Table 2 - uploaded by Tejinder Sharma
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Competing for a perennial supply of milk is a major factor influencing dairy plants, and theoretically, they must be positioned at an optimum distance between themselves in order to sustain their profitability. However, the location optimised on economic variables seldom corresponds with the actual location of a dairy plant as the final selection i...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... diagnostics was conducted to ensure that there is no correlation between the predictor variables. The beta values, t-values and level of significance of the predictor variables are shown in Table 2. ...
Context 2
... shown in Table 2, population density has emerged as the most important variable influencing the investment in small scale industries (based on the Beta and t-values), and medium and large units (Models M IS , M ILM ). It may be concluded that districts with larger population density attract higher investment, analogous to the dart-board model of manufacturing location. ...
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... In the case of rice processing industry, a high degree of industrial agglomeration is observed with a few small towns housing several hundreds of units. In the context of the agro-based industries, such as the dairy industry, Sharma et al. (2010) found that the demographic factors, represented as population density, employment and literacy, emerge as the most significant influencers of the choice of a manufacturing location of small-, medium-and large-scale units. Among the subjective variables, the site-specific and micro-factors, comprising of the regulatory framework and site-specific fixed costs score over the macro-factors while selecting a location. ...
... Among the subjective variables, the site-specific and micro-factors, comprising of the regulatory framework and site-specific fixed costs score over the macro-factors while selecting a location. Sharma et al. (2010) concluded that, in present day, entrepreneurs lay more stress on the site-specific factors over other considerations. The environmental and financial conditions prevailing in the close proximity of a plant emerge as the most significant determinant of a dairy location. ...
The most logical determinant of manufacturing location in paddy processing industry is in close proximity to the raw material. Northern India is the rice bowl of the country, and the basmati varieties are famous throughout the world. There is a concentration of the paddy processing units in few clusters developed in selected towns, defying the econometric paradigm of location. However, the entrepreneurs' subjectivity, emerging as the qualitative factors, seems to play a greater role in selecting the manufacturer location. This paper investigates the qualitative determinants of manufacturing location of paddy processing units. It is found that the entrepreneurs consider the variable costs, input availability, raw material competition and micro-environment of site as the important influencers of the location of a paddy processing unit.