Changes in First Grade English Scores.

Changes in First Grade English Scores.

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ABRACADABRA (abbreviated as ABRA) is a software developed by Concordia University in Canada that focuses on natural spelling and aims to improve English reading ability. This research is based on 129 first graders, 213 second graders, and 275 third graders in the elementary school of Lianyungang Ganyu Huajie Bilingual School. We carried out a one-s...

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... addition, considerable progress has been made in word rhyme (d=0.58), word-initial matching (d=0.73), as well as different word recognition and initial listening recognition ( Table 3). ...


... Some classroom instructional activities will not be favorable to interactive behavior, such as when student involvement is minimal or non-existent (Zhang, 2020). Students' classroom behavior is influenced by various variables, including their cultural origins, speaking skills, and level of attention (Gu et al., 2021;Zheng et al., 2018). Online learning systems have the capability to respond to the learning methods and interests of the student, which have tremendously aided in its advancement (Karabenick & Zusho, 2015;Yousef et al., 2014). ...
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Online education has been expected to be the future of learning; it will never replace the value of traditional classroom experiences fully. Technical problems have less impact on offline education, which gives students more freedom to plan their time and stick to it. In addition, teachers cannot observe their students' behavior and activities during offline education, and they can intervene when necessary. The offline education helps to know the way of behavior analysis of students. Depending upon the analysis student’s characteristics and classroom performance can be evaluated by the teachers. The classroom analysis of the students helps in framing the lesson plan easier. The student’s activity freedom is also focused on the offline education. The student’s behavior and the study characteristics are clearly noticed by offline education classes. The complete educational sector performance is centered on the behavior analysis of the students. As long as students need offline education, it would be a critical component of their overall growth. As educational resources have grown, it has become more crucial to examine and evaluate offline classroom teaching behavior to indicate overall institution performance. A deep learning-student attention recognition framework (DL-SARF) for offline classroom assessment is developed in this article. There are three approaches to professional classroom behavior analysis: the student's intense focus on their side face, head down, and eyes. As the experiments demonstrate, the proposed deep learning-student attention recognition framework can accurately assess student behavior in the classroom and make the administration and implementation of the lesson plan easier.
... Researchers in future studies should examine ABRA across a larger population in other developing countries and different regions of China, i.e., economically disadvantaged rural areas in the Northwest and cosmopolitan cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing. While this paper has been reviewed and revised, a qualitative paper in Kenya (Iminza et al., 2022) and two quantitative pilot studies (Gu et al., 2021a(Gu et al., , 2021b conducted in Kenya and Nanjing, respectively, were published. More ABRA studies in different contexts are needed to broaden the scope of this software, further establish this software's external validity, and deepen people's understanding of the challenges that teachers' and students' perceived when using ABRA from different socio-economic standpoints. ...
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This study investigated the effectiveness of ABRACADABRA (ABRA), a web-based literacy program, developed by the Center for the Study of Learning and Performance at Concordia University, in facilitating the literacy attainment of third-grade primary school students in an area of rural China. Researchers shared the experiences of localizing ABRA to make it more readily accepted by the regional teachers. Ten schools (five experimental, five control) with 339 students participated in a one-year-long matched control study; participants in both groups took pre- and post-intervention tests. The treatment group outperformed the controls on all six key reading outcomes: Phonological Awareness (ES = +0.64), Phonemic Awareness (ES = +0. 57), Early Literacy Skills (ES = +0.70), Initial Letter Sound Fluency (ES = +0.38), Segmenting (ES = +0.81), and Non-word Reading (ES = +0.92). These outcomes suggest ABRA is effective in a context where English is used as a foreign language, and the learning resources are limited. ABRA is useful in facilitating the integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the course syllabus.
... Gu et al. of East China Normal University published an augmented reality English word game for elementary school students in China's Education Through Technology, in which learners select virtual 3D characters through augmented reality and the characters are generated in the real environment where the learners are located and interact with the characters through situational quizzes. In this game, learners select virtual 3D characters in the form of augmented reality [8]. Hsu analyzed the immersion experience, perceived usefulness, and the relationship between immersion experience, perceived usefulness, and play behavior intention of adolescents aged 9-12 years old who participated in an educational game, using an RPG-like educational game "Learn and Play" as a research environment and established a conceptual model of factors influencing play behavior intention of educational game participants [9]. ...
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This paper conducts an in-depth study and analysis of the practice and application of teaching English pronunciation to children using AR (augmented reality) game assistance. The article analyzes the design of AR educational games based on the concept of learning behavior input, clarifies and determines the factors influencing students’ learning behavior input in AR gamified teaching environment, and proposes the design principles of AR educational games based on learning behavior input. By analyzing the characteristics of experiential learning and AR, the model of AR-based English experiential learning activities for elementary school is established. Based on certain demand analysis, the AR software that can be used for teaching pronunciation in elementary school English classrooms was designed and developed using Unity3D and 3ds Max software. The experimental method was used to compare and apply the software in the target school, and the students of elementary school X were selected as the experimental subjects. The data were analyzed with the help of SPSS and NVivo software, and the questionnaire was used to measure the “ease of use,” “usefulness,” and “satisfaction with the software.” The questionnaire was used to measure students’ acceptance of AR software in three dimensions: “ease of use,” “usefulness,” and “satisfaction with the software.”
... It uses an ordinary lens and a CMOS/CCD sensor to obtain an image of the subject. After special DSP processing and encoding into MPEG or other standard audio and video data, using some network interactive software, people can share each other's image resources on this machine or with interactive communicators on the Internet [1,2]. However, the existing cameras use a single lens and a CMOS/CCD sensor to form a system, which can only obtain two-dimensional images of the subject without depth information, and the communicator cannot see the subject with stereo vision, which is difficult. ...
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This paper proposes a segmented combined English text measurement method based on two sets of orthogonal linear image sensors and one area image sensor. This method fully combines the advantages of the linear image sensor and the area image sensor in long-distance and short-distance English text measurement and can continuously perform high-precision English text tracking within a large range of viewing distance. Based on this method, a set of segmented English text measurement system is designed and constructed. This paper presents a method for extracting English word boundaries based on semantic segmentation to solve the problem of global positioning and horizontal initialization of English reading text. The semantic segmentation method based on fully convolutional networks (FCN) is analyzed, and the target classification is defined. We used the classic FCN framework and model, fine-tuned with manually annotated data, and achieved good segmentation results. For the definition and extraction of English word boundaries in English text, a piecewise linear model is used to measure the projection confidence of each English word boundary point, and the overall observation of the English word boundary is measured. When the observation confidence is high enough, combined with the English word boundaries marked in the high-precision image, the horizontal positioning is obtained by matching the weights. This paper concludes that English reading software can help learners in English learning to a certain extent, which proves that the English reading software is an effective supplement based on blended learning classrooms. Through the analysis of learners and teaching content, an English teaching model based on English reading software blended learning is designed. Experimental studies have proved that English reading software can help learners learn English, which not only expands their vocabulary but also broadens their horizons.
Bahasa sebagai media komunikasi menawarkan kepada pengguna berbagai keterampilan untuk dikuasai guna mencapai percakapan yang efektif dengan pihak lain. Manusia dapat berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa untuk menerima dan mengirimkan informasi, sebuah fakta yang sering diabaikan. Kemampuan reseptif dan kemampuan produktif adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan dua jenis keterampilan informasi yang berbeda. Masing-masing keterampilan ini selanjutnya dipecah menjadi dua komponen. Dua komponen keterampilan reseptif adalah mendengarkan dan membaca, sedangkan dua komponen keterampilan produktif adalah berbicara dan menulisPengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui peningkatan kemampuan bahasa Inggris dasar di SDN Neglasari desa Sindanglaya kecamatan Tanjungsiang dan juga untuk mengembangkan, mengajarkan, membimbing untuk kemampuan bahasa Inggris anak sekolah dasar. Metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi. Hasil pegabdian ini ternyata kemampuan bahasa Inggris anak sekolah dasar SDN Neglasari dapat meningkat dengan cara pengajaran langsung dikelas dalam kurun waktu tertentu untuk siswanya aktif pada saat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris oleh mahasiswa kuliah kerja nyata mahasiswa universitas subang pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu program mengajar pembangunan untuk desa. Kesimpulan tentang mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris anak sekolah dasar di SDN neglasari pada program KKNM-MBKM ini sudah cukup bagus dalam pelaksaananya siswa aktif dalam menebak kosakata bahasa Inggris dan itu bisa menjadi ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat banyak diperoleh siswa agar dapat mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris dasar.