Assessment of Design Factor for Corporate Purpose

Assessment of Design Factor for Corporate Purpose

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Effective information technology governance (ITG) is vital for managing risks and ensuring proper oversight of IT in government organizations and enterprises. However, many organizations struggle with implementing effective ITG strategies, resulting in a higher likelihood of cybersecurity breaches, operational inefficiencies, and financial losses....


... Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi atau IT Governance merupakan hal yang penting dalam pengawasan atau pengelolaan teknologi informasi dan risiko dalam suatu perusahaan bahkan instansi. Tanpa tata kelola yang baik, perusahaan akan sulit untuk melihat seberapa tinggi kinerja penerapan TI suatu perusahaan [4]. Tujuan TKTI yaitu memastikan bahwa pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dalam suatu organisasi dilakukan secara efektif untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis yang sudah ditetapkan. ...
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Teknologi informasi yang berkembang pesat saat ini sangat mempengaruhi kondisi bisnis perusahaan sehingga dibutuhkan tata kelola teknologi informasi. COBIT 2019 merupakan kerangka kerja tata kelola teknologi informasi yang memiliki standarisasi untuk melakukan penerapan tata kelola teknologi informasi. Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Provinsi Kepulauan Riau merupakan perusahaan pemerintahan yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan hukum dan HAM. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kapabilitas proses TI saat ini (as-is) dan tingkat kapabilitas proses TI yang diharapkan (to-be) serta memberikan rekomendasi dan saran pada tata kelola TI yang lebih baik bagi Kanwil Kemenkumham Provinsi Kepri. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan standar framework COBIT 2019. Dari objektif proses yang ada, didapatkan 8 objektif yang sesuai dengan penelitian, yaitu APO04 – Managed Innovation, APO07 – Managed Human Resources, APO13 – Managed Security, BAI02 – Managed Requirements Definitions, BAI03 – Managed Solutions Identification and Build, DSS03 – Managed Problems, DSS05 – Managed Security Services, MEA01 – Managed Performance and Conformance Monitoring, EDM01 – Ensured Governance Framework Setting and Maintenance. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan pada objektif proses APO04 dan EDM01 berada pada tingkat kemampuan level 4 (as-is) dengan nilai kemampuan APO04 dan EDM01 sebesar 100%, untuk DSS03 dan MEA01 berada pada tingkat kemampuan level 5 (as-is) dengan nilai kemampuan DSS03 dan MEA01 sebesar 100%, untuk APO07 dan APO13 berada pada tingkat kemampuan level 2 (as-is), dan untuk domain BAI03 dan DSS05 berada pada tingkat kemampuan level 1 (as-is).
... Cobit adalah kerangka kerja IT Governance yang dirancang untuk melibatkan manajemen, staf, departemen TI, hingga pelaku bisnis, untuk memastikan kerahasiaan, ketersediaan data perusahaan dan integritasnya. COBIT mampu mengukur sejauh mana keseimbangan antara teknologi informasi dan tujuan bisnis untuk menciptakan penyesuaian bisnis yang diinginkan [7]. Selain itu, COBIT juga diakui sebagai kerangka yang direkomendasikan berdasarkan peraturan menteri BUMN Nomor PER-03/MBU/02/2018 [8]. ...
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Information Technology Governance plays a very important role in managing all company needs. Especially in the world of education, technology plays a very important role in carrying out the vision and mission of all educational service needs. However, there are many problems experienced and the order of infrastructure and how to manage it that is not maximized so that it makes the order not run well. Because this can lead to various problems from the course of the education service process. Therefore, a framework such as COBIT 2019 is needed which has become the main guideline in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of information technology management in various organizations, including universities. This journal aims to assess COBIT 2019 framework users at various higher education institutions to determine the level of capability and gaps that generally occur. Through a Systematic Literature (SLR) approach, the journal details a number of significant findings, including an in-depth understanding of how COBIT 2019 is adopted and implemented in higher education settings. With Research Question (RQ) i.e. RQ1 Which domains in IT Governance are the main focus for most colleges and high schools implementing the COBIT 2019 framework, RQ2 What are the capability levels and advice provided in most higher education institutions implementing the COBIT 2019 framework. The results of this study found 13 articles that met the inclusion criteria, after identifying titles, abstracts, and conclusions from 48 articles that fell into the exclusion criteria. From the screening of these journals, the results show that the main focus of universities and colleges in implementing the COBIT 2019 framework is on the DSS05 domain. In many higher education institutions that implement the COBIT 2019 framework, the level of capability tends to depend on a strong understanding of best practices in managing IT operations, because there are many universities that have not been able to achieve the desired capability targets. As such, these institutions are required to continuously improve their capabilities in the face of dynamic IT environment changes and strengthen efforts to maintain the resilience of their operational systems.
... In Indonesia, several researches also has been done such as auditing an non-profit or educational institution as well as for profit companies [10,11] Information Technology Management (IT Governance) is a policy framework and a series of organizational processes aimed at ensuring that the implementation of Information Technology (IT) supports the achievement of organizational goals. One of the standards used to support IT governance is COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) [12]. COBIT is a framework that can address a wide range of issues because, in its use, it can provide an overview of IT strategy and governance, as well as modern thinking combined with resource management and techniques in IT implementation [13]. ...
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Information Technology can determine competitiveness and the ability to improve performace, as well as enhance effectiveness and efficienc for businesses, IT Governance can be considered successful when it aligns with organizational goals and the implementation for IT itself. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate its maturity level. COBIT 2019 is one of the audit frameworks that can be used to control the Governance of information technology. PT. Daya Adicipta Wisesa is the subject of this research, with the aim of determining whether the implemented IT Governance has the desired Capability Level and to indentify the level of gaps in IT Governance based on the COBIT 2019 framework. Ater analyzing the 11 design factors of COBIT 2019, seven priority onjectives were found to have a target capability level 4, which is 80% namely APO13, BAI04, DSS01, DSS02, DSS03, DSS04, and DSS05. Then, the capability level calculation was conducted, and the priority onbjectives were determined as follows: APO13 achieved capability level 5, BAI03 achieved capability level 4, DSS01 achieved capability level 5, DSS02 achieved capability level 5, DSS03 achieved capability level 4, DSS04 achieved capability level 5, and DSS05 acvieved capability level 4, with a rating of fully achieved for the process activity category.
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The development of information technology today has had a significant impact on various aspects of human life, including in the industrial sector. One example is the integration of information technology in company operations to use it as a supporting tool for sending data and information which is the main reference for organizational management in decision making. To measure the level of capability of the IT system used, companies can use the COBIT 2019 framework, which not only helps in assessing the suitability of IT systems, but also provides recommendations for solutions to problems faced by the company. For example, research results show that problems related to data backup failures have been identified in Domain DSS01, with recommended solutions such as implementing policies related to information security from outsourced employees, establishing internal management processes, setting up timely incident tickets, and implementing recommendations to overcome non-compliance.