Figure 2 - uploaded by Jens Holger Rindel
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Calculated global frequency response from 20 Hz to 200 Hz of an 85 m 3 room with dimensions 6.36 m * 4.44 m * 3.00 m. All surfaces have the absorption coefficient α = 0.20. The black line is the best-fit regression line for a 2 nd order polynomial.
Source publication
The room dimensions are important for the frequency distribution of the normal modes of the room. The influence of the dimension ratio is analysed in box-shaped rooms with volume between 25 m3 and 300 m3. Three different criteria have been applied to evaluate whether the frequency distribution is favourable; a smooth frequency response, the varianc...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... is obtained with the source and receiver in opposite corners, and this ensures all room modes to be included in the frequency response. Figure 2 shows an example of a calculated global frequency response using the modal energy analysis model by Rindel [6,7]. The smoothness of the frequency response was used as a criterion by Meissner [5], who compared the frequency response with a 2 nd order polynomial and used the normalised correlation coefficient as criterion for the smoothness. ...
Context 2
... example room of 85 m 3 used previously in Figure 2 is used again for showing the number of semitones supported by room modes, see Figure 6. This room has dimensions as room C in Figure 4, and for a room of this rather small size the coverage of musical tones is good (28 of 37). Figure 7 shows the results when the room dimension ratios are varied, in this case for a 150 m 3 room. ...
Context 3
... the 85 m 3 example room from Figure 2, the first 25 room modes are shown in Table 1, sorted with increasing frequency. The frequency intervals are also displayed in the histogram in Figure 8. ...
Context 4
... results coincide in the optimum dimension ratios being located quite accurately around three points labelled A, B, and C in Figure 9. The results shown in Figures 2 and 8 show that the good dimension ratios form a kind of ridge that peaks at the points A, B, and C. However, this is not so clear in the results from the number of supported musical tones, see Figure 7. 9 also shows the "old" recommendations for dimension ratios following the 2 1/3 rule. ...
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