Fig 6 - uploaded by Jingya Li
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BS activation probability vs. target spectral efficiency per user (R k ). 

BS activation probability vs. target spectral efficiency per user (R k ). 

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This paper considers a downlink heterogeneous network, where different types of multi-antenna base stations (BSs) communicate with a number of single-antenna users. Multiple BSs can serve the users by spatial multiflow transmission techniques. Assuming imperfect channel state information at both BSs and users, the precoding, load balancing, and BS...

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... different joint precoding and load balancing schemes are compared in the scenario depicted in Fig. 2. We name these three schemes as "Optimal", "Heuristic" and "All Active" respectively. The "Optimal" scheme obtains the global optimal solution as described in Theorem 1, by an exhaustive search over all 2 5 possible BS mode combinations. The "Heuristic" scheme follows the algorithm proposed in Section IV, and the value of the soft threshold δ is set to 10 −4 . The "All Active" scheme is used as our performance baseline, which solves the optimization problem (9) by assuming that all BSs are active, i.e., the BS mode indicator z v = 1 for all BSs v ∈ V. For each scheme, the performance is averaged over 1000 independent user drops that provide feasible solutions for our optimization problem (9). For each user drop, the algorithms are evaluated over 50 independent channel realizations. The weights a v are set to 1 for all BSs. Define the dynamic part of total power consumption as the total RF power ( ∑ M v=1 a v ∆ v P trans,v ), and the remaining part of the total power consumption as the circuit power Figs. 3 and 4 demonstrate the total RF power and the total power con- sumption as a function of target spectral efficiency per user, respectively. As expected, the total power consumption and the RF power increase as the target spectral efficiency increases. Fig. 3 shows that the RF power for the "All Active" scheme is less than that of the "Heuristic" and "Optimal" schemes. This is expected since all BSs are active in the "All Active" scheme, whileas for the "Heuristic" and "Optimal" schemes, some BSs are put into sleep mode. With more BSs being active, the "All Active" scheme provides better energy-focusing and less propagation losses between the users and the transmitters, and will therefore reduce the total RF power. However, as can be seen from Fig. 4, compared to the "All Active" scheme, the "Heuristic" and "Optimal" schemes can substantially reduce the total power consumption, especially when the target QoS is small. This is because the circuit power consumption under the sleep mode is much lower compared to the one under the active mode, i.e., P sleep,v ≪ P active,v . For the "All Active" scheme, the increase in the circuit part from the extra power consumed by activating BSs clearly outweighs the decrease in the dynamic part. This implies that putting a BS into sleep mode by proper load balancing is an important solution for energy savings in heterogeneous networks. Fig. 5 plots the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the total power consumption for the considered three schemes. The target spectral efficiency per user R k is 4 bit/s/Hz. We observe that compared to the "All Active" scheme, 20% of the total power consumption can be saved by the "Optimal" scheme with 70% probability and by the "Heuristic" scheme with 55% probability. For some user drops, the energy con- sumption can be reduced by 30% for both the "Optimal" and "Heuristic" schemes. Fig. 6 demonstrates the BS activation probability versus the target spectral efficiency per user. Here, the activation probability of the SBS is averaged over the probabilities of the four SBSs depicted in Fig. 2. We see that for the "All Active" scheme, the activation probabilities of the MBS and SBS are always one, since all BSs are always active in this scheme. Moreover, as anticipated, for both the "Heuristic" and "Optimal" schemes, the BS activation probabilities of the MBS and SBS increase as the target spectral efficiency per user increases. This is because in order to satisfy the raised QoS expectations of all users, the probability that a BS becomes active should increase so as to provide better energy- focusing and less propagation losses. Over the considered range of target spectral efficiency per user, the "Optimal" scheme has lower activation probability for the MBS and higher activation probability for the SBS as compared to the "Heuristic" scheme. Note that the circuit power consumed under the active mode P active,v for the MBS is much higher than that of the SBSs. Thus, as shown in Fig. 4, the "Optimal" scheme results in better energy saving as compared to the "Heuristic" ...

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... can be rewritten as in (27) at the top of the next page, where B π k j+1 ,k is given by ...
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... In other works, [5]- [7], heuristic solutions are offered to the joint optimization problem. The authors in [8] study joint precoding and association optimization in a heterogeneous network, while making use of BS sleep modes. However, their work does not take into consideration backhaul (in C-RAN referred to as fronthaul) limitations. ...
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Joint optimization of associations and precoders in wireless communication networks has become a crucial problem, due to the growing density of network infrastructure and users. Furthermore , network operators continue to show interest in improved energy efficiency and less power consumption. Due to the non-convex structure of the joint optimization problem, current methods and solvers struggle to offer satisfactory solutions. In the present paper, we provide a novel approach for joint optimization of the precoders and associations in a cooperative network with limited fronthaul capacity links. The proposed joint optimization method provides an iterative approximation of the original problem in the form of a mixed integer quadratic program (MIQP), solved via off the shelf numerical solvers. The second contribution of our work is a distributed hybrid association strategy, which serves as an alternative to the joint optimization framework. The performance of both methods is evaluated, suggesting that the proposed joint optimization framework can be used as a benchmark for other heuristic methods, due to its better performance and higher complexity. Meanwhile, the hybrid association strategy is deemed suitable for a distributed implementation in less computationally advanced networks.
... Then, the following lemma can be easily proven. Lemma 2: Let ( X, q) denote the optimal solution for the optimization problem in (10). Then, we have ...
... holds for the constraint (10b) at equality. According to the above lemma, the optimal solution for the optimization problem in (10) can be used to check the feasibility of (6) (i.e., feasibility of the demand vector for the users). More specifically, for a user j with demand d j , if q j = 0, then d j is satisfied for that user; otherwise (i.e., if q j > 0), demand d j for user j is not satisfied. ...
... A similar approach is taken in [30] to define the feasibility problem corresponding to a different optimization problem. Hereinafter, we call the optimization problem in (10) and q j the admissibility checking optimization problem and inadmissibility indicator (IAI) for user j, respectively. ...
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To improve the spectral efficiency in Long-Term Evolution (LTE) systems, the resource blocks (RBs) are shared among different cells/base stations (BSs) resulting in interference among the cells/BSs on each RB although all the sub-carriers (SCs) in an RB may not be used in a cell. Defining the load of a given BS per RB as the fraction of the active SCs in that RB, in this paper, we present a generalized signal-to-interferenceand- noise-ratio (SINR) model for downlink users on a given RB. This model considers both the transmit powers of the BSs and the loads of the cells over that RB. Under this load-coupled SINR model, to study the feasibility of a given rate demand vector for users, we formulate an optimization problem of minimizing the total load of the BSs on the RBs. Then, for two different scenarios of feasible and infeasible demand vectors, respectively, we study the load management problem (i.e., minimizing the total load of the BSs on the RBs) and admission control problem (i.e., finding the sub-set of users with maximum cardinality whose demands can be concurrently satisfied), respectively. Our theoretical investigations, which provide guidelines for designing radio resource management methods for load-coupled OFDMA networks, are complemented through Monte Carlo simulations.
... The problem is treated as a weighted-base LB where the traffic of an UE is divided into subflows, each of which is transmitted via a different access network. Authors in [49] consider a relaxed problem formulation where each user can be associated with multiple cells and ...
... show that these problems can be solved by convex optimization. For a weight-based LB scheme, the performance of this latter is highly depended on the specific weight, which was heuristically obtained in [49]. Based on the concept of auction in game theory [50], authors in [46] propose a two-stage LB scheme for offloading macro-UEs to small-cell layer. ...
High demands on mobile networks provide a fresh opportunity to migrate towardsmulti-tier deployments, denoted as heterogeneous network (HetNet), involving a mix of cell types and radio access technologies working together seamlessly. In this context, network optimisation functionalities such as load balancing have to be properly engineered so that HetNet benefit are fully exploited. This dissertation aims to develop tractable frameworks to model and analyze load balancing dynamics while incorporating the heterogeneous nature of cellular networks. In this context we investigate and analyze a class of load balancingstrategies, namely adaptive handover based load balancing strategies. These latter were firstly studied under the general heading of stochastic networks using independent and homogeneous Poisson point processes based network model. We propose a baseline model to characterize rate coverage and handover signalling in K-tier HetNet with a general maximum power based cell association and adaptive handover strategies. Tiers differ in terms of deployment density and cells characteristics (i.e. transmit power, bandwidth, and path loss exponent). One of the main outcomes is demonstrating the impact of offloading traffic from macro- to small-tier. This impact was studied in terms of rate coverage and HO signalling. Results show that enhancement in rate coverage is penalized by HO signalling overhead. Then appropriate algorithms of LB based adaptive HO are designed and their performance is evaluated by means of extensive system level simulations. These latter are conducted in 3GPP defined scenarios, including representation of mobility procedures in both connectedstate. Simulation results show that the proposed LB algorithms ensure performance enhancement in terms of network throughput, packet loss ratio, fairness and HO signalling.