Average trajectories for one exemplary experiment (Pfister et al., 2014, Exp. 2). Average trajectories when using all movements (left) and when excluding multi-step movements (right). Although participant averages (thin lines) are smooth and do not cross our

Average trajectories for one exemplary experiment (Pfister et al., 2014, Exp. 2). Average trajectories when using all movements (left) and when excluding multi-step movements (right). Although participant averages (thin lines) are smooth and do not cross our

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Mouse-tracking is regarded as a powerful technique to investigate latent cognitive and emotional states. However, drawing inferences from this manifold data source carries the risk of several pitfalls, especially when using aggregated data rather than single-trial trajectories. Researchers might reach wrong conclusions because averages lump togethe...

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... one representative experiment, Fig. 3 demonstrates the impact of this cutoff by showing how average trajectories -as commonly used to visualize experimental results -change when multi-step movements are ...