Figure 10 - uploaded by Marco Enia
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This paper discusses a contemporary design strategy to deal with urban spaces. In 21st century architecture it is possible to recognize the existence of several projects that consist in doing almost nothing, carrying out only minimal modifications to their sites of intervention. In present-day architecture, this approach is considered useful someti...
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... In line with this new paradigm of urban sustainability, the city is not just a collection of buildings but is a dynamic and relational space with social life that includes different areas that can participate jointly in urban regeneration programs. While some areas may necessitate comprehensive transformations, others might benefit from minor adjustments, provided they are thoughtfully planned to foster positive impacts on their surroundings (Capolongo et al. 2019;Cohen 2017;Enia & Martella 2019;Magdi 2021;Manganelli et al. 2020;Ru� a et al. 2019). The deployment of decision-making tools becomes critical in managing urban regeneration programs characterized by their intricate nature, involving diverse initiatives and resources (Pazzini et al. 2022). ...
Urban regeneration programs involve a series of intricate activities that utilize human, material, and financial resources, executed at varying times and in diverse manners. Within this complex scenario, a major challenge lies in effectively managing concurrent developments across multiple buildings and infrastructure projects, while also harmonizing the interests of all parties engaged in urban regeneration initiatives. This paper introduces a multi-step strategy designed to enhance and streamline urban management amid the multifaceted decision-making processes characteristic of urban regeneration efforts. Specifically, the multi-criteria decision-making model ELECTRE TRI-B is employed to sort the array of basic tasks within a complex transformation endeavor into priority groups based on various evaluative criteria. To ascertain the significance of these criteria and rank each task according to the interests of the stakeholders likely to be impacted, a panel of specialists, including construction experts, economists, and environmental assessors, is convened. Following this, project actions are organized in a Gantt chart reflecting the construction priority determined by the evaluation model. This approach facilitated the temporal organization of master plan activities, incorporating insights from a broad spectrum of experts including municipal technical staff, professionals, and the community at large. The findings indicate that this comprehensive and interactive approach to performance measurement enabled the handling of extensive datasets and the refinement of financial, economic, environmental, and social resources, all while adhering to logical constraints and urban policy demands.
... Entgegen der Annahme von Win-win-Situationen, wonach alle für ein Problemfeld von Transformation verantwortlichen Akteur_innen ohne ökonomische und politische Verluste sowie ideologische Friktionen ihre Praktiken, Technologien, Institutionen und Machtpositionen fortschreiben können, legen die Ansätze der produktiven Passivität den Fokus auf den Verlust, auf Niedergang und Scheitern. Sie stehen damit den Imaginationen und Werten des Paradigmas wirtschaftlichen Wachstums entgegen (Arnold et al., 2015;Enia & Martella, 2019;Newig, Derwort, & Jager, 2019;Rosenbloom & Rinscheid, 2020) und nehmen vermehrt Machtverhältnisse und Konflikte in den Blick (Krüger & Pellicer-Sifres, 2020). Die gemeinhin negativ konnotierten Dynamiken von Verlust, Niedergang und Scheitern werden mit Hilfe der Konzepte Exnovation, Konversion und des "almost doing nothing" positiv gedeutet, so etwa indem das Abschaffen semantisch als Exnovation auf die Innovation verweist, die Konversion auf die Entwicklung von neuen Gebrauchsformen bestehender Strukturen und die minimalistische Strategie des "almost doing nothing" auf eine Effektivität durch Sparsamkeit. ...
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... Gelebte Ökotopien lassen sich als Kombination von produktiver Passivität mit kulturellen, sozialen und technologischen Innovationen interpretieren (Daniel & Exner, 2020). "Almost doing nothing" ist Teil einer Perspektive "urbaner Akupunktur" (Enia & Martella, 2019). ...
In der Innovationsperspektive steht die Wirkung unterschiedlicher Formen von Innovation und deren Anwendung auf die soziale und wirtschaftliche Praxis im Vordergrund – und damit auf die Umwelt, auf klima(un)freundliches Leben und Wirtschaften. Eine Vielzahl an Konzepten der Innovationsforschung (Innovationssysteme, Schumpeters Innovationsbegriff, etc.) haben in der Technologie- und Innovationspolitik der letzten drei Jahrzehnte eine wichtige Rolle eingenommen. Darauf aufbauend und um Herausforderungen und Fragen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung erweitert, hat sich in den letzten Jahren die Forschung zu Nachhaltigkeitstransitionen mit Ansätzen zum Wandel von soziotechnischen Systemen intensiv mit Innovationen für radikalen Wandel auseinandergesetzt. Die wichtigsten Theorien des Wandels aus einer Innovationsperspektive, die in diesem Kapitel dargestellt werden, sind Regionale Innovationssysteme (RIS), soziotechnische Systeme und Nachhaltigkeitstransition, Strategisches Nischenmanagement und Transitionsmanagement, Theorien Sozialer Innovation sowie Ansätze zu Exnovation, Konversion und Minimalismus.
... In general, the construction process does not begin from the structure to the ground. It begins with a program, location, history, or any other constraints given to the architect at the start of a project [31,32]. Architecture is considered arbitrary if it claims to be so autonomous that it has no external starting point or begins from within itself. ...
The objective of this research is to find out
more about where and how architects get their ideas, as
well as what role those ideas play in the design process. In
this study, 32 students in their fourth year of architectural
engineering at Al-Balqa Applied University were surveyed
using a quantitative (questionnaire survey) analytical
method. Students were divided into two groups based on
their responses to a questionnaire (those who were well
oriented in architecture and design principles and those
who were not), and their work was collected and evaluated
over one semester. The findings support the study's main
conclusion that students' experiences, creative talent, and
lifetime exposure to various architectural concepts and
designs are all important factors in defining the sources of
architectural thoughts. Furthermore, it was hypothesized in
this study that the students under scrutiny relied solely on
the architectural concept for the first two stages of the
design process, ignoring concepts available in the
subsequent phases, which are also thought to be essential
for overcoming any difficulties that may arise in the design
formulation. The statistical findings of the study, which
used (SPSS) software, support the idea that educating
novice architects in Jordan's local context about
architectural principles through the design process is
critical for improving their understanding of where and
how architectural concepts are conceived.
... Instead of bringing some new product or service into the community, these interventions often re-valorised previously existing values, giving new forms of usage to traditional places or (Cerisola, 2019). Third, these interventions were rarely outstanding as architectural objects (Enia & Martella, 2019), but they always fit well into the traditional cultural landscapes and townscapes, often involving the valorisation of an architectural space which was abandoned previously. ...
One of the main results of the DANUrB+ Project is an Urban Atlas (D+ Atlas) aiming to discover hidden urban values along the Danube. The atlas is developed as a print and digital version. First, the structure of the atlas is innovative in such a trans-Danubian context, where many areas are still not well-mapped or seen on a national level. Second, the agenda of the atlas is to embrace and promote rich albeit usually hidden urban values through maps, but also including short texts, photos, schemes, tables, and diagrams about the specificities of Danubian cities and towns and their unique urban heritage. This variety of available presenting modes means that the D+ Atlas targets a wide range of prospective “consumers”, from well-expected researchers, then citizens looking proudly for their cities and regions, to regional and local actors in heritage valorisation, regional and urban development, and the EU policymaking. The responsible partner institution in the creation of both hardcopy and digital atlases was the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Serbia, with the strong support from two other important partners, the leading partner Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, and “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning from Bucharest, Romania. These three partners were in charge for the introductory and concluding chapters and the main atlas maps dedicated for the whole Danube Region. In addition, the other project partners from the academic sphere – Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, and New Bulgarian University from Sofia, Bulgaria
... Instead of bringing some new product or service into the community, these interventions often re-valorised previously existing values, giving new forms of usage to traditional places or (Cerisola, 2019). Third, these interventions were rarely outstanding as architectural objects (Enia & Martella, 2019), but they always fit well into the traditional cultural landscapes and townscapes, often involving the valorisation of an architectural space which was abandoned previously. ...
One of the main results of the DANUrB+ Project is an Urban Atlas (D+ Atlas) aiming to discover hidden urban values along the Danube. The atlas is developed as a print and digital version. First, the structure of the atlas is innovative in such a trans-Danubian context, where many areas are still not well-mapped or seen on a national level. Second, the agenda of the atlas is to embrace and promote rich albeit usually hidden urban values through maps, but also including short texts, photos, schemes, tables, and diagrams about the specificities of Danubian cities and towns and their unique urban heritage. This variety of available presenting modes means that the D+ Atlas targets a wide range of prospective “consumers”, from well-expected researchers, then citizens looking proudly for their cities and regions, to regional and local actors in heritage valorisation, regional and urban development, and the EU policymaking.
The responsible partner institution in the creation of both hardcopy and digital atlases was the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Serbia, with the strong support from two other important partners, the leading partner Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, and “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning from Bucharest, Romania. These three partners were in charge for the introductory and concluding chapters and the main atlas maps dedicated for the whole Danube Region. In addition, the other project partners from the academic sphere – Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, and New Bulgarian University from Sofia, Bulgaria – significantly participated in the most interesting cities’ case studies from their respective countries. The team members of these six higher-education institutions, plus participants from the “Josip Juraj Strossmayer” University of Osijek, Croatia, authored 15 joint chapters. The last but not the least, the other non-university project partners, as well as associated strategic partners and stakeholders from the Danube Rivershore, had their contribution through providing local stories, photos, statistical data, and participation in joint discussions on how to make this atlas more attractive for and close to local people and experts.
The hardcopy version of the D+ Atlas has four main chapters, which are arranged in a chronological order. The first one is “OVERVIEW”, and it is an introductory chapter which explains the basics of the atlas objectives, the main topic, scope, and content. The second chapter – “LEARNING FROM THE PAST – EMBRACING HERITAGE” – explains why the past of Danubian cities and towns matters today, through the showcases of local heritage, tradition, and legacy. The third chapter is “POTENTIALS AND CHALLENGES OF THE PRESENT” and this title perfectly highlights what is its aim – to reveal all these current peculiarities of Danubian places that positively and negatively shape the life of local population and the experience of external visitors. This is a critical approach, which is easily visible in the fourth chapter – “VISIONS FOR TOMORROW” – where the best urban practice along the Danube is underlined and examined. The main goal behind it is to show that all the mapped and analysed small and medium sized cities and towns along this major European river have prospects to radically improve their future by welcoming the sustainable ways of urban development, incorporating the rational usage, identity promotion and branding of its own cultural and natural, tangible, and intangible heritage. Between all mentioned chapters, the so-called “big maps” of the entire Danube Region are given, with more than 90 cities and towns mapped by their main social, demographic, economic, and communication features.
... This strategy is effectively applied by contemporary architecture in the public realm, and a growing number of projects currently adopt this approach in collective areas to seek to benefit for the entire city as it is not only a collection of buildings, but a dynamic and relational space with social life. The same idea was shared by Enia and Martella (2019), who pointed out that, although some places demand major changes, others require only a few modifications if they are well-designed, which also allows beneficial effects on surroundings to be achieved. Some examples of this approach are found in the Eco-Acupuncture program, developed in metropolitan Melbourne, which focuses on many minor interventions in an existing urban precinct that could shift the community's ideas of what is permissible, desirable and possible, and provide transformation points for a new line of development towards a resilient low-carbon future (Ryan 2013). ...
This work proposes a model for decision-making support to help Administrations to undertake urban regeneration and refurbishment by prioritising vulnerable neighbourhoods and buildings. In order to suggest regeneration measures in vulnerable areas, the SWOT analysis is proposed for identifying determining factors of vulnerability. This permits information to be arranged into categories to obtain a multiperspective diagnosis. The complementary CAME methodology completes the above analysis to Correct Weaknesses, Adapt to Threats, Maintain existent Strengths and Explore detected Opportunities. The combination of these methodologies, scarcely used before in urban regeneration, has proven useful for suggesting general urban regeneration guidelines in complex contexts, which urban environments are, where physico-social conditions clearly interrelate. Thus specific Challenges can be suggested and later materialised through specific urban Lines of Action adapted to specific needs in a studied area. When considering the buildings in an area, they present distinct ages, typologies, and structural and constructive features, so refurbishment solutions cannot be standardised. This work’s proposal is to intervene in social housing of municipal property that is representative of vulnerable buildings. The results are presented on practical datasheets, where regeneration and refurbishment solutions are summarised and economically estimated. This general methodology can be replicated in different contexts by adjusting specific features of areas. The city of Castellón was selected as an empirical case to validate the proposed model.
... Between 1947 and 1978, in Amsterdam, a large number of modern children playgrounds were built in vacant lots by Aldo Van Eyck, which had minimal designs and required minimum operations (Lefaivre et al., 2002). As minimal interventions are more prevalent nowadays (Enia and Martella, 2019), the current study seeks to consider LTPP, particularly, exploring planting designs to promote a potential, concerning what activities people could imagine in such spaces. ...
Despite the focus on (large parks) green public spaces in urban areas, mini-parks have been disregarded, especially the way they should be designed based on people’s aesthetic preferences, in order to fulfill societal potential. Having used 25 computer-generated pocket park (PP) scenes with various levels of enclosure based on planting, this study seeks to investigate public opinion on three factors: coherence, legibility, and the refuge. Since vacant lands inherently receive limited budgets, design practices must develop innovative ways to implement the projects. Residents from Tehran, Iran (n = 318) participated in a visual online questionnaire depicting five main types for the permeability of enclosure in small leftover spaces, which had the possibility to change into PP. They were asked to assess the coherence, legibility, refuge, and select the types of activities they could imagine in each park. This study adopted a descriptive-analytical method. The results were evaluated using the chi-square test and are as follows: (1) In terms of all five types, participants rated the lowest for refuge in visually open and physically open scenes. (2) If the visual and physical scenes are enclosed, participants perceive the legibility to be higher compared to open scenes. (3) In visually open scenes, there are no significant differences in the participants’ sense of coherence even though the physical enclosure is changed. (4) Due to the investigation of spatial configurations of PP, when compared to other variables (coherence and legibility), it is demonstrated that enclosure will be more significant in terms of refuge.
... There is an assumption in the twenty-first century that claims cities' minimal interventions are the most relevant design strategies of urban development (Enia & Martella, 2019). In this regard, the concept of urban acupuncture presents small-scale interventions (Colorni et al., 2017). ...
... Acupunctural interventions in urban spaces create more comprehensive changes than initially intended (Lydon et al., 2015;Lastra & Pojani, 2018). Employing the "right measure" architectural approach to interventions, appropriate and necessary adjustments can be made to a place (Enia & Martella, 2019). Based on the literature review, small-scale interventions in urban spaces, such as spaces between blocks, building frontages, pocket parks, and small pieces of vacant land, should have specific features, which are presented in Table 1. ...
The article deals with the fragile connection that public spaces often have with their context. In this regard, the use of urban acupuncture in leftover space can be an opportunity to revitalize the urban fabric through small-scale interventions developed in accordance with community preferences. This study evaluates interventions in vacant plots based on both residents’ preferences and experts’ opinions. Using the example of leftover space in Tehran, this article explores public preferences and priorities regarding urban acupuncture from a social, design, and aesthetic perspective, applying a descriptive-analytical method. The opinions of six experts were examined and categorized in the first phase. In the second phase, the topics and subtopics extracted from the first phase were incorporated into visual questionnaires to evaluate preferences, from which 165 valid responses were obtained. Following the analysis of the questionnaires, twenty-two personal interviews were carried out. The results show which interventions are preferred over others.
... Uma das estratégias contemporâneas de projeto apontadas por Enia e Martella (2019) é o que denominam como "fazer quase nada". 3 Segundo eles, uma maneira possível de fazer quase nada é projetar uma intervenção temporária destinada a ocupar um local apenas por um período limitado, restaurando sua configuração original em um período relativamente curto(Enia e Martella, 2019). ...
In these first decades of the 21st century we live a specific moment of high modernity, characterized by transience in various spheres of social and economic relations, an ephemeral condition that expresses itself in the city and builds new spatial and architectural dynamics. This article seeks to reflect on the relationship between this ephemeral space-time condition and the contemporary society, observing how it materializes in the city. Specifically, we seek to understand how these characteristics are assimilated in architecture in the case of pavilions, one of the most ephemeral typologies in the field of architecture. To this end, we start from the discussion of some authors who deal with the paradigm shift from modernity to postmodernity, to then systematize and discuss the concepts of dynamism, reversibility, flexibility and unpredictability, with which the cases of the temporary pavilions will be evaluated. Finally, we conclude that these concepts offer a matrix with which it is possible to reread urban life, to operate on new ways of designing and conceiving the space of living and exchange in the city, thus responding to the ephemerality of the emotional, historical, physical and social.
... V 21. stoletju prevladuje prepričanje, da so minimalni prostorski posegi najpomembnejša strategija urbanističnega oblikovanja (Enia in Martella, 2019). Urbana akupunktura zajema manjše posege (Colorni idr., 2017) in je nov način spodbujanja urbane prenove (Casanova in Hernandez, 2015). ...
... Urbane akupunkture ustvarjajo obsežnejše spremembe, kot je bilo sprva predvideno (Lydon idr., 2015;Lastra in Pojani, 2018), z arhitekturnim pristopom ravno prave mere pa se lahko pri tovrstnih posegih izvedejo ustrezne in potrebne prilagoditve kraju (Enia in Martella, 2019). V preglednici 1 so na podlagi pregleda literature navedene osnovne značilnosti, ki bi jih morali imeti manjši posegi v mestne prostore, kot so območja med uličnimi bloki, površine pred stavbami, manjši parki in manjša prazna zemljišča. ...
Avtorji v članku obravnavajo pogosto krhko povezavo med javnimi prostori in širšim okoljem. S pristopom urbane akupunkture na neizkoriščenih odprtih javnih prostorih se lahko mestno tkivo revitalizira z manjšimi prostorskimi posegi, zasnovanimi v skladu s preferencami lokalne skupnosti. Avtorji na podlagi preferenc prebivalcev in mnenj strokovnjakov proučujejo posege na neizkoriščenih mestnih zemljiščih. Na primeru praznega odprtega javnega prostora v Teheranu proučujejo preference javnosti z družbenega, oblikovalskega in estetskega vidika, pri čemer uporabljajo opisno in analitično metodo. V prvi fazi opravljene raziskave so bila proučena mnenja šestih strokovnjakov, katerih vsebina je bila razvrščena v kategorije, v drugi fazi pa bile so teme in podteme, izluščene iz prve faze, vključene v anketo o javnih preferencah. Skupno število pravilno izpolnjenih (veljavnih) vprašalnikov je bilo 165. Po analizi odgovorov, pridobljenih z anketo, je bilo opravljenih 22 osebnih intervjujev. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, kateri posegi so v lokalni skupnosti bolj zaželeni.