FIG 2 - uploaded by Carmen Aranegui
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Archaeological plan of Lixus, incorporating the interpretation proposed here. (Drawing: Ricardo Mar.)
Source publication
Questo articolo riesamina il lavoro di M. Ponsich, pubblicato nel 1981, sul centro monumentale di Lixus (Morocco). Egli interpretava le strutture trovate negli scavi iniziati da Tarradell nel 1948 come un ínsieme di santuari tra loro legati e databili principalmente in epoca romana. Il nuovo esame dei resti conservati insieme con i più recenti scav...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... 70 km south of Tangier a hill rises 85 m above sea level (FIG. 2). This is the site of Lixus, close to modern Larache (Tarradell, 1959). The remains found date from the Phoenician (eighth-sixth centuries BCE), Punic (fifth-third centuries BCE), Mauretanian (second century BCE-CE 50), Roman (first-sixth centuries CE) and Islamic (twelfth-fifteenth centuries CE) periods. Excavations were carried out in ...
Context 2
... abundant in Morocco and particularly in Lixus (Piccot-Boube, 1960;Boube-Piccot, 1975: nos. 63-74), fits neatly into this picture. The examples from Lixus were found in burnt levels in the area of the Houses of Mars and Rhea and of Helios (so-called because of their mosaics), which are some distance from the palace and in a higher part of the site (FIG. 2: 'Roman Houses'). None the less, the couches, tables and bronze candelabra that were found there would have been appropriate in the setting of the interior of the palatial residence described here, and in fact may have been found in secondary contexts. Only the mask of Oceanus (Boube-Piccot, 1969: 307-9) definitely comes from the palace area and dates, ...
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... Despite a few bureaucratic problems, several projects went ahead. The most important was the involvement of Spanish archaeologists in the excavation of Lixus from 1995 (AAVV 2001(AAVV , 2005(AAVV , 2010Aranegui and Mar 2009). ...
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