Fig 3 - uploaded by Milorad Filipović
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CERIF 1.5 specification in Kroki lightweight UML editor  

CERIF 1.5 specification in Kroki lightweight UML editor  

Source publication
Conference Paper
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The paper presents application of Kroki tool to create an executable specification of the CERIF standard. Kroki (fr. croquis – sketch) is an open-source tool that is being developed in order to foster development agility and better communication among team members with different specialties. It can be used for creating specifications of data-driven...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... DSL also has concrete syntax designed to look like a simplified UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram notation with stereotypes, which enables modeling in the "classical" way (see Figure 3). Changes made in Kroki's class diagram editor are immediately visible in the mockup editor and vice versa, with automatic layouting performed for newly created elements 5 . ...
Context 2
... than 280 CERIF classes are divided into 31 packages, in order to make CERIF model easier to read and comprehend. The specification is available in Kroki mockup editor and Kroki lightweight UML editor (presented in Figures 2 and 3, respectively). Fig. 2. CERIF 1.5 specification in Kroki mockup editor A developer can enhance or update CERIF specification using both mentioned Kroki tools. ...

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