, such as technical proficiency, creativity, conceptual depth, and visual communication. The findings highlight a shift in teaching practices, driven by historical and contemporary perspectives, and explore the integration of digital tools with traditional techniques in art and design education. The study acknowledges the inherent subjectivity in drawing assessments and recommends developing a more objective and consistent evaluation system that still preserves creative expression. The proposed ID model balances technical skill with creativity, providing a framework for improving assessment practices and guiding students toward meeting the expectations of impressive drawings. This model adapts to the evolving needs of the field, contributing to ongoing discourse in art and design education.
... (Haeyen et al. 2020) At CSTRC, art therapy can address isolation, low self-esteem, and reintegration anxieties (Horovitz, 2017). It empowers residents, boosts confidence, and fosters community (Dalton, 2012;Bublitz et al., 2019). Group sessions promote mutual support, which is crucial for recovery. ...
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There is a growing interest in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) led counseling chatbots. In its early stage, there have been documented concerns about data privacy, providing inaccurate and culturally insensitive information, and the inability to create and sustain human-like connections. Current advancements focus more on enhanced features such as accessibility and anonymity of use to address recurring issues regarding counseling services availability, affordability, and stigma in seeking help. All these influenced the acceptability of use. This study used a quantitative approach specifically the descriptive comparative research design. An online survey was conducted on Grade 12 Senior High School and college students (N=2,280) to explore and verify levels of acceptability and whether or not the demographic variables can influence these levels. Results reveal that sex, year level, awareness, and previous experience with AI technology influenced these levels. Implications for the implementation of counseling services were discussed thoroughly for all stakeholders to ensure the safety and benefits of all users along with the ethical use of AI Counseling Chatbot and other emerging related technologies.
... There is a longstanding tradition of community mural projects that engage youth. These projects enable young people to acquire a broad range of skills related to art, math, and communication [3,4,6,7,22,27,40]. Youth learn how to translate their ideas into meaningful visual representations. ...
... Amplifying 'Marginalized Voices' (Batt & Joseph, 2022) and 'Community Engagement' (Plumb, 2017) are crucial ethical imperatives in fostering digital equity and digital inclusive participation (Sabariego Puig, Cano-Hila, & Masanet, 2024). 'Intentions Transparency' (Kester, 2004) and 'Equitable Collaboration' (Bublitz et al., 2019) are less frequently mentioned (6.67%) as being fundamental to trust building and fairness in digital art practices. 'Digital Ethics' (Jensen, 2003), 'Institutional Accountability' (Fatima, 2021), and the 'Preservation of Indigenous Cultures' (Dadi, 2010) emphasize the need for ethical guidelines and institutional responsibility as well. ...
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This research investigates the multifaceted landscape of electronic art exhibitions on social media platforms in Pakistan, focusing on technological challenges, social media utilization, and global accessibility concerns. Drawing on the Media Aesthetic Theory, Stuart Hall’s Encoding/Decoding model, and Actor-Network this study aims to uncover the challenges and opportunities facing digital art in contemporary social media contexts. Using a semi-structured interview approach, adopted by Pitts (2020) fifteen emerging visual artists were interviewed. The interviews focused on understanding the artists’ perspectives on digital exhibitions, exploring technological innovations, artistic anatomy, and ethical considerations. The findings highlight a synthesis of technological innovations and the complexities of this digital terrain within an inclusive and ethically responsible art ecosystem. Prospects, accounting of respondents' perspectives, include enhanced content moderation, curatorial flexibility, and global reach. Challenges encompass algorithmic bias, lack of training, and financial constraints while ethical quandaries representing respondents' insights pertain to cultural sensitivity, environmental responsibility, and equitable collaboration. The study underlines the complexities of the digital landscape, advocating for an integrative and ethically responsible art ecosystem. Addressing these complexities, digital art practitioners stress the importance of transparency, community engagement, and promotion of innovation in the Pakistani art scene. These insights stress the multifaceted landscape of digital art and social media, with careful maneuvering of ethical and impactful artistic expressions.
... From a research perspective, we believe that it is important for HCI researchers to undertake complex real-world projects like this one [5,6,8,12,36,46,67]. One easy-to-overlook but important takeaway for us from this project is simply that it is possible to develop a novel technology in collaboration with youth. ...
... Our conceptualization seeks to advance the literature on transformative consumer research (Block et al., 2022;Bublitz et al., 2016Bublitz et al., , 2019Bublitz et al., , 2023Chatzidakis et al., 2021;Cross & Dellande, 2023;Davis et al., 2016;Gollnhofer et al., 2019;Hill, 1995;Kozinets & Handelman, 2004;Lteif et al., 2024;Nardini et al., 2021Nardini et al., , 2022Nøjgaard, 2023;Spielmann et al., 2023) by examining not only how historizing the present impacts consumption but also how it impacts society and consumer well-being. ...
... We illustrate the phenomenon using databases and collections of public speeches by political figures and social movement leaders. This suggests that, in addition to traditional experiments and surveys studying the impact of historizing the present, researchers could analyze nonprofits' calls for action and marketing communications, public speeches, protest signs, artifacts, videos and photos posted on social media, media coverage, real-time and retrospective interviews, usage of art and stories (Avery et al., 2010;Bublitz et al., 2016Bublitz et al., , 2019, online reactions to political advertising and debates (Hill, 1989;Lovett & Shachar, 2011), content analyses of secondary data and institutional archives, historical documents, and constant comparative methods (Hill & Hirschman, 1996). Scholars could build on such methods and integrate different accounts to paint a fuller picture of the phenomenon. ...
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This paper conceptualizes the phenomenon of historizing the present , defined as emphasizing the historical significance of present events and treating the present from the perspective of history. The authors identify four modes of historizing the present (emphasizing that: (1) the present will shape history; (2) the present is a unique moment in history; (3) the present will be remembered in history; (4) the present echoes history) and demonstrate how historizing can be employed by marketers of for‐profit and nonprofit organizations in a variety of contexts. The paper examines the psychological implications of appreciating the historical significance of the present and outlines a research agenda for studying the downstream behavioral consequences of historizing the present across diverse substantive consumer domains. It concludes with an examination of the broader societal implications of historizing the present as well as its implications for consumer well‐being.
... Recent research suggests that a collaborative culture of such learning and creating, a culture that unites people from all sectors of a community (i.e., not just the intellectual elites), is required for solving complex challenges such as the climate crisis (Laurell et al., 2021). Bringing people in a community together to collaboratively identify needs and generate solutions amplifies the potential success of those solutions by establishing consensus and securing buy-in, which, in turn, enhances individual and communal well-being (Bublitz et al., 2019). To foster germination, upstander communities should focus more on process-how to attain a climate goal or solution-and less on outcomes. ...
... Pursuing a common goal engenders a sense of collective responsibility that encourages positive interpersonal interactions and strengthens social bonds among members of a community (Wageman, 1995). An important way to involve community members is by setting goals together, as doing so enables collaboration while also strengthening members' shared purpose (Bublitz et al., 2019;Chaney et al., 2019;Salas, Reyes, & McDaniel, 2018). ...
... It also requires researchers to focus on consumers' positive impact rather than on influencing and directing their behavior. Indeed, our findings on the power of grassroots movements (Nardini et al., 2021), youth changemakers (e.g., Bublitz et al., 2021;Bublitz, Cross, et al., 2024;Bublitz, Escalas, et al., 2024), social impact efforts at a community level (Bublitz et al., 2019;Nardini et al. 2022), and more broadly, the relational engagement approach (e.g., Ozanne, Davis, & Ekpo, 2022) all suggest that consumers should not be under the microscope, they should be seated at the table-the research table. From this purview, future research in consumer psychology should acknowledge consumers' potential to evoke influence and enact societal change. ...
Our research develops a framework that explores how to fuel the climate movement by accelerating grassroots, community‐based climate action. Drawing on insights from consumer psychology, our framework identifies the psychological mechanisms that encourage and motivate people, both individually and collectively, to take climate action, thereby contributing to our understanding of how to advance social action and propel a social movement. Our climate action framework builds on: (1) individuals we describe as climate upstanders who rise up to take climate action with like‐minded others, and (2) communities of climate upstanders who engage in collective action aimed at addressing the climate crisis. Our framework expands the field of consumer psychology by redefining the role of consumers to include the practice of social action and broadening the study of consumers to include collective, community‐based action. We call on consumer psychologists to research individual and collective consumer practices related to social action and contribute to making social good central to the study of consumer psychology.
... (Park, Hwang, Lee, & Heo, 2020), kesenian tradisional yang ditampilkan di tempat umum cenderung terjaga orisinalitasnya. Bublitz et al (2019) menyatakan bahwa kesenian tradisional sangat dihargai dan perlu dilestarikan karena merupakan kebanggaan sekelompok masyarakat. Nilai-nilai budaya suatu masyarakat sangat dikagumi dan dihormati sebagai warisan leluhur, oleh karena itu segala bentuk, isi dan ritme tidak perlu diubah (Bentley & O'Brien, 2017;Tacon, 2019). ...
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Traditional arts that have high artistic value must always be preserved from extinction. In order to maintain the popularity of traditional art in Indonesia, it is necessary that artists, teachers, and society understand it deeply. Every fine arts artist, teacher, and community must have a sense of nationalism towards traditional art in order to be able to maintain and become a stronghold of traditional art itself. This study aims to rediscover the values of traditional culture that are spread in several regions in Indonesia with the hope that it can be absorbed into modern art so that the value of traditional art is not completely eroded. This research uses Spradley's qualitative research method or ethnographic qualitative research with the aim of systematically describing deeper cultural characteristics. This research produces a description of the characteristics of traditional culture contained in several traditional arts and crafts spread across Indonesia, each region has cultural characteristics that are different from other regions which are influenced by several diverse factors. The characteristics of each artistic value are maintained and absorbed into modern art for maintained and taught in the world of education so that art saviors are born who are able to transform traditional arts into modern artistic values. As art saviors, artists need awareness of a sense of "nationalism" in each of them which is obtained through an understanding of these traditional arts.Keywords: high art, education, culture, nationalism. AbstrakKesenian tradisional yang memiliki nilai seni tinggi harus selalu dilestarikan dari kepunahan. Untuk mempertahankan popularitas seni tradisional di Indonesia, diperlukan seniman, guru, dan masyarakat yang memahaminya secara mendalam. Setiap seniman seni rupa, guru dan masyarakat harus memiliki rasa nasionalisme terhadap seni tradisional agar mampu menjaga dan menjadi benteng kesenian tradisional itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kembali nilai nilai kebudayaan tradisional yang tersebar di dibeberapa daerah di Indonesia dengan harapan dapat dilakukan penyerapan kedalam seni modern agar nilai dari kesenian tradisional tidak terkikis sepenuhnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif Spradley atau penelitian kualitatif etnografi dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan karakteristik kultural lebih mendalam secara sistematis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan deskripsi karakteristik kebudayaan tardisional yang terkandung dari beberapa kerajinan seni tradisional yang tersebar di wilayah Indonesia, setiap daerah memiliki karakterstik kebudayaan yang berbeda dari daerah lain yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa factor yang beragam, Karakteristik dari setiap nilai kesenian dipertahankan dan diserap kedalam kesenian modern untuk dipertahankan dan diajarkan dalam dunia Pendidikan agar terlahir penyelamat kesenian yang mampu melakukan transformasi seni tradisional menjadi nilai seni modern. Sebagai penyelamat seni, seniman membutuhkan kesadaran akan rasa “Nasionalisme” pada diri masing-masing yang diperoleh melalu pemahaman akan kesenian tradisional tersebut.Kata Kunci: seni tinggi, pendidikan, budaya, nasionalisme. Authors:Budiwirman : Universitas Negeri PadangSyeilendra : Universitas Negeri PadangAry Ramadhan : Universitas Negeri PadangSyafei : Universitas Negeri Padang References:Yoeti, O. K. 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