Batson's venous plexus. Cited from Diseases of the Spine and Spinal Cord (Thomas N Byrne et al. P169, Oxford University Press)

Batson's venous plexus. Cited from Diseases of the Spine and Spinal Cord (Thomas N Byrne et al. P169, Oxford University Press)

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Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) is currently used worldwide for detecting bone metastases from prostate cancer. The 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer is > 95%. However, an increase in survival time may increase the incidence of bone metastasis. Therefore, detecting bone metastases is of great clinical interest. Bone metastases...

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... the circulation, cells and extracellular matrix within this region assist in the formation of bone metastasis [10]. Batson [11] showed that venous blood from the breast and pelvis flowed not only into the vena cava but also into the vertebral venous plexus, which extends from the pelvis to throughout the epidural and peri-vertebral veins [11,12] (Fig. 1). Blood drainage to the skeleton via the vertebral venous plexus may, at least in part, explain the tendency of breast and prostate cancers (as well as those arising in the kidney, thyroid, and lung) to produce metastases in the axial skeleton and limb girdles ...

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... 8-10 In cases of metastatic cancers, WB-MRI can visualise tumour deposits throughout the body with superior efficacy compared to conventional imaging modalities, for both bone and soft tissue disease, and the role of WB-MRI has been studied in the management of various metastatic cancers including prostate, lung, breast, and ovary . 3,[11][12][13][14] The addition of functional imaging with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping to WB-MRI protocols provides quantitative insight into the management of oncologic patients. 15 DWI sequences assess the Brownian movement of water molecules in the tissues and have been used to differentiate between malignant and benign lesions throughout the body. ...
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Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) has significantly improved oncological disease management by enabling comprehensive visualisation of the entire body in a single scan, facilitating the diagnosis, staging, and monitoring of various cancers. Its integration with diffusion-weighted imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient mapping offers quantitative insights into tumour biology, notably enhancing treatment planning and response evaluation. The evolution from 2D to 3D WB-MRI has improved image resolution and reduced scan times. This review underscores the pivotal role of WB-MRI in oncology, highlighting its efficiency in detecting and characterising tumours and assessing treatment response with a focus on 3D techniques.
... В литературе описаны различные результаты сравнительных исследований остеосцинтиграфии и МРТ всего тела, возможно, ввиду использования МР-томографов разных производителей и отсутствия стандартов методики проведения. По результатам метаанализа авторы сделали заключение, что МРТ всего тела обладает более высокой чувствительностью (94%) и специфичностью (99%), чем остеосцинтиграфия (80 и 95% соответственно), что предполагает применение МРТ всего тела для подтверждения или исключения метастатического поражения костей [30,31]. A. Padhani и соавт. ...
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Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) is the tumor progression with the development of resistance to androgen deprivation therapy. The incidence of bone metastases in these patients reaches 90%. Radiology is widely used to diagnose mCRPC. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are beneficial in anatomic imaging, but have some limitations in evaluating effectiveness of disease treatment. Scintigraphy is used to screen for bone metastases, but is poorly suited for assessing disease progression. Positron emission tomography (PET) combined with CT and single-photon emission CT are used for early detection of local or systemic spread of prostate cancer. PET of prostate-specific membrane antigen is used to predict the effectiveness of anti-tumor therapy based on the absorbed dose of a radiopharmaceutical (RP). The introduction of RPs (177Lu-PSMA) opens up new perspectives for radionuclide therapy with simultaneous evaluation of its efficacy using hybrid visualization. The potential use of radiology in the diagnosis of bone metastases is of particular interest for the analysis and systematization of the data obtained and for the development of indications for radioligand therapy and the evaluation of its efficacy. Published data indicate that radiologic modalities for the diagnosis of mCRPC vary in sensitivity and specificity and have their own advantages and limitations, so these modalities should be combined. The development and improvement of methods to quantitatively assess treatment efficacy and identify prognostic markers will enable more informed selection of treatment strategies and radiopharmaceuticals, leading to improved overall survival.
... The sclerotic lesion was defined as a darker signal than yellow marrow and slightly darker or isointense to red marrow. On STIR and water images, these were minimally brighter than both red and yellow marrow and may be surrounded by a rim of hyperintense signal [13,14]. The mixed lesion was considered a combination of the two patterns. ...
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Background Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) has shown its accuracy in the diagnosis of skeletal metastases in patients with known primary solid cancers. The standard protocol was a combination of T1 and short tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequences. Herein, this study was conducted to elucidate the role of the T2-Dixon sequence as a rapid alternative to the standard protocol with the assessment of its diagnostic accuracy and comparability to the established methodology. Methods This prospective study included 30 patients with primary solid malignancies who underwent WB-MRI. The sequences obtained were T1WI, STIR, and T2-Dixon (fat-only and water-only images). Skeletal metastases were evaluated in each sequence. Results were compared between the T1-STIR combination and T2-Dixon fat and water reconstructions. Results The sensitivity of fat and water reconstructions from a single T2-Dixon in the detection of lytic skeletal metastases was marginally superior to a combination of T1WI and STIR sequences (0–7%). Detection of mixed lesions demonstrated equally high sensitivity in both protocols. Sclerotic metastases detection in WB-MRI showed low sensitivity in both protocols. However, specificity surpassed 95% for all lesion types in both protocols. Overall image quality was favored (in 87–90% of patients) in T2-Dixon images. The overall estimated acquisition timing using T2-Dixon appeared to be approximately half that of the standard T1-STIR combination. Conclusions WB-MRI using T2-Dixon fat and water reconstructions showed similar accuracy to T1WI and STIR combination in the evaluation of skeletal metastases in patients with primary solid cancers with significantly shorter acquisition time.
... Next-generation imaging (NGI) technologies, including positron emission tomography (PET)-computed tomography (CT), and whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are more sensitive and specific for prostate cancer staging than conventional imaging, particularly in the setting of apparently localized prostate cancer planned for definitive therapy. [5][6][7][8] Evidence is especially strong for the use of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) PET-CT to detect metastases, with the benefit of lower radiation exposure and less inter-observer variability. 9,10 This has led to international guideline updates 11,12 and calls for a molecular imaging TNM staging system (miTNM) for metastatic prostate cancer. ...
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Aim The aim of the third Asia‐Pacific Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APAC APCCC 2023) was to discuss the application in the Asia‐Pacific (APAC) region of consensus statements from the 4th Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC 2022). Methods The one‐day meeting in July 2023 brought together 27 experts from 14 APAC countries. The meeting covered five topics: (1) Intermediate‐ and high‐risk and locally advanced prostate cancer; (2) Management of newly diagnosed metastatic hormone‐sensitive prostate cancer; (3) Management of non‐metastatic castration‐resistant prostate cancer; (4) Homologous recombination repair mutation testing; (5) Management of metastatic castration‐resistant prostate cancer. Pre‐ and post‐symposium polling gathered APAC‐specific responses to APCCC consensus questions and insights on current practices and challenges in the APAC region. Results APAC APCCC highlights APAC‐specific considerations in an evolving landscape of diagnostic technologies and treatment innovations for advanced prostate cancer. While new technologies are available in the region, cost and reimbursement continue to influence practice significantly. Individual patient considerations, including the impact of chemophobia on Asian patients, also influence decision‐making. Conclusion The use of next‐generation imaging, genetic testing, and new treatment combinations is increasing the complexity and duration of prostate cancer management. Familiarity with new diagnostic and treatment options is growing in the APAC region. Insights highlight the continued importance of a multidisciplinary approach that includes nuclear medicine, genetic counseling, and quality‐of‐life expertise. The APAC APCCC meeting provides an important opportunity to share practice and identify APAC‐specific issues and considerations in areas of low evidence where clinical experience is growing.
... WB-DWI is an important method for predicting tumor responses to therapy in the Myeloma Response Assessment and Diagnosis System (10). In any pathologic process, including focal or diffuse infiltration, increased signal intensity on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) indicates the replacement of the normal bone marrow (21,(25)(26)(27). However, not all diffuse hyperintensities in the high b-value diffusion-weighted (DW) images of bone marrow indicate lesions; normal bone marrow can also display diffuse hyperintensity, which indicates a higher portion of red bone marrow (28,29). ...
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Background Marathon training can reverse bone marrow conversion; however, little is known about the normal bone marrow whole-body diffusion-weighted imaging (WB-DWI) signal characteristics of amateur marathon runners. If marathon training can cause diffuse hyperintensity of bone marrow on WB-DWI is essential for correctly interpreting the diffusion-weighted (DW) images. This study sought to evaluate the WB-DWI signal characteristics of normal bone marrow in amateur marathon runners. Methods In this prospective cross-sectional study, 30 amateur marathon runners who had trained for over 3 years for regular or half-marathon races and had a running frequency of more than 20 days a month at a distance of more than 100 km per month from the Chengde Marathon Outdoor Sports Association in Hebei, China, and 30 age- and gender-matched, healthy volunteers (the control group) who had no long-term heavy-load sports history were recruited between April 2021 to September 2021. All the subjects underwent WB-DWI (b-value: 0, 800 s/mm²) and lumbar vertebral transverse relaxation time (T2) mapping. The bone marrow WB-DWI signal characteristics were analyzed visually and statistically by chi-square (χ²) tests. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), DWI signal intensity, and T2 values of the bone marrow were quantitatively and statistically analyzed by the independent sample t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results No subjects were excluded from the study. The bone marrow of 30 of the 60 subjects (aged 30–50 years) showed diffuse hyperintensity in the DW images. However, in all 60 subjects, the humeral heads, femoral heads, and great trochanters had low signals. The frequency of diffuse bone marrow DWI hyperintensity was significantly higher in the male amateur marathon runners (50%) than the male controls (5%, P=0.003), but no such significant difference was found between the female amateur marathon runners (100%) and female controls (90%, P>0.99). The DW signal intensity ratios of bone marrow to muscle (SIRBM-muscle) were significantly higher in the male amateur marathon runners than the male controls in the thoracic vertebrae (4.68 vs. 3.57, P=0.021), lumbar vertebrae (4.49 vs. 3.01, P<0.001), sacrum (3.67 vs. 2.62, P=0.002), and hip (3.45 vs. 2.50, P=0.002), but were only significantly higher in the female amateur marathon runners than the female controls in the thoracic vertebrae (7.69 vs. 5.87, P=0.029) and hip (4.76 vs. 3.92, P=0.004). The mean T2 values of the lumbar vertebrae were significantly higher in the male amateur marathon runners than the male controls (116.76 vs. 97.63 ms, P=0.001), but no such significant difference was observed between the female amateur marathon runners and the corresponding controls (118.58 vs. 124.10 ms, P=0.386). Conclusions Marathon training resulted in diffuse hyperintensity in the bone marrow based on WB-DWI in 50% of the male amateur marathon runners aged 30–50 years. Thus, when WB-DWI is used for bone marrow disease screening, marathon training history should be considered to avoid false-positive diagnoses.
... With the advent of wholebody MRI, its sensitivity and specificity have been significantly increased to 99% and 94%, respectively. Although the rise in whole-body MRI was a remarkable development, it still did not boast sufficient accuracy [32]. Another imaging modality of interest is gallium-68 prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography (PSMA-PET), which has a sensitivity and specificity of 97% and 77%, respectively, for detecting lymph nodes, far exceeding the sensitivity and specificity of simple CT, which are 42% and 82%, respectively. ...
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Bone is a common site of prostate cancer metastasis. Bone turnover markers n-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (P1NP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase type 5b (TRACP-5b) are highly sensitive to bone remodeling activity. However, their prognostic significance as markers of prostate cancer is unknown. This study retrospectively examined the usefulness of P1NP and TRACP-5b as prognostic biomarkers. Castration-resistant prostate cancer recurrence-free survival (CFS) was estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method. A predictive model for CFS was constructed using multivariate analysis. This study enrolled 255 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer at Kanazawa University Hospital. The median follow-up was 115.1 months. Patients with both high serum P1NP and TRACP-5b levels, defined as having a poor bone turnover category (BTC), had significantly shorter CFS. Multivariate analysis identified Gleason score, metastasis, and BTC poor as predictors for castration resistance in prostate cancer. Using these three factors, a prognostic model was established, categorizing patients into low-risk (no or one factor) and high-risk (two or three factors) groups. In the low-risk group, the median CFS was not reached, contrasting with 19.1 months in the high-risk group (hazard ratio, 32.23, p < 0.001). Combining P1NP and TRACP-5b may better predict castration resistance.
... Besides the LN, PCa metastasizes preferentially to the bones [8][9][10]. Several imaging techniques exist to visualize bone metastases, namely, Whole-Body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) [11], positron emission tomography/computer tomography (PET/ CT) [12], and others. With WB-MRI, a standard protocol has been established that targets the 14 most frequent metastatic sites (MS) identified on the Metastasis Reporting and Data System for Prostate Cancer (MET-RADS-P) template [13] shown on Figure 1. ...
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Objective The goal of this research is to predict the most likely metastatic site(s) of a primary prostate cancer tumor that has been resected via radical prostatectomy; its genome has been sequenced to obtain a list of gene mutations; and after initial inspection of pelvic lymph nodes, there is no clinical evidence of metastasis. However, micrometastases might already be growing in distant organs and cannot be detected at the time of surgery. Background The most common metastatic targets in prostate cancer (PCa) are the pelvic lymph nodes (PLN) and bones. The PLNs are routinely dissected by a procedure called pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) simultaneously with the surgical removal of the prostate to detect the presence of metastatic growths. Additionally, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level is used to assess the existence of a metastatic stage. However, micrometastases in other organs and tissues might be overlooked. Methods We downloaded publicly available prostate cancer tumor data from the website After choosing the 25 most frequently mutated genes by metastatic site (MS) and finding genes that are uniquely mutated on specific metastatic sites, we found that the mutational signature of a prostate cancer tumor is associated with its MS, and thus, we developed a method to numerically predict this association. Results After executing a computational algorithm on the data set of metastatic prostate tumors, it was found that we can predict metastatic sites with the following accuracies: bone (90.9%), retroperitoneum (87.5%), liver (83.0%), kidney (80.0%), pancreas (80.0%), adrenal glands (75.0%), lung (71.1%), and brain (72.5%). Conclusions We successfully developed a method and an algorithm that predict the most likely metastatic site of a primary prostate cancer tumor based on its genetic mutations. The accuracy of the predictions for eight metastatic sites ranges from 71.1% to 90.9%, with an average of 80.5%.
... Выходом из данной ситуации является сокращение времени сбора данных, что может быть достигнуто либо с помощью уменьшения количества импульсных последовательностей в протоколе МРТ, либо снижением качества получаемых изображений. Если говорить об оптимизации в рамках первого пути, то ДВИ (диффузионно-взвешенные изображения), дополненные картами измеряемого коэффициента диффузии (ИКД), являются одними из наиболее ценных составляющих исследования [9], которые, кроме всего прочего, могут использоваться изолированно [10]. Кроме качественного анализа ДВИ, возможно количественное отражение процессов, происходящих на молекулярном уровне, а именно движение молекул воды во вне-, внутриклеточном и внутрисосудистом пространствах, выраженное в мм 2 /с, для чего и прибегают к построению карт ИКД. ...
Aim: To evaluate the possibilities of absolute and relative values of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the diagnosis of metastatic lesions of skeletal bones. Material and methods: The study included 12 patients with metastatic bone lesions, before any treatment was applied. The age of the patients ranged from 38 to 73 years, 3 men, 9 women. Among the morphological forms of tumors were presented: cancers of the breast (3), prostate (1) glands, colon (1), lung (2), body (1) and cervix (1) uterus, thyroid (1) and pancreas (2). The detected changes were classified on the basis of Bone scan, SPECT/CT and standard MRI. The ADC values of unchanged bone marrow (n=360), divided by anatomical zones, metastatic foci (n=117), as well as benign changes of various nature (n=19) were analyzed. The ratio of the ADC values of each of the metastatic and benign focal formations to the normal values for each of the localizations was calculated. Results: Unchanged bone marrow, depending on anatomical localization (cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine, pelvic bones, shoulder blades, collarbones, sternum, ribs, proximal humerus and femur bones) from the point of view of ADC, showed statistically significant heterogeneity. Statistical analysis has shown that there is no connection between the groups of ADC indicators in the foci of metastatic lesions, combined depending on the anatomical localization. With a similar comparison, but by belonging to the primary tumor, an even greater intergroup difference was found. ADC values in the foci of metastatic lesions turned out to be dependent on the morphological type of the primary tumor and significantly differ both from metastases of other morphological affiliation and from normal red bone marrow parameters. The use of relative values allowed to increase the specificity from 15 to 19 %. Conclusion: This study showed that knowledge of the range of reference ADC values for unchanged red bone marrow and anomalies of various genesis is important in differential diagnosis. The differentiation of the skeleton into separate anatomical zones probably makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the isolated application of the technique when it comes to absolute values. The morphological affiliation of metastatic foci is important in the formation of ADC values, rather than the bone marrow microenvironment, which is also supported by the low efficiency of the use of relative values.
... Besides the LN, PCa metastasizes preferentially to the bones [8] [9][10]. Several imaging techniques exist to visualize bone metastases, namely, Whole-Body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) [11], positron emission tomography/computer tomography (PET/CT) [12], and others. With WB-MRI, a standard protocol has been established that targets the 14 most frequent metastatic sites (MS) identified on the Metastasis Reporting and Data System for Prostate Cancer (MET-RADS-P) template [13] shown on Figure 1. ...
Objective The goal of this research is to predict the most likely metastatic site(s) of a primary prostate cancer tumor that has been resected via radical prostatectomy; its genome has been sequenced to obtain a list of gene mutations; and after initial inspection of pelvic lymph nodes, there is no clinical evidence of metastasis. However, micrometastases might already be growing in distant organs and cannot be detected at the time of surgery. Background The most common metastatic targets in prostate cancer (PCa) are the pelvic lymph nodes (PLN) and bones. The PLNs are routinely dissected by a procedure called pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) simultaneously with the surgical removal of the prostate to detect the presence of metastatic growths. Additionally, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level is used to assess the existence of a metastatic stage. However, micrometastases in other organs and tissues might be overlooked. Methods We downloaded publicly available prostate cancer tumor data from the website . After choosing the 25 most commonly mutated genes by metastatic site (MS) and finding genes that are uniquely mutated on specific metastatic sites, we found that the mutational signature of a prostate cancer tumor is associated with its MS, and thus, we developed a method to numerically predict this association. Results After executing a computational algorithm on the data set of metastatic prostate tumors, it was found that we can predict metastatic sites with the following accuracies: bone (90.9%), retroperitoneum (87.5%), liver (83.0%), kidney (80.0%), pancreas (80.0%), adrenal glands (75.0%), lung (71.1%), and brain (72.5%). Conclusions We successfully developed a method and an algorithm that predict the most likely metastatic site of a primary prostate cancer tumor based on its genetic mutations. The accuracy of the predictions for eight metastatic sites ranges from 71.1% to 90.9%, with an average of 80.5%.
... PCa disseminates by EPE to reach the para-vertebral Batson's plexus --a series of primordial valveless veins (Nathoo et al., 2011) and nerves that account for how tumor originating in the prostate organ can reach the known dissemination sites of the pelvic bones, the vertebral column, and brain (Batson, 1940). Interception of PCa dissemination at its earliest stages is now an actionable goal since EPE can be detected by multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and continued improvements for 30-min whole body scan times and AI assistance (Nakanishi et al., 2022) will enable the early detection of this sub-type of aggressive tumor. This advance coupled with our increased ability to target this sub-type of PCa will add significantly to the choices available to combat this chronic and indolent cancer. ...
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In 2023, approximately 288,300 new diagnoses of prostate cancer will occur, with 34,700 disease-related deaths. Death from prostate cancer is associated with metastasis, enabled by progression of tumor phenotypes and successful extracapsular extension to reach Batson’s venous plexus, a specific route to the spine and brain. Using a mouse-human tumor xenograft model, we isolated an aggressive muscle invasive cell population of prostate cancer, called DU145J7 with a distinct biophysical phenotype, elevated histone H3K27, and increased matrix metalloproteinase 14 expression as compared to the non-aggressive parent cell population called DU145WT. Our goal was to determine the sensitivities to known chemotherapeutic agents of the aggressive cells as compared to the parent population. High-throughput screening was performed with 5,578 compounds, comprising of approved and investigational drugs for oncology. Eleven compounds were selected for additional testing, which revealed that vorinostat, 5-azacitidine, and fimepinostat (epigenetic inhibitors) showed 2.6-to-7.5-fold increases in lethality for the aggressive prostate cancer cell population as compared to the parent, as judged by the concentration of drug to inhibit 50% cell growth (IC50). On the other hand, the DU145J7 cells were 2.2-to-4.0-fold resistant to mitoxantrone, daunorubicin, and gimatecan (topoisomerase inhibitors) as compared to DU145WT. No differences in sensitivities between cell populations were found for docetaxel or pirarubicin. The increased sensitivity of DU145J7 prostate cancer cells to chromatin modifying agents suggests a therapeutic vulnerability occurs after tumor cells invade into and through muscle. Future work will determine which epigenetic modifiers and what combinations will be most effective to eradicate early aggressive tumor populations.