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Many so-called ‘zero tense’-marked (which we define as morphologically reduced and underspecified inflections) or untensed verb forms found in tenseless languages, have been characterized as context dependent for their temporal and aspectual interpretation, with the verb’s aspectual content (either as event structure or viewpoint properties) being...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... Elicited utterances (particularly useful for getting at temporally empty contexts), either through traditional questionnaires (especially as translation tasks), meta-linguistic elicitation material (e.g. A precise break-down of our corpus according to the above data types is given in Table 3. ...Context 2
... or near-categorical correlations-e.g., that of atomic telic or bounded events with past anchoring-are also unlikely to be greatly affected by corpus size and composition. Thus, we are confident in the ranking of parameters given below in Table 13, and our generalizations about bounded and atomic events, already constitute reasonably reliable results. It is much harder to predict whether or not having larger amounts of present readings of zero tense utterances in our data, could reveal some (possibly slight) temporal biases with stative and atelic dynamic utterances. ...Context 3
... us begin with the former. Table 13 shows that (a)telicity is a better predictor of temporal anchoring than dynamicity/stativity (both with and without telic events being included in dynamic events), and that (a)telicity and dynamicity are outclassed by (un)boundedness-by themselves, these are new generalizations for Anindilyakwa. Moreover, given our observations in Section 3.3 about atelic dynamic events (cf . ...Citations
... Indeed, it vastly favours telic utterances (especially achievement utterances) over atelic utterances, which is unexpected for an imperfective tense, normally selecting for the latter, not the former. Caudal & Bednall (2022) introduce the concept of 'Aktionsart profile' to refer to such Aktionsart selectional preferences (or preferred combination) of tenses; these are crucially related to their viewpoint meaning. According to Bres, the NIMPF is difficult to parse for addressees, even highly competent ones, because of this very 'tension' (as we will see below, the NIMPF is highly context-sensitive, hence some possible interpretative difficulties; but pace Bres, it is not innately difficult to comprehend, especially in the presence of support expressions; this is obvious from sports reports, where it has become a run-of-the-mill tense use). ...
... The boundedness vs. unboundedness distinction closely aligns with the perfective vs. imperfective viewpoint distinction, in that perfective viewpoints only apply to bounded event predicate-denoting utterances, whereas imperfective viewpoints apply to unbounded event predicate-denoting utterances -(un)boundedness is an aspectual restriction of perfective vs. imperfective viewpoint functions over the event predicates they apply to. However, the two sets of categories should not be confused, as (a) aspectual viewpoints also have a higher level meaning, encompassing discourse contextual effects, whereas boundedness is a low level category, by itself deprived of such functions 14 (Caudal & Bednall 2022, Caudal 2024, and (b) semantic types of viewpoints do not boil down to a simple perfective/imperfective opposition. At least partially perfect/resultative viewpoints (e.g., the English perfect or the French PC, cf. ...
... Interestingly, in languages with viewpoint-vacuous syntactic domainsi.e. tenseless languages, or languages with so-called 'zero-tenses' (Caudal & Bednall 2022)boundedness can determine past temporal anchoring, much like perfectivity (Caudal & Bednall 2022). However, (un)boundedness itself cannot impose the kind of discursive conditions found in (14)-(15). ...
This paper aims at demonstrating the validity of a two-pronged hypothesis: (i) that the aspectual viewpoint content of the so-called ‘narrative imparfait’ (NIMPF) does not bear on the verb it marks (i.e., it does not combine with the event predicate denoted by said verb) but that, therefore, (ii) it must operate at a higher, discursive semantic level. To substantiate the above hypothesis, the paper first focuses on diachronic and synchronic evidence suggesting that the NIMPF does not contribute aspectual meaning at the sentence semantics-level – showing notably that it behaves like a ‘viewpoint neutral’ tense with respect to the verb it marks. The paper then discusses synchronic, discursive evidence supporting the view that the NIMPF actually indicates a partial, discourse-structurally incomplete, ‘ongoing’ narrative act. From these two facts, the paper concludes that NIMPF utterances refer to imperfectively viewed narrative speech act events, and constitute a separate speech act-level conventionalized reading of the imparfait, applying an imperfective viewpoint meaning to relational speech act functions, i.e., to rhetorical relations. It is argued that they should be endowed with a speech act event argument, and constitute an abstract type of event predicate which the viewpoint meaning of the NIMPF takes as its input.
... Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif untuk mengukur data secara numerik menggunakan instrumen dan metode statistic (Andrés-Sánchez, 2021; Barrientos-Báez, 2022;Caudal, 2023;Meyr, 2020). Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kemampuan TPACK calon guru vokasi pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. ...
Pentingnya mengintegrasikan pengetahuan Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) dalam pendidikan vokasional menyoroti tantangan calon guru dalam mencapai standar kompetensi. Kurangnya pemahaman TPACK mahasiswa menjadi sebuah masalah karena konsep TPACK relevan dengan kompetensi untuk menjadi seorang guru. TPACK mengacu pada pengetahuan yang mengintegrasikan tiga komponen utama yaitu pengetahuan teknologi, pedagogik dan konten/materi ajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kemampuan TPACK calon guru vokasional yaitu, mahasiswa yang sedang melaksanakan Praktek Keterampilan Mengajar (PKM) di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) wilayah Jakarta. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan sample purposive sampling sebanyak 36 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument dan observasi yang telah diuji validitas dan reabilitasnya berupa kuesioner penilaian dari guru pengampu (pamong). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan Technological, pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) calon guru vokasional secara kumulatif dalam kategori baik. Mahasiswa perlu untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya terkait pemahaman dan penerapan TPACK dalam mengajar untuk memenuhi tuntutan dari kompetensi guru. Hal ini memberikan gambaran positif terkait kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengintegrasikan Teknologi, Pedagogik, dan Content dalam konteks pembelajaran vokasi, terutama pada komponen Pedagogik dan Konten.
... To the best of our knowledge, although there was much research on selectional preferences Caudal and Bednall (2023), the literature has yet to use selectional preferences for triples. As far as we have seen, only one usage of this technique for triples has been proposed, and there needs to be more work on triple knowledge graphs. ...
Knowledge graphs facilitate the extraction of knowledge from data and provide a comprehensive overview of all knowledge within departments, across departments, and global organizations. To enrich the extracted knowledge, several solutions have been proposed to complete the knowledge graph. This study investigates the effectiveness of using the selectional preferences technique to establish the dependency between triple entities in a knowledge graph. To this end, this paper proposes a three-phase approach, Selectional Preferences Knowledge Graph (SP-KG) to determine the relevance degree of all triple entities in the knowledge graph based on selectional preferences. The results demonstrate that the three-phase approach accurately identifies entity dependencies, which can be applied for knowledge extraction. Furthermore, this approach uses a Persian knowledge graph, which enhances the completeness of Persian language knowledge. Finally, the SP-KG model is evaluated on the SP-10K dataset proposed in state-of-the-art research to prove its accuracy. Similar results for both datasets indicate good performance. Glove and Word2Vec are also used to compare the proposed model with other methods. The accuracy results of the 2-way and 3-way pseudo-disambiguation demonstrate the high quality of the results produced by the proposed model.
... As mentioned previously (footnote 3), however, we leave aside here habitual and generic construals, restricting ourselves to episodic readings. 7 For further discussion of the temporal interpretation of bare stative vs. eventive predicates, see Caudal and Bednall (2022) (in this Special Issue), who convincingly argue against the view found in the literature that aktionsart largely determines the temporal anchoring of sentences with bare predicates (e.g., Smith and Erbaugh 2005), concluding that biases towards a particular temporal anchoring can always be overruled by additional contextual temporal information, whatever the event structure type of the predicate. 8 For an extensive discussion of Mandarin perfective aspect, see Zhao (2022) (in this Special Issue). ...
In this paper, we investigate constraints on the time reference of embedded clauses in Mandarin. We show that while English past-tensed embedded clauses disallow later-than-matrix readings in intensional contexts on a de dicto construal, Mandarin relative clauses with bare predicates yield temporally free readings across the board. We argue that the contrast between the temporal interpretations of bare embedded clauses in Mandarin vs. past-tensed embedded clauses in En- glish is not due to a putative contrast between ‘tenseless’ languages (as Mandarin is traditionally assumed to be) and ‘tensed’ languages such as English. Mandarin is indeed not tenseless, but rather has a covert Non-Future tense, restricting the reference time of bare sentences to non-future times. Moreover, Mandarin superficially tenseless embedded clauses with overt—be it perfect, perfective, durative/progressive—aspectual marking do not allow later-than-matrix readings on a de dicto con- strual, just like tensed embedded clauses in English. We conclude that the freedom of interpretation of bare embedded clauses in Mandarin cannot be imputed to null semantically underspecified tense, but rather to null semantically underspecified aspect. Our analysis provides, to our knowledge, the first arguments for Non-Future tense in embedded contexts.