Basic BDI cycle, adapted from [49].

Basic BDI cycle, adapted from [49].

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Since the early days of artificial intelligence (AI), many logics have been explored as tools for knowledge representation and reasoning. In the spirit of the Crossley Festscrift and recognizing John Crossley’s diverse interests and his legacy in both mathematical logic and computer science, I discuss examples from my own research that sit in the o...

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... in the mid-1980s with Georgeff and Lansky's work at SRI International on the Procedural Reasoning System (PRS) [47] and drawing on Bratman's philosophical analyses of practical reasoning [11], there has been active development of software agents following a BDI architecture. 6 The basic constructs of such an architecture are depicted in Figures 3 and 4 and there are now many extended architectures, languages, interpreters, platforms and theoretical formalizations, incorporating a wide range of agent programming features [27]. ...

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