Figure 5 - uploaded by Dimitrios S. Dendrinos
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C.1. Artifact found at Tell Qaramel, indicative of the State of the Art then. Source of photo: ref. [2.37]. 

C.1. Artifact found at Tell Qaramel, indicative of the State of the Art then. Source of photo: ref. [2.37]. 

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The paper is a continuation of a trilogy of papers by the author on the subject of dating Gobekli Tepe. In this paper, two additional sites and some of their monuments are analyzed: Tell Qaramel and Tell Es-Sultan. They provide, along with some more evidence on the c-14 readings and structure B from Gobekli Tepe and with a more detailed examination...


... Societies and their members, were at the start of perceiving themselves as belonging to various "groups" and "sets", with individuals characterized by different socio-economic-cultural attributes in them. Of course, this realization was nothing new; it has been around since the Epipaleolithic (with some evidence to record it, see ref. [78]). ...
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His contributions to Symbolic Logic, and by extension to Epistemology, are only comparable to those by Aristotle. In the photo, Gödel is shown in his "Incompleteness Theorems" days. Source of photograph: reference [A] Nature is in an incessant process of adjusting, self-correcting imperfections of its own making. "Most often things go well, but at times they go awry", reflected the observer. The paper is dedicated to my wife Catherine and to our two daughters Daphne and Alexia 3 Abstract Preface
... [1. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. ...
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The Mathematics and embedded Astronomy are explored of the almost elliptical in shape Minoan 5-priestess gold signet ring of the c 1450 BC Mycenaean “Griffin Warrior” tomb at Pylos found during the 2015 archeological excavation there. It is documented that the shape of the ring is extremely close, albeit not exactly identical, to the true ellipse of an identical major and minor axes. The likely knowledge of ellipses possessed by the ring’s maker is identified. In the paper, a detailed description of the ring’s iconography is also offered, which to an extent differs from the current archeologists’ based description. The iconography’s Astronomy, is found to be associated with a ceremony dedicated to the fertility of Mother Earth, that quite likely was taking place around the Winter Solstice. An estimate of the ceremony’s duration, eighteen days, is also obtained, as having been engraved onto the ring’s iconography.
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The paper elaborates on points raised on a previous paper by this author titled “Carbon-14 evidence and Neolithic sites: dating the Architectures of Boncuklu Tarla and Gobekli Tepe”. It also discusses and analyzes some more recent carbon-14 related evidence from Gobekli Tepe published by a team of archeologists associated with the excavation there.
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This is an update of the paper under the same title by the author. It contains editorial corrections and the formal permission by the University of Cincinnati Dept. of Classics to use the image of the ring.
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The paper is an updated version of the December 2, 2017 paper under an identical title by this author. It incorporates in it exact measurements of the ring (received by the author on December 3, 2017). The paper strengthens and expands on the findings of the previous paper, as well as it amends and extends the prior analysis. Editorial corrections are also carried out.