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Greater Jakarta experienced high and vast economic development and population growth over the last three decades. As a home to more than ten million population and over two million daily commuters , the future of the city depends on innovative strategic planning and creative governance for sustainability. The development and expansion of Jakarta ar...
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... Hence, the severity of the floods was based on the affected people and the number of deaths. In the decade between 1990 and 2000, Jakarta experienced a significant flood in 1996, resulting in the loss of 20 lives and affecting 30,000 people [64,74]. From 2001 to 2010, at least three major floods were recorded. ...
... From 2001 to 2010, at least three major floods were recorded. One of them was in 2002 when the number of affected people reached more than 400,000 and 22 people died [64,74,75]. Diposaptono et al. (2004) [76] highlighted that the 2002 flood was one of the most severe floods in Jakarta. ...
... Diposaptono et al. (2004) [76] highlighted that the 2002 flood was one of the most severe floods in Jakarta. However, the flood in 2007 had a more significant impact as the number of casualties was high [74,77,78]. The areas inundated with flooding in 2007 are provided in [79]. ...
The increasing global population and in-country migration have a significant impact on global land use land cover (LULC) change, which reduces green spaces and increases built-up areas altering the near-surface radiation and energy budgets, as well as the hydrological cycle over an urban area. The LULC change can lead to a combination of hazards such as increasing urban temperatures and intensified rainfall, ultimately resulting in increased flooding. This present study aims to discuss the changing pattern in urban temperature, daily rainfall, and flooding in Jakarta. The daily urban temperature and daily rainfall were based on a 30-year dataset from three meteorological stations of Jakarta in the period between 1987 and 2013. The changing trend was analyzed by using the Mann–Kendall and the Pettitt’s tests. The relation between daily rainfall and flooding was analyzed using a 30-year flooding dataset collected from several sources including the international disaster database, research, and newspaper. The results show that there was an increasing trend in the daily temperature and the daily rainfall in Jakarta. The annual maximum daily temperature showed that an increasing trend started in 2001 at the KMY station, and in 1996 at the SHIA station. In general, the highest annual maximum daily temperature was about 37 °C, while the lowest was about 33 °C. Moreover, the maximum daily rainfall started increasing from 2001. An increase in the maximum daily rainfall was observed mainly in January and February, which coincided with the flood events recorded in these months in Jakarta. This indicates that Jakarta is not only vulnerable to high urban temperature but also to flooding. While these two hazards occur in distinct timeframes, there is potential for their convergence in the same geographical area. This study provides new and essential insights to enhance urban resilience and climate adaptation, advocating a holistic approach required to tackle these combined hazards.
... Terlebih lagi naiknya muka air laut yang merupakan dampak dari pemanasan global, sistem drainase perkotaan yang tidak lagi memadai, dan banyaknya tumpukan sampah yang menyumbat aliran drainse. Lassa and Sagala (2013) menyatakan, penyebab banjir di beberapa kota besar adalah tidak seimbangnya kemampuan sistem drainase eksisting untuk menampung limpasan air, sehingga air yang melimpah mengalir ke ilir dan menggenangi dataran terendah di area tersebut. ...
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... In the past 15 years, Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, has been attacked by recurrent floods (DIBI, 2014). Among 13 rivers passing through Greater Jakarta, Ciliwung River is the longest river, which has notably contributed to the severe floods in Jakarta (Sagala et al., 2013). Approximately 4088 million people living in Ciliwung basin are affected by regular floods. ...
The utilization of weather radar has shown the considerable potential for improving the distributed rainfall estimation and prediction of flood. Ciliwung River in Indonesia (476 km 2) has notably contributed to the recurrent flooding in Jakarta. C-band weather radar is available for providing rain information in Greater Jakarta. Yet, as single polarimetric radar, the verification of its observation with point rain gauge measurements is indispensable. In this study, the strategies of radar-rainfall calibration and adjustment for extracting radar estimates that is consistent with the ongoing development of real-time flood prediction in Ciliwung River is designed. Furthermore, the impact of the adjusted radar-rainfall estimates on the rainfall-runoff simulation is investigated. The radar reflectivity is converted to rainfall intensity by Z-R algorithms. Several storm events are selected to evaluate the appropriate Z-R relation by minimizing the mean square error between rain gauges and radar-rainfall in offline scheme. Applying the predefined Z-R relation, the remaining biases in the radar-rainfall estimates are corrected by using bias adjustment factor method calculated as the ratio between the accumulated rain gauge rainfall and accumulated radar-rainfall. The rainfall estimates without adjustment, by Marshall-Palmer Z-R algorithm, calibrated radar-rainfall, and adjusted radar-rainfall are introduced to physically distributed hydrological model in hourly basis. The simulated runoff is evaluated at Katulampa, Depok, and MT. Haryono points representing upstream, middle stream, and downstream outlets. Along with these three inputs, the uncertainties of hydrological model parameter are assessed. Through the calibration process, the algorithm with the lowest error for Ciliwung River basin is obtained. The analysis reveals that the different radar verification methods account for the variation in the performance of simulated flood. The results suggest the importance of correction of rainfall estimated from C-band non-polarimetric radar observation. The proposed framework on radar-rainfall utilization for real-time flood prediction system in Ciliwung River is also discussed.
... Research on community resilience in the context of Indonesia has been recently studied and explored both in urban and rural community, where there has been growing awareness by homegrown scholars and researchers in understanding the importance of this discourse for the community in facing internal and external challenges. Threat from natural disaster are regular occurances in the life of many Indonesians, which makes community resilience strategy crucial to overcome the impact of the calamity (Sagala 2006;Sagala 2009;Sagala et al. 2009b;Sagala et al. 2009a;Sagala et al. 2013). In addition, it is also important to understand the social infrastructure that supports community resilience, so when there are threats or challenges facing the communitymembers, know the roles and functions carried out by each individual (Prilandita et al. 2016;Prilandita et al. 2017). ...
... In last few decades, it seemed that flood disaster impacts appear to have become worsen (Poerbandono, Julian, & Ward, 2014). Jakarta already experienced a massive flood at 2002, 2007, and 2013. In 2002, almost 50% area of Jakarta was inundated, 80 people died, and 381 people evacuated (BAPPENAS, 2007). ...
... In 2002, almost 50% area of Jakarta was inundated, 80 people died, and 381 people evacuated (BAPPENAS, 2007). In 2007, the flood caused 65% area inundated and 79 people died and flood in 2013 was worse than 2007 flood (Texier, 2008;BAPPENAS, 2007;Sagala, Lassa, Yasaditama, & Hudalah, 2013). BAPPENAS (2007) reported that 2007 flood already cause USD 890 million loss. ...
Jakarta is hit by a tidal flood every year and cause some loss for the city. Beside that flood caused by sea level rise, the city risk on sinking is higher because of land subsidence problem. Without any significant action, it is predicted that Jakarta will face USD 521 million loss risks on 2050 caused by flood. To overcome the sinking problem, Indonesian government plays an active role on the international action to combat climate change. In addition, Indonesian government also implements NCICD project, in which create giant sea wall and land reclamation on the Jakarta Bay. However, the land reclamation raises an argument that it would create an environment disaster for the city. Because of that, it is suggested that Jakarta should only create a sea wall without land reclamation. Moreover, Jakarta government also should ensure that Spatial City Planning and New Rule on ground water extraction are well implemented so the land subsidence in the city is stopped.
... Bengawan Solo and Benanain River are the rivers more often vulnerable to flooding. In past decade, major floods prevailed during 2002, 2007, 2013, and 2014 costing billions of dollars economic damage [132][133][134]. To combat the vulnerability of floods, government of Indonesia launched different plans and approaches. ...
... The current level of flood control near Kualanamu Airport in North Sumatra illustrates that there is a problem due to the high demand from the citizenry for land acquisition. 7 A combination of structural and nonstructural measures such as institutional and governance innovation that may govern flood and disaster preparedness, better planning and comprehensive climate adaptation policies will be necessary (Sagala, Lassa, Yasaditama, & Hudalah, 2013). Without considering such a combined approach, Medan will still suffer from long term flooding. ...
Over the last 30 years, Medan's economy has grown rapidly and has been the driver of the regional development in North Sumatra Province as well as the northern part of the Sumatra region. The recent adoption of decentralised public policies in Indonesia has to some extent influenced urban development in Medan and also contributed to several governance challenges. The city has also suffered from corruption in its urban management practices. This study elaborates on the city's historical background, urban characteristics, key challenges and future outlook. The study also offers directions for further improvements to support sustainable urban development and management for the city.
... From 2002 to 2014, four major floods occurred in Jakarta displacing close to 1 million people (BNPB, 2016). Major floods occur if heavy rainfall coincides with an extreme high tide (Sagala et al., 2013). As a result, children and schools are often significantly affected. ...
This article investigates the implementation of disaster risk reduction education for children in Indonesia. In the last decade, education programmes related to this subject have been promoted as capable of reducing disaster losses and increasing resilience, based on several studies that have identified positive outcomes. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate and address any potential challenges that might impede their success. The article uses a case study in Jakarta, a rapidly growing megacity that is highly prone to disasters and natural hazards, especially floods and fires, to explore the scaling up and sustainability of disaster risk reduction in Indonesian schools. Based on previous studies, a new approach was developed for evaluating the implementation of education programmes related to these subjects. This study captured the perspectives of children, school personnel, and non-governmental organisations on the challenges of scaling up the implementation of disaster risk reduction education in schools. The study revealed seven key issues and suggests several policy recommendations to move forward. These key issues may also be apparent in many other developing and developed countries, and the suggested recommendations may well be applicable beyond Indonesia.
... The city has a nominal population of almost 10 m, though many million commuters move from adjacent cities, inflating the daytime population (Firman et al., 2010). The Greater Jakarta area has been experiencing rapid economic growth over the last decades (Sagala et al., 2013), and is projected to reach 30 million inhabitants by 2030, facing many challenges to increase its resilience and develop in a sustainable manner (Pravitasari et al., 2016) Land subsidence in the city was actually recognized as far back as 1978, when substantial cracks were found in buildings and a bridge in the downtown area. This subsidence continues nowadays, with rates of around 9.5 to 21.5 cm/year being measured along the coastline of the city in the period between 2007 and 2009, with a few locations experiencing levels of up to 28 cm/year (Abidin et al., 2011)There are four main causes for the rapid rates of subsidence being experienced, including groundwater extraction, loading of buildings and other constructions on the compressible soil, natural consolidation of the alluvial soil or tectonic subsidence (Abidin et al., 2011). ...
... One of the worst coastal flooding events took place in 2007, when abnormally high tides brought about the flooding of many coastal areas (Takagi et al., 2016a, Takagi et al., 2016b, causing extensive economic losses estimated to have been between 4.1 and 7.3 trillion IDR (450-800 million USD, see Sagala et al., 2013). One of the areas that were worst affected was the Pluit District, situated below sea level, and which as a result has seen the dyke protecting it being raised by about 1.8 metres (see Figure 1 for the location of Pluit within Jakarta, and Figure 2 for what the dykes look like). ...
Sea level rise will pose a significant challenge to coastal settlements throughout the planet and is likely to disproportionately affect poorer communities, which are usually located in particularly vulnerable areas. Coastal areas in Jakarta have been experiencing rapid subsidence in recent years, and could serve to illustrate the likely challenges that future sea level rise could have on such communities. To ascertain the level of awareness about the threats facing them questionnaire surveys were conducted amongst one relatively poor community which is situated below sea level, protected from the sea by a narrow concrete dyke. The results show that while local inhabitants appear to be aware about the hazards they face, many seem to underestimate their severity, possibly partly due to a high frequency of exposure in the recent past. The situation in the area appears to be worsening with each passing year, and it is imperative that remedial actions to halt ground subsidence are carried out and/or important remedial actions to adapt to the ground subsidence are implemented. Failure to do so could eventually result in a significant loss of life in the area.
... Although various researchers have explored this issue, the megacity of Jakarta still lacks such comprehensive evaluation. The Ciliwung watershed is the main river basin in Jakarta Metropolitan Area [3] and the ecosystem changes of the upstream Ciliwung River will affect the other part of the river basin [4]. Therefore, it is necessary to implement countermeasures to reduce future flooding based on the scientific simulation of the effects of climate and land-use changes on hydrological behavior and flooding occurrences upstream of this area. ...
The hydrological conditions upstream of the Ciliwung watershed are changing due to climate and land-use changes. Any changes in this area may increase the flood frequencies which may have countless consequences downstream of the watershed where the Jakarta city is located. We simulated the effects of land-use and climate changes on flooding (e.g., peak flow and river discharge) in the upper Ciliwung River basin in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS), a rainfall-runoffsimulation model, was used to simulate peak river discharge values for current and future conditions. The model was calibrated and validated based on the observed river discharge data from February 2007 and January 1996, respectively. The statistical analysis showed that the performance of the model is satisfactory, with Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency 0.64 and 0.58 for calibration and validation, respectively. The coefficients of determination values are 0.86 and 0.82, respectively. The effect of the projected land-use changes alone in 2030 increased the peak flow by approximately 20%. When considering the land-use changes in conjunction with the future climate scenario, the peak flow based on the precipitation corresponding to a 50-year return period in 2030 increased by 130%. Based on the results of this study, it is urgent that a flood management plan be implemented in the target area to reduce flooding in the near future.