Class diagram of the collaborator creation and terrain mesh sketching.

Class diagram of the collaborator creation and terrain mesh sketching.

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3D terrains used in digital animations and videogames are typically created by several collaborators with a single-user application, which constrains them to update the shared terrain from their PCs, using a turn-taking strategy. Moreover, collaborators have to visualize the terrain through 2D views, confusing novice users when conceiving its shape...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... mentioned in Section 3.4, tiny avatars are used to exhibit the touches performed by collaborators. Such avatars are GameObject instances, and they are also related to the PlayerState class, which contains the collaborator's name, as well as other attributes that specify the chosen editing operation and brush shape, as shown in Figure 9. The PlayerState methods facilitates the creation and resizing of a dynamic array (named mask) that serves as a digital brush, whose properties change in real-time. ...
Context 2
... user tools of our collaborative application contains a checkbox, a rotation widget, a sprite, three sliders, and four buttons (see Figure 7). These widgets are also implemented as GameObject instances, but rather than associating a behavior class with each widget, the TerrainUIManager class was created with the aim of managing them (see Figure 9). ...
Context 3
... double tap gesture and pinch gesture behaviors have been added to this plane to invoke the TerrainUIManager methods that modify the brush radius and smoothness. For simplification, all these behaviors are not shown in Figure 9. ...
Context 4
... to Figure 9, the terrain representation in the 3D scene is a GameObject instance, which is associated with the MeshCollider class that handles the collision of touch events with the Mesh instance of the 3D terrain (implemented as a GameObject instance). ...

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... The server will then collaborate with other servers to synchronize the data. Another similar work to our research is proposed by Mendoza et al. [32] which proposed an architecture for collaborative terrain sketching with mobile device. However, the solution proposed by their work for data sharing is similar to the one proposed by Ellis et al.; instead of distributing the modified mesh data, the system distribute the state change or editing operation messages. ...
... Thus, the server only requires to distribute user's action instead of terrain data. Mendoza et al. [32] also develop a multi-user terrain editing system that relies on AR. Multiple users can interact by using mobile phones and tablet to edit and observe the same 3D terrain. ...