Figure 1 - uploaded by Abdullah Kaya
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Ascocarp (a), asci and paraphyses (b) and ascospores (c) of Octospora neerlandica (bars: a-1 mm, b,c-10 μm)
Source publication
The bryophillic ascomycete species, Octospora neerlandica Benkert & Brouwer, is reported as a new record from Turkey, based on the identification of the samples collected from Niğde province. A brief description and photographs, related to the macroscopy and microscopy of the species, are provided.
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... Nikon Eclipse Ci-S trinocular microscope was used for microscopic investigation and a DS-Fi2 digital camera was used to get microstructural photographs. The sample was identified with the help of Benkert and Brouwer (2004 Macroscopic and microscopic features: Apothecium 1.8 mm, margin fimbriate, membranaceous, hymenial surface pinkish-orange to pale orange ( Figure 1a), outside portion somewhat paler. Asci 210-290 13-18 μm, cylindrical, 8-spored, spores uniseriate Paraphyses slender, generally straight, some slightly curved, enlarged up to 3-7 μm, at the apex (Figure 1b). ...
Context 2
... sample was identified with the help of Benkert and Brouwer (2004 Macroscopic and microscopic features: Apothecium 1.8 mm, margin fimbriate, membranaceous, hymenial surface pinkish-orange to pale orange ( Figure 1a), outside portion somewhat paler. Asci 210-290 13-18 μm, cylindrical, 8-spored, spores uniseriate Paraphyses slender, generally straight, some slightly curved, enlarged up to 3-7 μm, at the apex (Figure 1b). Ascopores 16-18 11-12.8 ...
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