Figure 2 - uploaded by Yaseen Aziz
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Boundary conditions for model of side channel spillway.

Boundary conditions for model of side channel spillway.

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Context 1
... conditions have an important role in the flow simulation; accurate result can be obtained by specifying an appropriate initial and boundary conditions. ANSYS-CFX code contains several boundary conditions such as inlet, outlet, opening, wall and symmetry (Figure 2). Inlet boundary condition specified at inlet section with the average velocity, water and air volume fraction. ...

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The purpose of this research is to examine the performance of rectangular broad and sharp-crested weirs in terms of cavity index and discharge coefficient. For this purpose, a computational fluid dynamics CFD code FLUENT is applied. Firstly, the code verified applies to the experiments work of Hager et al 1994 the results show excellent agreements between CFD and Hager et al 1994. Secondly, the code is applied on both broad and sharp-crested weirs. The results demonstrate that broad-crested weirs have a lower discharge coefficient than sharp-crested weirs, implying that broad-crested weirs have a lower ability to discharge flow than sharp-crested weirs. While the cavity index of a broad crested weir is lower than that of a sharp-crested weir, the risk of cavitation is lower for a broad crested weir. Finally, designers should use caution when deciding which type of crest to use in their designs.
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The purpose of this research is examining the performance of rectangular broad and sharp crested weirs in terms of cavity index and discharge coefficient. For this purpose, a computational fluid dynamics CFD code FLUENT is applied. Firstly, the code verified by applies on the experiments work of Hagre et al 1994 the results show excellent agreements between CFD and Hager et al 1994. Secondly the code applied on both broad and sharp crested weirs. The results demonstrate that broad crested weirs have a lower discharge coefficient than sharp crested weirs, implying that broad crested weirs have a lower ability to discharge flow than sharp crested weirs. While the cavity index of a broad crested weir is lower than that of a sharp crested weir, the risk of cavitation is lower for a broad crested weir. Finally, designers should use caution when deciding which type of crest to use in their designs.
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Introduction. The authors present one of methods for measuring water flows through the intake of a hydroelectric power plant. The new structure has a metal frame and a folding rotary row. The authors analyzed the advantages of the proposed, and mase strength and hydraulic analyses. Computational studies of the stress-strain state, made with account taken of the actual hydrodynamic pressure, allow choosing the optimal position of measurement points, designing a frame structure, and making highly accurate measurements of energy characteristics. Materials and methods. Top international publications, as well as archived materials, were analyzed to select the universal frame structure. The most promising directions were identified; the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solutions were taken into account. Complex computational studies were performed using ANSYS Mechanical, a universal industrial software package, and ANSYS CFX, a specialized module for modeling flows of liquids and gases with account taken of turbulence. Results. The position of measurement points that ensure the least distortion of the flow and tilt angles of hydraulic turntables were determined during the hydraulic simulation. The flow loads were taken into account when the stress-strain state of the universal frame structure was calculated; optimal design solutions were selected to ensure the strength and reliability of metal elements. Stress concentration zones were identified for monitoring purposes during installation. Conclusions. Given the mathematical modeling data and experimental field studies, a universal frame structure for energy tests was substantiated. The new design ensures a measurement error of ±0.67 %, which corresponds to the leading world standards.