C-ORAL-ROM corpora structure with codes for text type.

C-ORAL-ROM corpora structure with codes for text type.

Source publication
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In this paper we present different resources for the study of spoken Brazilian Portuguese, developed within the C-ORAL-BRASIL project. The C-ORAL-BRASIL stemmed from the European C-ORAL-ROM project (Cresti & Moneglia, 2005), which has compiled spoken corpora of Italian, French, Spanish, and European Portuguese. The corpora of the C-ORAL family repr...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... global architecture of the C-ORAL resources comprises four corpora: the Informal and Formal corpora, Media, and Telephone (see Table 1, adapted from Moneglia and Martin, 2005, p. 39). The recordings of the Informal corpus have an average size of approximately 1,500 words (short texts) and 4,500 words (long texts); those of the Formal and the Media corpora, approximately 3,000 words; the Telephone corpus has an established upper limit of 1,500 words, but no lower limit. ...
Context 2
... male/female voices" balance is quite good, with a slight prevalence of women's words in Private (55% female vs 45% male in Private; 49% female vs 51% male in Public). 29 23,530 2,542 Scientific Press 12 13,233 1,062 Sport 7 12,234 1,075 Talk Show 18 44,088 3,838 Extra 16 24,728 2,586 Total 101 ...

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... Os dados da amostra 1 provêm de um minicorpus extraído do C-ORAL-BRASIL, (www.c-oral-brasil.org > corpora > minicorpus português brasileiro [29]). Além da segmentação e das revisões durante a compilação do corpus, o minicorpus foi também informacionalmente anotado e revisado. ...
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