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Biochemical composition of seaweeds mg g -1 dry weight

Biochemical composition of seaweeds mg g -1 dry weight

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Seaweeds are marine plants also known as sea vegetables, used as an alternative food source with high nutritional value. Consumption of seaweeds in East Asian countries like China, Thailand and Japan had begun since ancient times. In some countries, seaweeds are consumed as raw vegetables, in the form of salad and as an additive in manufacturing of...

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... proximate composition of selected seaweed species belonging to families Chlorophyta (four species), Phaeophyta (five species) and Rhodophyta (one species) were analyzed and the results are shown in Table 1. Seaweeds contain large amount of water; when fresh, they contain approx. ...

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Sargassum sp. seaweed becomes one of the interesting food preparations for the community and can be a potential local food-based product because this type of brown seaweed can be processed into food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and textile products. Seaweed Sargassum sp. has economic value and protection for marine life. Sargassum sp can be beneficia...


... The Northern Red Sea is an oligotrophic water body characterized by an epipelagic zone. In the shallow reef flats, the average sea surface temperature is 36°C and salinity is 40.5% across all seasons 8 . The long-term temperature exposure above 30°C affects the coral bleaching, in response to these bleaching episodes, the zooxanthellae communities and soft corals exhibit varying levels of adaptation to increasing sea surface water temperatures 9 . ...
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... Moreover, studies have reported that feeding Longsnout seahorse (Hippocampus reidi) juveniles with Nanochlorpsis oculata or Isochrysis galbana resulted in higher ingestion and survival rates, as well as growth performances. Thus, these findings emphasize the importance of utilizing suitable feeding protocols to enhance the growth and survival of these valuable aquatic animals (Kasimala et al. 2020;Koldewey 2005;Olivotto et al. 2008;Pham and Lin 2013;Willadino et al. 2012). ...
Algae are essential in aquatic ecosystems as they form the base of food webs, providing bioactive compounds that sustain and improve the growth of commercially important aquatic animals. However, it is critical to provide the required quality and quantity of specific algae strains for each aquatic animal throughout their life cycles on a commercial scale. In sustainable aquaculture, algae, including microalgae and seaweed, could be introduced to aquaculture animals in different forms, such as live, dried, liquid extract, and nanoparticle forms. These forms enhance the benefits of algae bioactive compounds for aquatic animals. The world requires cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and feasible technologies for large-scale production of aquaculture organisms. The integration of algae and animals in sustainable aquaculture offers an intelligent solution to the challenges faced in monoaquaculture. This chapter focuses on different algal forms in aquaculture, including live feeds, biomass concentrates, water conditioners using the “green water technique,” aqua-feed additives, co-culturing technologies, and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) to encourage the development of low-cost, highly efficient, and sustainable aquaculture projects in the future. Overall, understanding the role of microalgae in sustainable aquaculture is crucial for improving the growth and health of aquatic animals and for maintaining the ecological balance of aquatic ecosystems.
... The overall mean moisture content was U. fasciata > S. wightii > G. corticata. In parallel to our results, Kasimala et al. [62] reported lower moisture content in brown seaweeds than in green seaweeds. Interestingly, the washing step significantly increased the moisture content in all the seaweed species. ...
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A novel pretreatment process based on prioritized microbes was developed to improve the yield of reducing sugars from red (Gracilaria corticata), brown (Sargassum wightii), and green (Ulva fasciata) seaweeds as a cheap, eco-friendly method for seaweed saccharification. Prioritization of six microbes from a collection of 24 microbes was initially done using a unique stepwise strategy considering different polysaccharides present in varied seaweed types. Final selection of three microbes was based on the release of reducing sugars from different seaweed groups in the saccharification process. The selected microbes significantly increased the release of reducing sugars compared to the control conditions in all three seaweed species, with significant differences (P<0.05) based on the media, microbes, seaweed species, processed condition, and days of hydrolysis. Factor analysis of mixed data indicated that microbes contributed to the maximum variability of the data. Vibrio parahaemolyticus caused the maximum biomass conversion ratio for reducing sugars from S. wightii (22.31 ± 0.65%) and U. fasciata (24.6 ± 1.28%) with an increment of 8.9% and 9.35%, respectively from control conditions. The maximum biomass conversion of G. corticata was 24.8 ± 0.51% following Bacillus amyloliquefaciens treatment with an increment of 6.39% from the control. Even though different combinations of three prioritized microbes produced better saccharification than the control conditions, individual use of prioritized microbes made a better release of reducing sugars. In brief, seaweed hydrolysis using the prioritized microbes of the present study can be applied to improve the saccharification process of seaweeds in an eco-friendly and less expensive platform. Graphical abstract
... These results are consistent with a previous FIGURE 3 Nutrional contents ratio of the tested species. (38). Seaweeds contain considerably higher concentrations of all necessary minerals than any other land vegetation, which is represented by their ash content (38). ...
... (38). Seaweeds contain considerably higher concentrations of all necessary minerals than any other land vegetation, which is represented by their ash content (38). The highest ash content of the seaweed species tested was found in S. euryphyllum (45.91% ...
... DW) (29) and from the Southern Red Sea (30.30-50.91%) (38). Based on the biochemical results of the selected species, P. myrica can be labeled as an alternative protein, and a high content of lipids (5.21% DW) and fiber (37.53% ...
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IntroductionBrown seaweeds are excellent sources of bioactive molecules with a wide range of pharmacological effects, whose content can vary depending on several factors, including the origin and the environment in which the algae grow.Methods This study aimed to estimate 19 compounds regarding primary and secondary metabolites of eight brown macroalgal species from a clean Egyptian Red Sea coast. A proximate analysis, pigment, phenolic compounds, and vitamin contents were determined. In addition, the energy content and antioxidant activity were estimated to explore the potential application of algae as functional foods to encourage the species’ commercialization.ResultsBased on the chemical composition, Polycladia myrica was the most valuable species, with a comparatively high protein content of 22.54%, lipid content of 5.21%, fucoxanthin content of 3.12 μg/g, β-carotene content of 0.55 mg/100 g, and carbohydrate content of 45.2%. This species also acts as a great source of vitamin C, flavonoids, tannins, phenol content and total antioxidant capacity.DiscussionThe antioxidant activity of the selected algae indicated that its phenol, vitamin and pigment contents were powerful antioxidant compounds based on the structure–activity relationships. This result was verified by the strong correlation in statistical analysis at the 95% confidence level. From a worldwide perspective and based on the obtained results, these brown species may be reinforced as an essential line in future foods.
... For example, the higher average air temperatures (>25℃) and sea water temperatures (29-32℃) in the Straits of Malacca hindered the carbohydrate accumulation of seaweed (Richardson et al. 2004). Similarly, the high annual mean sea level temperature (30 ℃) and low annual precipitation (205 mm) in the Red Sea resulted in lower carbohydrate and lipid levels of D. dichotoma compared to the same species grown in Madeira and Porto Santo Islands (Kasimala et al. 2020). In addition, large differences were also shown in the carbohydrate content of P. gymnospora (29.13% and 11.81%) and P. tetrastromatica (59.30% and 5.09%) collected from different sites. ...
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Seaweeds are a potential source for the extraction of bioactive compounds, which are beneficial to human health. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to comprehensively characterize Padina australis GEEL-18 biomass collected from Luhuitou small east China sea. The identification, biochemical composition, physicochemical, and spectroscopic analyses were performed. The presence of high volatile solid (>70 %) suggested a large number of secondary metabolites in P. australis GEEL-18 biomass. The major elements in the biomass were carbon (28.96%) with 53.50% of carbohydrates. The essential functional groups (such as amino, hydroxyl, carboxyl, and sulfate groups) were observed in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The high carbohydrate content showed that P. australis GEEL-18 is a potential candidate for the extraction of polysaccharides (such as fucoidan, alginate, and laminarin). This study established that brown seaweed P. australis GEEL-18 can be used as a substrate for extraction of bioactive compounds which can further be used as food additives, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and drug development.
... According to the previous literature, many microalgal species such as Isochrysis sp., C. gracilis, C. muelleri, S. pseudocostatum, P. lutheri, P. viridis, T. suecica, D. tertiolecta, Cricosphaera elongata, Pleurochrysis carterae, C. vulgaris, Platymonas subcordiformis, and D. zhanjiangensis were reported as recommended live feeds for larvae stages of several sea urchin species, such as Tripneustes gratilla, Paracentrotus lividus, and Anthocidaris crassispina, as presented in Table 2 [135][136][137]. Many studies, on the other hand, reported that feeding N. oculata or I. galbana to longsnout seahorse (Hippocampus reidi) juveniles resulted in significantly higher survival, ingestion rate, and growth performances [78,134,[138][139][140]. ...
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The aquaculture industry has rapidly increased in response to the increasing world population, with the appreciation that aquaculture products are beneficial for human health and nutrition. Globally, aquaculture organisms are mainly divided into two divisions, aquatic animals (finfish, crustaceans, and molluscs) and aquatic plants (microalgae and seaweed). Worldwide aquaculture production has reached more than 82 million tonnes (MTs) in 2018 with more than 450 cultured species. The development of economical, environmentally friendly, and large-scale feasible technologies to produce aquaculture organisms (even aquatic animals and/or aquatic plants) is an essential need of the world. Some aquaculture technologies are related to aquatic animals or aquatic plants, as well as some technologies have an integrated system. This integration between aquatic plants and aquatic animals could be performed during early larvae rearing, on-growing and/or mass production. In the context of the blue revolution, the current review focuses on the generations of integration between aquatic plants and aquatic animals, such as live feeds, biomass concentrates, water conditioners “green water technique”, aqua-feed additives, co-culturing technologies, and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA). This review could shed light on the benefit of aquatic animals and plant integration, which could lead future low-cost, highly efficient, and sustainable aquaculture industry projects.
... The highest fiber was recorded in P. indica (35.65± 0.13%) followed by T. ornata (29.47 ± 0.08%), and the lowest was recorded in S. scinaioides (11.36 ± 0.09%). These results conformed to Kasimala et al. [53], who proposed that the brown alga Cystosoria myrica is rich in dietary fibers (32.39 mg/g) compared with other seaweeds. The fiber content of seaweed is higher than that of higher plants, according to Venugopal [54]. ...
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Seaweeds are becoming a viable source of biologically active composites with a hopeful application as nutraceuticals, functional food components, and medicinal agents. In the present study, the antioxidant capacity and biochemical compositions of four seaweeds; Polycladia indica and Turbinaria ornata (Phaeophyceae) and Laurencia obtusa and Sarconema scinaioides (Rhodophyceae), were estimated. The results indicated that T. ornata showed the maximum value of total phenolic compound (TPC), flavonoid content, β-carotene, carbohydrate and has maximum percentage of DPPH radical scavenging capacity, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and total reducing capacity (TRC) (72.48%, 15.02%, and 53.24% inhibition, respectively), while the highest contents of ascorbic acid, lipid, calcium, and zinc were observed in L. obtusa. P. indica showed the highest protein contents, dietary fibers, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and total amino acids. Glutamic, aspartic, proline, and methionine were the most frequent amino acids in the four selected seaweeds. Brown seaweeds (T. ornata and P. indica) attained the highest percent of the total polyunsaturated (ω6 and ω3) essential fatty acids. The biochemical content of these seaweed species, as well as their antioxidant properties, make them interesting candidates for nutritional, pharmacological, and therapeutic applications.
... Furthermore, the crude protein content of S. wightii and U. rigida was almost comparable to the same species found in the Saurashtra coast (Western Indian coast: 8% DW) and in the Portuguese coast (29.5% DW), respectively [7,18]. Kasimala et al. [4] reported similar results of protein in brown seaweed, S. subrepandum (6.93%) collected from Eritrean red sea coast of Gurgussum and Hirgigo bay. Variations in the crude protein content were reported to be proportional to thallus maturation of the S. wightii with higher crude protein content in the winter season (January-March) at the time of their developing phase, and lower protein content has been reported in the months of July to September on the southern Indian coast [7]. ...
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Usage of seaweeds as a functional food/food ingredient is very limited due to paucity of scientific information about variations in the nutritional composition of seaweeds under diverse climatic conditions. Sargassum wightii and Ulva rigida seaweeds are found abundantly on the Southern Indian coastline and were thoroughly evaluated in this work. Crude fiber and lipid of S. wightii were higher (24.93 ± 0.23% and 3.09 ± 0.41%, respectively) as compared to U. rigida; however, U. rigida had higher crude protein content (27.11 ± 0.62%). Evaluation of mineral and CHNS content indicated that the concentration of potassium, magnesium, and calcium was 1.36 ± 0.08 mg/g, 8.39 ± 0.80 mg/g, and 14.03 ± 3.46 mg/g, respectively, that was higher in the S. wightii, whereas U. rigida contained higher value of iron, carbon, and sulphur (0.70 ± 0.13 mg/g, 37.72 ± 4.63%, and 2.61 ± 0.16%, respectively). Swelling capacity (19.42 ± 0.00 mL/g DW to 22.66 ± 00 mL/g DW), water-holding capacity (6.15 ± 0.08 g/g DW to 6.38 ± 0.14 g/g DW), and oil-holding capacity (2.96 ± 0.13 g/g DW) of U. rigida were significantly (p < 0.05) higher as compared to S. wightii. It was observed from DSC thermograms that S. wightii can be safely processed for food formulations even at a temperature of 134°C. e thermograms also revealed changes in the sulphated polysaccharide (fucoidan) profile due to the presence of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups with denaturation of proteins. TGA of S. wightii and U. rigida showed degradation temperature within the range of 200-300°C due to divergent polysaccharide compositions. FTIR spectroscopy suggested the presence of phenolic groups in both seaweeds (at 1219 cm −1). Results of the study suggested that the manufacturing of functional food products from seaweeds could be beneficial and may aid in social upliftment of cultivators/fishermen.