Figure 1 - uploaded by Terri Peters
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Building Recycling. Renovation Architects Nova5, Canal Quarter Apartments, Albertslund Syd, Denmark, 2014 © Photo Credit Terri Peters Building Recycling is a  

Building Recycling. Renovation Architects Nova5, Canal Quarter Apartments, Albertslund Syd, Denmark, 2014 © Photo Credit Terri Peters Building Recycling is a  

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Conference Paper
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Danish social housing estates built in the 1960s and1970s are a significant part of the cultural legacy of the Welfare State. Often the prefabricated, multi-family 'etageboliger' apartments are not considered architecturally valuable or worthy of preservation, but this paper adds to the emerging sentiment that they are an important part of the Dani...

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... Prva večja prenova je potekala v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, zadnji in najbolj obsežen val prenove pa je potekal med letoma 2008 in 2013, s poudarkom na izboljšanju energijske učinkovitosti, trajnostnosti in socialne kohezije. Zadnji val prenove je bil izveden v okviru programa nacionalnega gradbenega sklada, ki upravlja skupni kapital in državne subvencije za območja neprofitnih socialnih stanovanj ter uporablja raznovrstne strategije, kot so recikliranje stavb, sanacija ter energetska in socialna prenova (Peters, 2016). Primer dobre prakse na področju celostne mestne prenove v Litvi je preobrazba mestnih četrti Rumpiške in Kaunas v Klajpedi, ki sta se spopadali s težavami, kot so slab sloves modernističnih stanovanjskih blokov, neskladnost stavb s standardi energijske učinkovitosti in dostopnosti, nerabljeni javni prostori in odprte površine, močno obremenjene s prometom (Leitanaite, 2022). ...
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NEW! Novo Sarajevo: New Urban Protocol The change in the socio-economic system has led to a imbalance between the public and private spheres, resulting in neglect, decay, and private appropriation of public spaces in many residential neighborhoods of the city of Sarajevo from the period of socialist modernism. The book “NEW! Novo Sarajevo: NEW Urban Protocol” proposes an alternative methodological approach by introducing a new urban protocol in the domain of public space planning strategy, as a critical response to the discrepancy between the existing top-down institutional planning approach and the technological and social dynamics of the digital age, as well as the real needs of the local community. The residential neighborhoods of the Novo Sarajevo municipality are seen in this book as urban laboratories for the exploration and detection of public space problems and the quality of urban life, aiming for their comprehensive and multi-layered urban regeneration. In response to identified problems, the book elaborates on the steps of the methodological process: mapping and networking of data in the GIS database of public spaces, co-creation or collaborative approach involving cooperation of all stakeholders in the processes of public space planning, digitalization of analytical data, use of innovative visualization tools for testing scenarios of urban transformation in a participatory process. The new urban protocol integrates guidelines for research and design methodological frameworks, and connects urban planning and design of public spaces for recreation and leisure, architectural design of commercial, cultural and tourist facilities, while empowering social infrastructure, spaces, and tools for citizen participation.
... Publications on contemporary variations of this typology are less numerous (Kottjé 2009(Kottjé , 2014Pfeifer and Brauneck 2008;Weidinger 2002Weidinger , 2007. A separate, more recent section of the literature discusses the energy retrofitting of houses and urban complexes from the 1960s and 1970s (Coldham 2013), also covering social, cultural, and political matters (Peters 2016), the funding and modernisation of social housing, and the role of the state, local governments, and residents in this process (Kristensen 2002). Some publications identify the originality and artistic value of experimental designs from the 1960s and 1970s (Barzilay et al. 2018). ...
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