Table 1 - uploaded by Michael Penskar
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Bird Species Recorded During Migration (M) and Breeding Seasons (B) in 2000 and 2001 on Drummond Island. State listed and special concern species are in bold type.
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... Work for 2002: Efforts for the fifth and final year of the island project will include plant and natural community surveys of Bois Blanc Island, selected areas to complete inventories in the Les Cheneaux Islands, a comprehensive massasauga inventory of Bois Blanc Island, and Hines emerald surveys on Bois Blanc Island and targeted areas in the Les Cheneauxs. Tables Table 1 ...
Context 2
... study site for the third year of island inventory was Drummond Island, Michigans second largest island, which occurs on the eastern end of the Upper Peninsula in northern Lake Huron (Figure 1). Drummond Island is exceeded in size only by Isle Royale within the State of Michigan, and comprises the easternmost point of the Upper Peninsula along the Canadian border. The island covers more than 83,000 acres and forms approximately 130 miles of Great Lakes shoreline. A significant portion of Drummond Island lies within Lake Superior State ...
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A biological inventory for multiple taxa aa 4,000 acre nature preserve.
... Biodiversity and conservation values of the US islands were based on a review of existing information and by updating basic spatial information. Many of these US islands have been inventoried by Michigan Natural Features Inventory and others (see Penskar et al., 2002;Penskar et al., 2000;Soule, 1993). Priorities for colonial nesting waterbirds have also been identified (Wires and Cuthbert, 2001) and basic island metrics have been developed for the shoreline units of Lake Huron (based on Reid et al., 2001). ...
Lake Huron has the largest collection of freshwater islands in the world. These islands are a significant contributor to the biodiversity of the region. In this paper, we give preliminary results of a project that assembles mapping of over 23,000 islands and island groups and provides the most comprehensive biodiversity assessment of islands in Lake Huron to date. The number, extent and configuration of many islands, particularly small, low-lying systems, is very dynamic depending on lake-levels. Islands in Lake Huron can be divided into three general groups: 1) limestone and dolostone islands associated with and surrounding Manitoulin and Drummond Islands and the Bruce Peninsula, 2) dense archipelagos of small nearshore Precambrian Shield islands in eastern Georgian Bay and the North Channel and, 3) small groups of low-erodible islands in Saginaw Bay.
All three of these island groups are important for supporting colonial nesting waterbirds, endemic species and communities, and migratory birds. Lake Huron islands have been somewhat buffered from anthropogenic change due to their isolation and therefore support a rich and diverse sets of species and communities. Primary threats to island communities include development and invasive species. Threats are generally greater in many of the southern island regions where fewer islands are protected. Results from this project can be used to set priorities for conservation of key sites with high biodiversity values and conservation urgency.
... For more than two decades Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI) has surveyed numerous natural communities and rare species found on or allied with Great Lakes islands. This extensive work was described in part by Soule (1993) and was detailed in previous years' progress reports (Penskar et al. , 2000(Penskar et al. , and 2002. Conducting comprehensive biological inventories on Great Lakes islands is both timely and crucial to the conservation of biodiversity, as reflected in the findings and recommendations of The State of the Great Lakes Island Report (Vigmostad 1999). ...
... As in several previous island and Great Lakes shoreline studies (Penskar et al. 2002, Penskar et al. 2000), our high priority targets were Great Lakes endemic species such as dwarf lake iris (Iris lacustris), Houghton's goldenrod (Solidago houghtonii), Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri), and Michigan monkey-flower (Mimulus glabratus var. michiganensis), all of which are federal and state listed. ...
... The conservation outreach portion of this year's project on Bois Blanc Island was built on the conservation outreach activities previously developed for the Beaver Island community during the summer of 1999 (Penskar et al. 2000) and the Drummond Island community during the fall of 2000 (Penskar et al. 2002). These workshops were designed to be interactive and open to the whole community. ...