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Context 1
... cayennensis (L.C. Rich) Vahl (Figure 1) is an erect, perennial, branching, somewhat angular, fi- brous subshrub that is very resistant to traction. It usually has opposite, ovate leaves with a distinct petiole and serrated and indented edges, an acute or subacute apex, a slightly wrinkled appearance, green color, terminal inflorescence with linear stalks, sessile flower with a gamosepalous calyx, pilose on the dorsum, a corolla with five petals welded at the base, of a lilac coloring, with an androecium with two fertile stamens and two staminodes. ...

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... Poucos estudos são reportados na literatura sobre esses frutos, sendo descrito principalmente seus dados botânicos como hábito de crescimento, inflorescência, entre outros, mas com escassos relatos sobre a composição química (Rabelo 2012). As espécies desse gênero têm sido comumente utilizadas na medicina popular como vermífugo, antileucorreica, tratamentos antiofídicos e de abscesso, enquanto a madeira é utilizada para construção civil, construção de móveis e produção de energia (Cruz & Kaplan 2004;Lima et al. 2011;Moura et al. 2015;Onofre et al. 2015;Azevedo et al. 2018). ...
p> Bellucia dichotoma Cogn., conhecida como Goiaba-de-anta, é largamente utilizada na medicina popular como antiofídica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a caracterização química e avaliar a capacidade antioxidante de extratos do fruto dessa espécie. A metodologia consistiu no preparo dos extratos dos frutos em hexano e metanol por meio de técnicas de maceração. Foi realizado a prospecção fitoquímica qualitativa, caracterização Cromatográfica em Camada Delgada (CCD) e avaliação da atividade antioxidante qualitativa. A CCD utilizando como eluente, hexano e acetato de etila (7:3) para substâncias apolares, e clorofórmio e metanol (9:1) para polares, possibilitou a separação de substâncias reveladas com luz UV 254nm e 366nm e por vanilina sulfúrica, além de obter os valores dos Fatores de Retenção (RFs). Na análise da atividade antioxidante frente ao radical livre DPPH, observou-se resultado positivo para o extrato em metanol. Por meio da prospecção fitoquímica no extrato polar, foram detectados metabólicos secundários como antocianidinas, chalconas, leucoantocianidinas e catequinas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o fruto apresenta potencial terapêutico e antioxidante estimulando pesquisas futuras para a quantificação dos constituintes químicos e do aprofundamento das análises biológicas. Palavras chave : Goiaba-de-anta, frutos amazônicos, CCD</p
... [ [56][57][58] ...
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The Verbenaceae family includes 2600 species grouped into 100 genera with a pantropical distribution. Many of them are important elements of the floras of warm-temperature and tropical regions of America. This family is known in folk medicine, and its species are used as digestive, carminative, antipyretic, antitussive, antiseptic, and healing agents. This review aims to collect information about the essential oils from the most reported species of the Verbenaceae family growing in South America, focusing on their chemical composition, antimicrobial activity, and synergism with commercial antimicrobials. The information gathered comprises the last twenty years of research within the South American region and is summarized taking into consideration the most representative species in terms of their essential oils. These species belong toAloysia,Lantana,Lippia,Phyla, andStachytarphetagenera, and the main essential oils they contain are monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, such as β-caryophyllene, thymol, citral, 1,8-cineole, carvone, and limonene. These compounds have been found to possess antimicrobial activities. The synergism of these essential oils with antibiotics is being studied by several research groups. It constitutes a resource of interest for the potential use of combinations of essential oils and antibiotics in infection treatments.
... En especies herbáceas dos responden al nombre vulgar de verbena, una de ellas es Verbena officinalis L., hierba de tallos rectos, muy ramificados, puede medir más de 1 m de altura, inflorescencia en espiga, fruto en cápsula con cuatro semillas (O´Leary et al., 2007); la otra es Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl que alcanza alturas de hasta 2 m, con inflorescencia terminal (Onofre et al., 2015), tiene amplia distribución y presenta usos medicinales y estudios farmacológicos (Moreira et al., 2006;Olayiwola et al., 2013), se ha estudiado su germinación en condiciones de laboratorio, donde se evaluó el efecto de la luz en la germinación (Díaz-Filho, 1996). En ambas especies no existen estudios que evalúen el diámetro de semilla y promotores de germinación en la amazonía ecuatoriana. ...
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The evaluation of vegetal species germination consents to know its characteristics and permits to understand the factors that influence this process. The aim of this research was to know the germination’s characteristics of some species, such as Eugenia stipitata McVaugh, Inga edulis Mart, Inga spectabilis (Vahl) Wild, Piptocoma discolor (Kunth) Pruski, Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl, and Verbena officinalis L., and also their reaction to pregerminative treatments depending on the seed’s diameter. This study was carried out in Pastaza, Province of Pastaza, Ecuador, between February and June, 2014. Different diameters of seeds and pregerminative treatments were used in species, which did not present germination percentages higher than 40%. In the first practice I. edulis and I. spectabilis exceeded this value without treatment. Other species had lower values. Seeds were classified considering two diameters and two doses of gibberellin acid, this was applied to, and evaluated in the E. stipitata. In addition, scarification with sulfuric acid was done. After 45 days of its application, 100 ppm of gibberellic acid with larger seed diameter reported higher percentages of germination in S. cayenennsis, and in E. stipitata, which also interacted with the scarification. V. officinalis and P. discolor, did not present any response to the applications made. I. edulis and I. spectabilis presented high germination percentages without pregerminative treatments, E. stipitata and S. cayenennsis showed response to seed diameter and the applied treatments, while P discolor and V. officinalis did not show any response.
... Vahl. (Adebajoet al. 2007, Ríos et al. 2007, de Souza et al. 2011, Angulo et al. 2012, Costa et al. 2012, Olayiwola et al. 2013, Okoye et al. 2014, Onofre et al. 2015"containertitle":"Planta Medica","page":"241-250","volume":"73","issue":"3","source":"CrossRef" ,"DOI":"10.1055/s-2007-967125","ISSN":"0032-0943, 1439-0221","language":"en","aut hor":[{"family":"Adebajo","given":"A."},{"family":"Olawode","given":"E."},{"family" ...
... mily":"Koisol","given":"M"},{"family":"Granda","given":"G"}],"issued":{"date-parts": [ ["2007"]]}},"label":"page"},{"id":28234,"uris":[" items/ZI5ZKZEM"],"uri":[""], "itemData":{"id":28234,"type":"article-journal","title":"Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal (2014), Tolmacheva et al. (2014), Valsalakumari et al. (2014), Wankhar et al. (2014), Elayaraja et al. (2015), Moniruzzaman et al. (2015), Onofre et al. (2015), and Tupper and Labate (2015). Medeiros et al. (2003) reported the medicinal use of Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh, while the surveyed producers do not allude to this information. ...
... And with psychedelic use, Tupper and Labate (2015) recorded species of the genus Brugmansia (de Feo 2004) and Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry (Bichara et al. 2009), which was considered as one of Ganapathi et al. (2014), Tolmacheva et al. (2014), Valsalakumari et al. (2014), Wankhar et al. (2014), Elayaraja et al. (2015), Moniruzzaman et al. (2015), Onofre et al. (2015), y Tupper y Labate (2015). Medeiros et al. (2003) informaron el uso medicinal de Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh, mientras que los productores encuestados no hacen alusión a esta información. ...
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In order to identify by means of prospecting and use of multivariate methods, the vegetal species and their relation with the different agro climatic and socio-cultural characteristics in Pastaza region, Ecuador, a survey to 213 producers was applied, in which socio-cultural aspects, description of agro climatic characteristics and use of plant species were considered. The data were analyzed using multivariate techniques of dimensions reduction analysis for the qualitative data and of main components for the quantitative ones. These analyses showed in the Alfa de Cronbach coefficient values higher than 0.7, indicating adequate structure of the survey and the KMO coefficient also with values higher than 0.7, ratifying the number of surveyed producers. In qualitative data, the canton is the main source of variability, while the ethnic minority. In qualitative data, the canton is the main source of variability, while the ethnic is the lower. In qualitative data, the analysis of rotated components generated three components with Eigen values, higher than the unit, which reached an accumulated variance percentage of 55.12 %. The number of species used for animal food was the only one that did not have significant contributions in the factorial stocking rate of the analyzed variables. A total of 179 plant species belonging to 69 botanical families were identified, with higher applications in feeding and human medicine. It is concluded that in the area there is variability in the agro climatic and producer characteristics, and a great number of species that are used in different uses
... Historically, nature has been considered a source of numerous drugs for use in clinical practice. According to Onofre et al. (2015), the use of plants to cure diseases is as ancient as humanity and folk knowledge largely contributes to these practices. Nedialkova et al. (2009) reported that approximately 75% of the world's population uses medicinal plants to treat diseases. ...
... This confirms the presence of an oral transmission of traditional knowledge from one generation to the next. According to Onofre et al. (2015), the utilization of natural products represents an important tool to promote public health in specific ethnic groups. Some communities simply do not have another way to treat diseases. ...
... However, despite the ethnobotanical studies of some Bellucia species, no evaluation of the production of antimicrobial substances by these plants has been performed. Furthermore, the action of substances from these plants against Staphylococcus species or Candida species, which are the tiological agents of the diseases against which these plants are ethnobotanically recommended, has not been investigated (Onofre et al., 2015; Vasquéz et al., 2014; Mukku et al., 2013). The aim of this study is to evaluate the anti-microbial ...
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The use of plants or their parts as alternative therapies for disease is very common in many countries worldwide. Secondary metabolites present in the extracts of certain plants can inhibit or halt the development of certain pathogen species. The present study assessed the possible antimicrobial activities of a popular crude aqueous extract. The aerial parts of the Amazon tree Bellucia grossularioides (L) Triana (popularly known as Muúba or Angry-Jambo) were prepared according to folk recommendations and tested against four microorganisms related to health concerns in three concentrations (20, 10 and 5 mg/ml). The results showed no antimicrobial potential against Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Candida krusei, which cause furunculosis and leukorrhea, respectively. Additionally, growth inhibition of the toxigenic fungus Aspergillus parasiticus was assayed in vitro and the results showed no inhibitory activity for any of the tested concentrations. These findings contradict the traditional knowledge and may assist the targeting of future therapeutics practices. However, an inhibitory effect was observed for all forms of the preparations and concentrations tested on the roots of Allium cepa, indicating phytotoxic effects.
... Vahl. (Adebajoet al. 2007, Ríos et al. 2007, de Souza et al. 2011, Angulo et al. 2012, Costa et al. 2012, Olayiwola et al. 2013, Okoye et al. 2014, Onofre et al. 2015"containertitle":"Planta Medica","page":"241-250","volume":"73","issue":"3","source":"CrossRef" ,"DOI":"10.1055/s-2007-967125","ISSN":"0032-0943, 1439-0221","language":"en","aut hor":[{"family":"Adebajo","given":"A."},{"family":"Olawode","given":"E."},{"family" ...
... mily":"Koisol","given":"M"},{"family":"Granda","given":"G"}],"issued":{"date-parts": [ ["2007"]]}},"label":"page"},{"id":28234,"uris":[" items/ZI5ZKZEM"],"uri":[""], "itemData":{"id":28234,"type":"article-journal","title":"Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal (2014), Tolmacheva et al. (2014), Valsalakumari et al. (2014), Wankhar et al. (2014), Elayaraja et al. (2015), Moniruzzaman et al. (2015), Onofre et al. (2015), and Tupper and Labate (2015). Medeiros et al. (2003) reported the medicinal use of Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh, while the surveyed producers do not allude to this information. ...
... And with psychedelic use, Tupper and Labate (2015) recorded species of the genus Brugmansia (de Feo 2004) and Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry (Bichara et al. 2009), which was considered as one of Ganapathi et al. (2014), Tolmacheva et al. (2014), Valsalakumari et al. (2014), Wankhar et al. (2014), Elayaraja et al. (2015), Moniruzzaman et al. (2015), Onofre et al. (2015), y Tupper y Labate (2015). Medeiros et al. (2003) informaron el uso medicinal de Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh, mientras que los productores encuestados no hacen alusión a esta información. ...
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In order to identify by means of prospecting and use of multivariate methods, the vegetal species and their relation with the different agro climatic and socio-cultural characteristics in Pastaza region, Ecuador, a survey to 213 producers was applied, in which sociocultural aspects, description of agro climatic characteristics and use of plant species were considered. The data were analyzed using multivariate techniques of dimensions reduction analysis for the qualitative data and of main components for the quantitative ones. These analyses showed in the Alfa de Cronbach coefficient values higher than 0.7, indicating adequate structure of the survey and the KMO coefficient also with values higher than 0.7, ratifying the number of surveyed producers. In qualitative data, the canton is the main source of variability, while the ethnic minority. In qualitative data, the canton is the main source of variability, while the ethnic is the lower. In qualitative data, the analysis of rotated components generated three components with Eigen values, higher than the unit, which reached an accumulated variance percentage of 55.12 %. The number of species used for animal food was the only one that did not have significant contributions in the factorial stocking rate of the analyzed variables. A total of 179 plant species belonging to 69 botanical families were identified, with higher applications in feeding and human medicine. It is concluded that in the area there is variability in the agro climatic and producer characteristics, and a great number of species that are used in different uses.
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Background and Aim The many pharmacological potentials of Stachytarpheta cayennensis (L.C. Rich) Vahl, especially in managing central nervous system disorders, hypertension, diabetes and infections, have made it a subject of abuse, necessitating the need to ascertain its safety. This study therefore investigated the toxic effects of the leaf extract of S. cayennensis in rats following acute and 28-day repeated doses in male and female rats. Experimental procedure Acute and repeated dose studies were conducted in male and female groups of rats (135–150 g), using OECD 423 and 407 Tests guidelines respectively. Functional observational battery, and body weights were monitored. Blood samples were analysed for haematological and plasma biochemical indices. Organs (brain, kidneys and liver) specimen were collected and weighed. Kidney and liver specimen were subjected to histopathological analysis. Results and conclusion The LD50 of the extract was greater than 5000 mg/kg, p.o. (24 h) suggesting that the extract may be non-toxic. However, following single and repeated doses, the results revealed varying degree of significant (p < 0.05) changes in biochemical and heamatological indices, as well as in relative body weight and organ-body and organ-brain weight ratios. Also, histological assessment revealed evidence of liver and kidney toxicities and recovery was incomplete, as signs of toxicities were still evident after 21 days of recovery. Therefore, the extract is potentially harmful to vital organs with evidence of sex differential adverse effects and non-reversible forms of toxicity, especially with repeated usage, necessitating the need to avoid indiscriminate use.