Cluster diagram showing two groups of Blennothrix populations analysed. Group 1 contains seven populations and group 2 contain one population. The population numbers correspond to those shown in Table 1.

Cluster diagram showing two groups of Blennothrix populations analysed. Group 1 contains seven populations and group 2 contain one population. The population numbers correspond to those shown in Table 1.

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The genus Blennothrix belongs to the family Oscillatoriaceae (subfamily Oscillatorioideae), differing from others in the subfamily by the presence of several trichomes in a sheath. Freshwater members of Blennothrix have been recently divided into eight species (Komárek 1998), with the taxon B. ganeshii Watanabe et Komárek reported from three sites...

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... cluster analysis and PCO show two distinct groups (Figs 2, 3). Group 1 contains seven populations with relatively large measurements often beyond the size range of previously described B. ganeshii and group 2 contains the Tzindejéh population, which has the smallest dimensions of trichome width, filament diameter and sheath thickness ( Table 1). ...


... Thick, lamellated sheaths and those with occasional transverse folding are found in the genera Symplocastrum, Lyngbya and Blennothrix (Microcoleaceae family) [19,68]. The coleodesmoid type of false branching relates to the species of the genus Blennothrix [69]. Bushy colonies, sheath polymorphism and isodiametric cells are also common in Symplocastrum californicum and S. flechtnerae [21]. ...
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The proliferation of benthic cyanobacteria has been observed in Lake Baikal since 2011 and is a vivid manifestation of the ecological crisis occurring in the littoral zone. The cyanobacterium Symplocastrum sp. has formed massive fouling on all types of benthic substrates, including endemic Baikal sponges. The strain BBK-W-15 (=IPPAS B-2062T), which was isolated from sponge fouling in 2015, was used for further taxonomic determination. A polyphasic approach revealed that it is a cryptic taxon of cyanobacteria. Morphological evaluation of the strain indicated the presence of cylindrical filaments with isodiametric cells enclosed in individual sheaths and coleodesmoid false branching. Strain ultrastructure (fascicular thylakoids and type C cell division) is characteristic of the Microcoleaceae and Coleofasciculaceae families. An integrated analysis that included 16S rRNA gene phylogeny, conserved protein phylogeny and whole-genome comparisons indicated the unique position of BBK-W-15, thus supporting the proposed delineation of the new genus Limnofasciculus. Through characterisation by morphology, 16S, ITS and genomic analysis, a new cyanobacterium of the family Coleofasciculaceae Limnofasciculus baicalensis gen. et sp. nov. was described.
... Another Recent cyanobacterium, Blennothrix geneshi Watanabe and Komárek, 1989 (Oscillatoriaceae), is characterized by the presence of several trichomes in a lamellated sheath in which the trichomes can branch or, rarely, false branch (Jiménez et al., 2005). This construction is similar to that seen in Portfjeldia aestatis n. gen. ...
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Two rare, phosphatized, tubular microfossils of uncertain affinity, probably algal, are described from the Portfjeld biota (Ediacaran) of North Greenland. Portfjeldia aestatis n. gen. n. sp. preserves two tubules, one of which branches, within an annulated outer sheath. Its morphology can be compared to that of the much larger Ramitubus from the Weng'an biota of South China. An unnamed long, parallel-sided tubule occupied the postmortal cavity formed within diagenetically mineralized specimens of the cyanobacterium Jiangispirellus.
... En la región central de México existen más estudios sobre cianobacterias de lagos (Ortega Murillo et al., 2015;Betancourt, 2018;Segura, 2018;Trejo, 2018) y de monumentos históricos (Ramírez et al., 2011;Loyo, 2015;Ibarra, 2017), que los que hay acerca de cianobacterias de ríos, donde el conocimiento de su diversidad es menor. En los ríos de la región central de México, los estudios de mayor relevancia han dado a conocer 69 taxa de cianobacterias (Valadez-Cruz et al., 1996;Carmona et al., 2005;Montejano et al., 2005Montejano et al., , 2017Montejano et al., , 2018Bojorge-García et al., 2010;Becerra-Absalón et al., 2013Rodarte et al., 2014;Maceda et al., 2017;Rodríguez-Flores y Carmona, 2018). ...
... Estudios realizados en ríos han registrado a las cianobacterias como especies importantes, pues son comunes o dominantes en las comunidades de macroalgas (Sheath y Cole, 1992;Montejano et al., 2000;Branco et al., 2001;Zanini et al., 2009;Tonetto et al., 2015). Por ejemplo, Blennothrix ganeshii Watanabe & Komárek y Placoma regularis Broady & Ingerfeld muestran amplia distribución en las cuencas del río Pánuco y de México, respectivamente (Carmona et al., 2005;Rodríguez-Flores y Carmona, 2018). ...
... Por ejemplo, de las primeras 492 secuencias disponibles en la base de datos de NCBI del género Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont, 207 están sólo a nivel género, 85 están etiquetadas a nivel genérico como de material no cultivable, 65 corresponden a Phormidium ambiguum Gomont y las 135 restantes corresponden a sólo cuatro especies de este género (NCBI, 2020). La carencia de esta información se hace evidente en la delimitación de taxa con base en su presencia en hábitats con rangos ecológicos definidos y estrechos (Anagnostidis y Komárek, 1988;Carmona et al., 2005;Fiore et al., 2007;Gold-Morgan et al., 2015;Martins y Branco, 2016;Becerra-Absalón et al., 2018;Akagha et al., 2019;Cai et al., 2019a, b). ...
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Antecedentes y Objetivos: Las cianobacterias son algas procariontes oxifotótrofas presentes en gran variedad de hábitats y son componentes importantes de las comunidades bentónicas en muchos ambientes continentales y marinos. En México su diversidad en ríos es poco conocida; por ello, este estudio contribuye al conocimiento ficoflorístico en cinco ríos de la región central de México. Se incluyen descripciones e ilustraciones, estimaciones de su diversidad, un análisis de las relaciones entre formas de crecimiento y factores microambientales, y se discute la validez de su caracterización morfológica y ecológica en la delimitación de las especies encontradas. Métodos: Se realizaron muestreos en secas y lluvias en dos ríos silíceos y tres ríos calcáreos del centro de México. Se registró la temperatura del agua, conductividad específica y pH, se analizaron iones mayores (Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, K⁺, Na⁺, Si-SiO2, HCO3 ⁻, Cl⁻, SO4 ³⁻) y nutrientes (NH4 ⁺, NO2 ⁻, NO3 ²⁻, PO4 ³⁻), se estimó la diversidad de las cianobacterias registradas con el índice de Shannon-Weaver y se describieron sus hábitats y microhábitats. La identificación taxonómica se realizó utilizando literatura especializada. Resultados clave: Se identificaron cuatro asociaciones y nueve especies pertenecientes a tres órdenes, siete familias y siete géneros. Se distinguieron dos grupos: el formado por Nostoc parmelioides-Coleodesmium wrangelii y Phormidium lividum-Leptolyngbya truncata en ríos silíceos de montaña y el compuesto por Schizothrix mexicana-Phormidium subfuscum, Homoeothrix juliana-Heteroleibleinia fontana y Nostoc verrucosum en ríos calcáreos cálidos. Se reconocieron dos patrones de distribución ecológica: 1) las especies del orden Nostocales presentes en condiciones estresantes de luz y velocidad de corriente y 2) los taxa de los órdenes Oscillatoriales y Synechococcales registrados en sitios con valores promedio de luz y flujo de agua. Conclusiones: La caracterización morfológica y ecológica de especies de cianobacterias contribuye a su conocimiento ficoflorístico y es la base para futuras investigaciones sobre taxonomía, sistemática y uso sustentable de recursos algales.
... Organic matter is processed by freshwater shrimps, which along with macroinvertebrate insects and herbivorous fish also consume benthic algae (Pringle and Hamazaki, 1998;Crowl et al., 2001;Julius et al., 2005;Cross et al., 2008). Assemblages include species reported from temperate streams, plus taxa occurring only in tropical biomes, such as diatoms Hydrosera whampoensis and Planothidium salvadorianum, the green alga Cloniophora spicata, red algae Bostrychia moritziana and Caloglossa lereurii, and cyanobacteria Blennothrix ganeshii and Scytonematopsis contorta (Sheath et al., 1993a,b;Michels, 1998;Jiménez et al., 2005;Sherwood, 2006;Vaccarino and Johansen, 2011;Stephens et al., 2012). Broad stony streams in temperate biomes ( Fig. 9G and H) can have extensive algal and angiosperm production, but can be affected by flooding following rain and snowmelt events. ...
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Algae occur in every biome across the globe, and they colonize water bodies on every continent. Freshwater ecosystems encompass a very wide range of chemistry, temperature, and physical conditions, which select for a particular assemblage of species. Some inland waters are quite saline; others are temporary or have very little water at all. One reason for such a broad scope is that algal biologists who examine more traditional freshwater environments also study inland saline lakes, wetlands, hot springs, snow and ice, damp soils, and even the insides of plant tissues. Algal habitats span spatial scales of hundreds of square kilometers down to just a few cubic micrometers. This chapter examines the enormous range of inland aquatic habitats in which algae can be found in North America and offers a sampling of the diversity of algal taxa that occur in these systems.
... Anagnostidis et Komárek is often a major component of attached lotic communities in submerged (littoral and benthic) habitats and occurs in calcareous regions of Mexico (Montejano et al., 2000; Beltrán-Magos et al., 2005). This perennial cyanobacterium grows in large mats and is an important biotic component in its microhabitat (Carmona et al., 2005 ). Studies of B. ganeshii have concerned taxonomic and ecological information (Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988; Valadez-Cruz et al., 1996; Komárek, 1998; Watanabe & Komárek, 1989; Montejano et al., 2000; Cantoral & Aboal, 2001; Beltrán-Magos et al., 2005; Carmona et al., 2005) but studies of calcification processes are sparse. ...
... This perennial cyanobacterium grows in large mats and is an important biotic component in its microhabitat (Carmona et al., 2005 ). Studies of B. ganeshii have concerned taxonomic and ecological information (Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988; Valadez-Cruz et al., 1996; Komárek, 1998; Watanabe & Komárek, 1989; Montejano et al., 2000; Cantoral & Aboal, 2001; Beltrán-Magos et al., 2005; Carmona et al., 2005) but studies of calcification processes are sparse. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mechanisms as well as environmental and biological factors involved in B. ganeshii calcification in four tropical streams in central Mexico. ...
... High SO 4 2-concentrations occurred in the water at all sampling sites, resulting from solution of underlying gypsum deposits (Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992). According to Carmona et al. (2005) sulfates are an essential component of B. ganeshii sheaths as well as of several other cyanobacteria. Our analysis shows that Ca 2+ , HCO 3 -and Mg 2+ are the prevailing ions in the studied streams, as would be expected for water in contact with limestone and dolomite (Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992 Ferrusquía-Villafranca, 1998). ...
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Geochemical, mineralogical and microbiological data from four freshwater streams in central region of Mexico indicate the importance of Blennothrix ganeshii mats (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) in promoting the formation of calcium carbonate crystals. The streams were characterized by alkaline waters and relative physicochemical stability during three seasons (cold dry, warm dry and warm rainy). Calcification took the form of a thick, dense layer of calcium carbonate crystals surrounding the extracellular polymeric substances produced by B. ganeshii filaments, giving an appearance of micritic tubes (structures formed by crystallization in the spaces between filaments) along the sheath surfaces. The precipitate was analyzed using X-ray diffraction and energy dispersal X-ray spectrometry, and the calcite crystal habit was determined. The photosynthetic activity of cyanobacterial growth and the presence of abundant extracellular polymeric substances and epiphytic species promote the absorption of ions and mineral nucleation on the surface of the sediment and contribute to the formation of travertine in tropical regions.
... Anagnostidis et Komárek is often a major component of attached lotic communities in submerged (littoral and benthic) habitats and occurs in calcareous regions of Mexico (Montejano et al., 2000; Beltrán-Magos et al., 2005). This perennial cyanobacterium grows in large mats and is an important biotic component in its microhabitat (Carmona et al., 2005 ). Studies of B. ganeshii have concerned taxonomic and ecological information (Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988; Valadez-Cruz et al., 1996; Komárek, 1998; Watanabe & Komárek, 1989; Montejano et al., 2000; Cantoral & Aboal, 2001; Beltrán-Magos et al., 2005; Carmona et al., 2005) but studies of calcification processes are sparse. ...
... This perennial cyanobacterium grows in large mats and is an important biotic component in its microhabitat (Carmona et al., 2005 ). Studies of B. ganeshii have concerned taxonomic and ecological information (Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988; Valadez-Cruz et al., 1996; Komárek, 1998; Watanabe & Komárek, 1989; Montejano et al., 2000; Cantoral & Aboal, 2001; Beltrán-Magos et al., 2005; Carmona et al., 2005) but studies of calcification processes are sparse. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mechanisms as well as environmental and biological factors involved in B. ganeshii calcification in four tropical streams in central Mexico. ...
... High SO 4 2-concentrations occurred in the water at all sampling sites, resulting from solution of underlying gypsum deposits (Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992). According to Carmona et al. (2005) sulfates are an essential component of B. ganeshii sheaths as well as of several other cyanobacteria. Our analysis shows that Ca 2+ , HCO 3 -and Mg 2+ are the prevailing ions in the studied streams, as would be expected for water in contact with limestone and dolomite (Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992 Ferrusquía-Villafranca, 1998). ...
García. 2013. Calcification of the filamentous cyanobacterium Blennothrix ganeshii in calcareous tropical streams of central Mexico region. Hidrobiológica 23 (1): 17-27. ABSTRACT Geochemical, mineralogical and microbiological data from four freshwater streams in central region of Mexico indicate the importance of Blennothrix ganeshii mats (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) in promoting the formation of calcium car-bonate crystals. The streams were characterized by alkaline waters and relative physicochemical stability during three seasons (cold dry, warm dry and warm rainy). Calcification took the form of a thick, dense layer of calcium carbonate crystals surrounding the extracellular polymeric substances produced by B. ganeshii filaments, giving an appearance of micritic tubes (structures formed by crystallization in the spaces between filaments) along the sheath surfaces. The precipitate was analyzed using X-ray diffraction and energy dispersal X-ray spectrometry, and the calcite crystal habit was determined. The photosynthetic activity of cyanobacterial growth and the presence of abundant extracellular polymeric substances and epiphytic species promote the absorption of ions and mineral nucleation on the surface of the sediment and contribute to the formation of travertine in tropical regions. RESUMEN Los datos geoquímicos, mineralógicos y microbiológicos en cuatro ríos de agua dulce de la región central de México, ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las matas de Blennothrix ganeshii (Cianobacteria, Oscillatoriales) como promo-toras de la formación de cristales de carbonato de calcio. Los ríos se caracterizaron por presentar aguas alcalinas y una relativa estabilidad fisicoquímica durante tres estaciones del año (seca fría, seca templada y lluviosa templada). La calcificación estuvo caracterizada como una densa y gruesa capa de cristales de carbonato de calcio que rodean el mucílago extracelular producido por los filamentos de B. ganeshii, dando la apariencia de tubos micríticos (estructuras formadas por un material cristalizado en las hendiduras existentes entre filamentos) a lo largo de la superficie de la vaina. El precipitado fue identificado como calcita por su hábito cristalino típico y por análisis de difracción de rayos-X y espectrometría de dispersión de energía de rayos X. La actividad fotosintética de los crecimientos de la cianobac-teria y la presencia de abundantes sustancias poliméricas extracelulares y especies epífitas promueven la absorción de iones y nucleación de minerales en la superficie del sedimento y contribuyen a la construcción de travertino en corrientes de regiones tropicales.
... This perennial cyanobacterium grows in large mats and is an important biotic component in its microhabitat . Studies of B. ganeshii have concerned taxonomic and ecological information (Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988;Valadez-Cruz et al., 1996;Komárek, 1998;Watanabe & Komárek, 1989;Montejano et al., 2000;Cantoral & Aboal, 2001;Beltrán-Magos et al., 2005;Carmona et al., 2005) but studies of calcification processes are sparse. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mechanisms as well as environmental and biological factors involved in B. ganeshii calcification in four tropical streams in central Mexico. ...
... High SO 4 2concentrations occurred in the water at all sampling sites, resulting from solution of underlying gypsum deposits (Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992, 1993, 2000. According to Carmona et al. (2005) sulfates are an essential component of B. ganeshii sheaths as well as of several other cyanobacteria. Our analysis shows that Ca 2+ , HCO 3 and Mg 2+ are the prevailing ions in the studied streams, as would be expected for water in contact with limestone and dolomite (Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992, 1993, 2000Ferrusquía-Villafranca, 1998). ...
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Geochemical, mineralogical and microbiological data from four freshwater streams in central region of Mexico indicate the importance of Blennothrix ganeshii mats (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) in promoting the formation of calcium carbonate crystals. The streams were characterized by alkaline waters and relative physicochemical stability during three seasons (cold dry, warm dry and warm rainy). Calcification took the form of a thick, dense layer of calcium carbonate crystals surrounding the extracellular polymeric substances produced by B. ganeshii filaments, giving an appearance of micritic tubes (structures formed by crystallization in the spaces between filaments) along the sheath surfaces. The precipitate was analyzed using X-ray diffraction and energy dispersal X-ray spectrometry, and the calcite crystal habit was determined. The photosynthetic activity of cyanobacterial growth and the presence of abundant extracellular polymeric substances and epiphytic species promote the absorption of ions and mineral nucleation on the surface of the sediment and contribute to the formation of travertine in tropical regions.
... This species has been found in similar biotopes around the world (mainly calcareous, unpolluted and cold running waters). Besides the type locality, B. ganeshii is also recorded in Thailand (PISANU WANNATHONG, Chiang Mai University, personal communication), Mexico (MONTEJANO et al. 2004, CARMONA-JIMÉNEZ et al. 2005) and Brazil (BRANCO & MERLOTTI 2005). ...
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Blennothrix was proposed by Kützing in 1843, but it was suppressed in the taxonomic starting point of the group. However, Hydrocoleum species with discoid cells and with a special type of branching were transferred to Blennothrix, which was then revalidated. Its species occur in tropical and temperate regions of the world and can be found in saltwater, aerophytic environments and freshwater. They are especially well distributed in marine and brackish environments (coastal areas) and more rarely in terrestrial biotopes (sometimes associated to saline soils). During independent studies carried out in Brazil and Mexico, populations of Blennothrix with same morphology were found growing in streaming water under similar environmental conditions. They clearly correspond to the diagnosis of the genera Blennothrix, but differ of all the species described until now. The detailed taxonomic study revealed that the populations represent a new species of the genus, named B. komarekii, which is described and discussed according to the recent tendencies of cyanoprokaryotean taxonomy. The existence of such stable and widespread morphotype assures that the classical method (based on morphology and metrics), improved with ecological characterization, is still a good tool to describe new taxa. Obviously, additional information from molecular and/or cytological studies is highly desirable but, at this moment, it cannot be considered an obligatory way to reach the identity of cyanoprokaryotean taxa.
... Each sampling unir was a circle of 10 cm radius (area = 314 cm2). T:Ype and size of sampling units were defined from preliminary tests and from previous research (NECCHI et al. 1995, CARMONA et al. 2005 ). Sampling size consisted of 10 quadrants , each separated from all others by one meter anQ its location was deterrnined by a rabIe of random numbers. ...
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Microhabitat was investigated in four populations of B. ganeshii in calcareous tropical streams in central Mexico to determine the distributional patterns and some of their controlling factors, as well as morphometric adaptations to varying conditions on scales of a few centimetres. Morphometric variations and their relation to physical variables (current velocity, depth, irradiance, and type of substratum) revealed some characteristics for each population and indicated particular adaptations: current velocity was negatively correlated with filament length, filament diameter and trichome width; irradiance was positively correlated with filament diameter and trichome width, number of false branches in a filament and percent cover; and predominant substratum was positively correlated with filament length and sheath thickness. The information here reported about the ecological distribution of B. ganeshii supplements the taxonomic knowledge with data about its environmental requirements, which are important for the taxonomy of the genus. Variations in microhabitat conditions and niche widths are the main contributors to the wide spatial and seasonal distribution of this Oscillatorian in central Mexican streams.
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Through a review of several studies, an approach to the structure and function of the existing benthic algae in rivers is done from a perspective of community ecology, with participation in the local primary productivity of rivers and his ecophysiology, biogeochemical cycles of water, its energy value in food webs, the role they play in the water dynamics in lotic environments, their use as biological indicators, and some uses that have been made with species of these environments in the pharmaceutical and food industries arise. Key words: Algae, communities, ecology, primary productivity, rivers.