Figure 1 - uploaded by Silvia Pfeiffer
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Browsing a video about CSIRO astronomy research 

Browsing a video about CSIRO astronomy research 

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The Continuous Media Web project has developed a technology to extend the Web to time-continuously sampled data enabling seamless searching and surfing with existing Web tools. This chapter discusses requirements for such an extension of the Web, contrasts existing technologies and presents the Annodex technology, which enables the creation of Webs...

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Context 1
... view, access and hyperlink between clips of time-continuous documents in the same simple, but powerful way as HTML pages, and • search for clips of time-continuous documents through the common Web search engines, and to retrieve clips relevant to their query. Figures 1 and 2 show screen shots of an Annodex Web browser and an Annodex search engine. The Annodex browser's main window displays the media data, typical Web browser buttons and fields (at the top), typical media transport buttons (at the bottom), and a representative image (also called a keyframe) and hyperlink for the currently displayed media clip. ...

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... In mid–2003, CSIRO launched the Continuous Media Web (CMWeb) [1, 13, 12], designed to solve the problem of " dark matter " of time–continuous media such as audio and video on the Web. The motivation for the proposed streamable annotated and indexed Annodex file format is the integration of time– continuous media into the URL–based hyperlinking paradigm, resulting in " surfable " and " searchable " media. ...
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The Continuous Media Web (CMWeb) integrates time–continuous media into the searching, linking, and browsing functionality of the World Wide Web. The file format underlying the CMWeb technology, Annodex, streams the media content multiplexed with XML–markup in the Continuous Media Markup Language (CMML). CMML contains information relevant to the whole media file (e.g., title, author, language) as well as time–sensitive information (e.g., topics, speakers, time–sensitive hyperlinks). This paper discusses the challenges of automatically generating Annodex streams from complex annotated recordings collected for use in linguistic research. We are particularly interested in annotated recordings of meetings and teleconferences and regard Annodex and its media browsing paradigm as a novel and rich way of interacting with such recordings. The paper presents our experiments with generating CMML and their corresponding Annodex files from hand annotated meeting recordings.
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Since the year 2000 a project under the name of "Continuous Media Web", CMWeb, has explored how to make video (and incidentally audio) a first class citizen on the Web. The project has led to a set of open specifications and open source implementations, which have been included into the Xiph set of open media technologies. In the spirit of the Web, specifications for a Video Web should be based on unencumbered formats, which is why Xiph was chosen.
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In this paper, we provide a brief survey of the mul timedia information retrieval domain as well as introduce s ome ideas investigated in the special issue. We hope that the contributions of this issue provide motivation for readers to dea l with the current challenges and problems. Such contributions are the basis of tomorrow's multimedia information systems. Our aims are to clarify some notions raised by this new technology by reviewing the current capabilities and the potential usefulne ss to users in various areas. The research and development issues cover a wide range of fields, many of which are shared with medi a processing, signal processing, data base technologies and data mining.